Thursday, January 10, 2013

Welcome to Thankful Thursday - January 10, 2013

Let the righteous rejoice in the LORD 
and take refuge in him;
 let all the upright in heart praise him!
Psalm 64:10

Evening Sweet Peas............

So what's your weather like where you
 live?? My header picture probably looks 
way more like your weather than mine.

  Hey, Is it Winter??? 
 It has been 80 degrees here this week 
in the day time. Too warm for this girl
 for this time of year!!

But my week has been good, not real exciting, just consisting 
of getting Christmas stuff down and trying to get the house
 back together and the typical household chores, but  that's 
fine by me.  Still working on redecorating, hoping to make
 lots of progress tomorrow......
So............let's get started, shall we....................

I am thankful
for some fun Winter/Christmas looking finds we 
found when we went to Kohl's last night to take
back a Christmas gift that didn't fit.
Some beautiful mercury glass items.
and ...........
my hubby found this brownish red metal rooster 
at Ross for $10.99,  and just had to bring it home, 
 he said it looked like it was starving and he
 needed to fatten it up!!  lol
He is so cute!  I meant the Rooster, just kidding,
course, he is cute too in an artsy type way!
Will have to show him to you soon.

I am thankful
for Table Top Tuesday and for one of the
bloggers who have the same exact terrarium
that I rec'd as a christmas gift.  I loved mine,
but wasn't quite sure what to put in it, other
than plants,  and I checked out pinterest and
BHG, but all the ones I saw had plants in them,
saw 2 that had miniature things but the pics
were so small, couldn't really see what was in
 them.  So was very happy this blogger posted
 hers, as it gave me some ideas for mine,
and I am very happy with the results, some
of which I got last night that I was talking
about in #1..............

I am thankful
for a wonderful book we are reading by
Randy Alcorn called "Heaven".  It is all based 
on scripture, so if you think we are just gonna
be floating around on clouds strumming a harp,
 or you don't have a very good idea of what
 heaven will be like, You might like to read it, 
It is very inciteful......
No one can know everything about it for sure,
since scripture says " "No eye has seen, no ear has heard,
 no mind has conceived what God has prepared for
 those who love him"--
1 Corinthians 2:9
but the bible sure does give us some
 great glimpses.

 posterized affect.

I am thankful
that we are going to Dee and Jerry's to do a 
belated birthday celebration for Jerry this coming
 Saturday. Will be great to see them and  to see
some changes they have made to their home.
So looking forward to it...........

I am thankful
for a really long phone chat I had with a sweet
friend today,  very unlifting and encouraging
for sure................

I am thankful
that we were able to start back to exercising
this week,  and it seems to be going well so
far, course, I am taking it slow and easy!!  lol

I am thankful
that I am down to only 1 Ibuprophen a day now.
That's real progress

I am thankful
for a new chicken salad sub we learned about 
this week.  You can get a chicken salad sub or 
just get the chicken salad and it is delicious. 
 You can get it at Publix Supermarket and it
 is called " Savory tarragon Chicken breast
salad."  It is really really good!!

I am thankful
for the lovely lady (Publix employee) who
recommended it to us,  and was so sweet
to send us a sample so we could try it.
Really love when I see people really doing 
there jobs well and going above and
 beyond..........that is so refreshing!!

I am thankful
that we were sent one more Christmas 
movie from Netflix,  and we watched it last
night .........."The Christmas Card",  if you
haven't seen it... get it anyway,  it is a lovely
story.........and especially if you are a
 hopeless Romantic,  you will love it!!

Winter look for last year.

I am thankful
that our previous Pastor and his wife who
have stayed with us the last 2 years, was able
to stay with another family this year,  so we
will still get to see them.  Unfortunately, we
were not able to host them this year, as that
will be right when our New Granddaughter
 should be making her entrance into our lives!!

I am thankful
for my Mom's simple yet wonderful fruit salad
recipe that she used to make when we were kids.
  I made some today and it was sooo good.  Some
times I forget how great it is till I make it again.

The recipe is very simple.

Mom's simple fruit salad recipe

Cut up an apple in a bowl, I used a Honey Crisp apple 
(Have you ever had those?  Oh my gosh they are 
so delicious, and I am not an apple eater unless they
are in fruit salad, but I love these.) Typically, I 
would use a red delicious or gala apple.

Cut up a navel orange (they are seedless) and add to
the bowl.
 (if it isn't about the same amount as the apple
you might want to add another one.

slice up a banana and add to the cut up apple and
 orange (again balance with the other fruit)

add 1/2 cup of orange juice to the bowl of fruit

Throw some flaked coconut in the bowl and mix
it all up. (this was my addition to it)

Then add some chopped pecans on top.


Usually 1 of each fruit is enough, and would be
enough for 2 people.

It's Friday...............but just had to come 
back and add a 
                  #13.......... because
I am so thankful
for the gorgeous sunshiney day we have 
out there today, it is a gloriously beautiful blue skies with just a few
wispy white clouds, with a gentle breeze
blowing............I was able to sit outside
for a lil bit, and it has been some time ago,
as we have had nothing but cloudy skies
for quite awhile now, so it was incredibly
wonderful, and transported me to spring,
as it felt just like a spring day.
A delightful and exquiste gift from my
Heavenly Father!  Loved it DAD!
So guess I have to take back what I said 
earlier,  lol  

Well, that's a wrap...........
Hope you have lots of things to be 
thankful for this week too, and if you
 feel so inclined would love to hear a
few of them!

Thanks for your visit, always great
hearing from you.

Love, Hugs,  and
Happy Simple Blessings,


  1. It is going to be in the 70's here this weekend...I could get used to that! I like cold weather when I can be inside, bundled up with some hot coffee, not a fan of cold weather. Your recipe sounds yummy! We were planning on getting back to exercising this week, guess what.....maybe next week..LOL!
    Hope your weekend is wonderful!

  2. Here in Spain, close to the Mediterranean sea, the weather is mild although humid. We normally have sunny days, bright and beautiful.
    Happy New Year Nelly :)

  3. Rain, rain, rain here....melting all our snow. Had an odd night last night - with at least 5 dreams that I can remember.

    I'm still pecking away at putting away Christmas. I keep running into all the extra Christmas stuff I didn't even put out this year and getting a little sidetracked by (and discouraged about) all the "stuff" I've collected.

    Ladies' Bible study this morning. Wondering if anyone will be there. So much sickness. I already know 2 who won't come.

    Reading back over this, I sound a little "down", but I'm really not :)

    Happy Friday to you, Nellie.

  4. #1. That's like me with a passed gift card. The store really didn't have any clothes line I liked so I bought a rooster. It is blown glass and has a beautiful red glass cone and waddle!
    #2. Isn't it great when we find out these things. As you know, I'm still trying to get more "picture" space on my blog. I started a new blog, but it falls under the same limitation, oh well.
    #3. Isn't it amazing what man on earth strives for (like gold.) Gold is going to the asphalt in Heaven, ha!
    #4. I'm thankful for the joy of family celebrations!
    #5. Is that why I couldn't get through, ha! No, I'm only kidding!
    #6. I've been doing better since the weather has warmed up. The cold we have had surely had my knee and left foot aching with "arthur."
    #7. I've gotten up to 2 TBSP of the cocnut oil a day!
    #8. I'll have to try that! Sounds delicious. I really like the Boston Coffee House's chicken salad too!
    #9. I have noticed lately I have had more of the employees at Publix asking me if they can help me find something (even the guys!)
    #10. I just finished watching "The 12 Dogs of Christmas" from Netflix! It was great!
    #11. I'm so thankful they are still able to visit with our church.
    #12. Didn't our moms make some great food. It is also great with walnuts!
    Have a great Friday! I love you all so much, Susan

  5. What a smiley sunshiny post Nellie, Your thankful heart always blesses me so much! What a blessing you are. God loves a thankful heart, goodness knows! He certainly hears a lot of complaining children, and no wonder He sent you those beautiful azure skies.
    Sorry I missed yesterday's post, Loved your white dishes, I have been thinking about getting some. the bead work is so pretty
    Enjoy your weekend.


  6. Hi Nellie,
    We are getting warm weather here in NC too! I think our temps have topped out in the 70's this week, it sure is beautiful but I can't help but some wintry weather before spring;) It's my favorite!

    So glad you are doing a bit better, continue taking care of yourself...
    Here are some of my thankfuls for the week:
    1. The healing of a young girl in my hometown: the doctors found a massive tumor on this girl's brain and as they went in for emergency surgery the tumor was GONE. TALK ABOUT A GOD THING. So many people were praying for her in our community and HE LISTENED. Why are we ever surprised?
    2. Thankful for My sweet family for working hard on our upcoming baby shower.
    3. A new book I am reading "FOllowing God with All Your Heart" by Elizabeth George...great book.
    4. Our youth pastor and his daughter...they are such an inspiration and blessing to me and he has volunteered to started a class that I am hoping will help my younger brother overcome a lot of issues he is struggling with. Help me pray about this ladies!:)
    5. The little baby flipping around and all the movement I get to feel:) Somehow I think the Lord uses this to make my love for him grow everyday!
    -I could go on and on but I will just share these five today!
    Thanks again Nellie for this inspiring weekly post:)

  7. Hi Nellie, Your fruit salad sounds good and easy. I love Honey Crisp apples - my favorite kind. I like the snow picture but even more I'd like your 80 degree days! Guess I'd need to move for that to happen. Or wait till June! My son lives in our city, and my daughter lives in Texas. Glad to have one close by, anyway! Have a great week Nellie.
    xo Beth

  8. Nellie

    I have read the book Heaven too. I is a wonderful book.

    80 degrees is a lot too warm for me. Today it was 21 when we woke up. That is very cold for us.

    Thanks for your comments on my blog. I am praying for the girl that wrote that and hope all these years later that she is not the same person.

    Blessings & Love


Special thanks to all who take the time to leave comments..........They are very encouraging and very appreciated. I enjoy every one of them so much!!
May the Lord Bless You!!

Scripture Sunday

  Hope you are finding rest for your soul today!! Hugs, Nellie