Thursday, January 17, 2013

Welcome to Thankful Thursday - January 17, 2013

Scenes from last year this time!

Devote yourselves to prayer, 
being watchful and thankful.
Colossians  4:2

Greetings Sweet Friends,

Hope you have had a great week!

Mine has been very good,  seems like it has just
flown by,  can't believe tomorrow is Friday
already, and that we are half way thru 
January already too the time
does fly.......................

I am thankful
that my house is finally back to normal other
than a few things that I still need to put away,
that are stashed for now in the guest bedroom.

I am thankful
for the phone call of a dear friend of 40 years
that I have only emailed with for awhile,  she
has really gone thru a very hard time,  but seems
to be doing pretty well inspite of it,  and she
sounded just the same, and still has her wonder-
ful sense of humor.  She is such a sweetie, and 
her phone call was such a delight. We will be
 doing that more often now.

I am thankful
for that new store we found, that I told you about 
yesterday.  Always fun to find something new.

I am thankful
for the things we are learning, and that we are
having such a great time with our Sunday School 

class.  We have some really sweet students.
We are doing a video series by Andy Stanley
called" Staying in Love",  it is really good.

I am thankful
for Insurance, health, dental, home, auto and life 
Insurance.  Sometimes they can seem a nuisance, 
like now, as we have a claim that should have been
 paid but wasn't but we could have none at all and
 that would be way good to have 
it especially when it is really needed.....................

I am thankful
for my washer and dryer.... What if we had to beat 
our clothes on rocks down by the pond,  or use a
 wringer washing machine??  I remember years ago
 when I just didn't have a dryer and had to hang
 everything outside, what a long wash day that made, 
and really bad if it rained on the weekend when I did
 my laundry all day,  after working all week outside
 the home.
  Great inventions I might add!! lol

I am thankful
for my life,  it is great to be alive and that in and
of itself is a blessing,  but I also love my life and
wouldn't trade it for anyone else's, and that is
really a blessing.

I am thankful
to be able to sit for long spells and work on
cards again.............feel like I am starting all
over again with my new card package, but
will just need a lil practice and it should all
come back quickly,  I hope!!  lol
Just finished designing a new card front for
 a young ladies birthday, and very pleased 
with the outcome, so am encouraged.

I am thankful
that we were able to go for a nice brisk
walk tonight.  It felt so good,  but towards
the end I was feeling it a bit,  but think
it will be fine.   It has been quite a while
since we have done that too.

I am thankful
that we had such a fun time at Dee and
Jerry's last Saturday,  I got about 31/2 hrs.
of one on one time with her, then the rest
of the family came, so it was a great time
had by all................

I am thankful
that is has cooled off tonight,  right now  it is 54  but
tonight, it is going to 40 and will be a high of 66 degrees
tomorrow,  but then Sat. it will be back to 74 
degrees............go figure!!
One cold day is better than none... lol

I am thankful
for the opportunity to help someone that
needed help tonight, and that is always a blessing.

Know it is Friday morning but 
 just went to visit Cindy over at Dwellings,  and 
she had a great post,  so I just had to come
back and make it my 
I am thankful
for this wonderful post that she did and the
wonderful message of it all.  Hope you will
go by and check it out for yourself,  you won't
 be sorry I promise!  and make sure to watch
 the video, it is astoundingly wonderful!
Just click here

This will help you understand why I love my

life so much....................

Well, those are my thankfuls 
for the week, trust that you
 have a few of your own.

Thanks for droppin' by,
look forward to hearing from you.

Have a Fabulous Friday
 and a Wonderful  Weekend,

Love, Hugs, and
 Cool Weather Blessings,


  1. So sweet Nellie! I too am VERY thankful for washers & dryers...whew, hard work now, even harder back in the day!
    So many things to be thankful for!!!

  2. You know I always enjoy your thankful list! I get so busy reading that I forget about your beautiful photos, and I find myself going back to look at them. ~smile~Your home is beautiful. I like the checked table cloth, and have been looking a red one for me. Thanks for sharing.

  3. hi Nellie.

    what a pretty center piece for your table.

    we got lots of rain and then 3 inches of snow.. I'm so glad all my holiday stuff got put away right after the new year.

    I'm mighty thankful to be in a warm cozy home with a fresh cup of joe and the fireplace keeping it toasty.. we are so very blessed.


  4. Nellie

    What a great list of thankfuls.

    I am thankful for my washer and dryer too. But I still like to hang out my sheets in the summer time. When my two oldest were in diapers I used to hang out diapers every other day.

    Our son will be down this weekend so I am looking forward to spending time with the family. I can't wait to see the grandkids.

    Einstein is still a challenge for me. But we are getting him on a schedule. I still feel like a new mom that has to get up a couple times a night. I think God placed him in my life for a reason. And that reason is to relax and love him. It takes the focus off all my issues.

    Have a great weekend my friend!

  5. Hi Nellie,
    Thanks for finding my blog now I have found you. I am a new follower. Your blog is just like it says warm and cozy. I love to visit here. Thanks for your sweet comments on my blog.

  6. #1. That's me. After they finished my floors, I was able to get everything back where it was. It's so nice to have my kitchen counters cleared again!
    #2. It's great when the LORD has our friendships with others for so many years! Sylvia's and my friendship is going on 30 years!
    #3. Did you see the new Dollar Store that is going in next to the old Winn Dixie (closed now) plaza! It is huge!
    #4. I have really been enjoying my class since I don't have to be in the sound booth anymore!
    #5. Yes! (my floors!) I'm suppose to be getting back the $1,000.00 deductible since the heater was defective!
    #6. I remember the wringers, ha! I still need to get a new dryer. I want to go to a scratch and dent, but there are none around us anymore!
    #7. Isn't it great to be content as Paul mentions in Philipians 4!I always think, "I am thankful for who I am, where I am, & how I am!" When I want to "gripe' about something, I say to myself, "Nope, you are greatly blessed, Susan." There are many others who are are in greater difficulty!
    #8. I just made some birthday cards to mail to each of the ladies in my Bible study class. I had cardboard bookmarkers I put in their cards last year. This year I have little magnetic bookmarkers that clasp over the page!
    #9. I had a brisk walk today, down to the mailbox and back in the cold air with the wind blowing all over, ha!
    #10. I always love the family gatherings!
    #11. I enjoy the cool, but not the cold, ha!
    #12. Isn't it a great feeling!!
    #13. Thank you for sharing this!
    Love to you all, Susan

  7. Great list this week Nellie! Love your photos. Growing up we didn't have a dryer either and my mom was forever hanging the clothes on lines in the basement near our furnace or out in the back yard. One time someone walked into our back yard and stole my jeans! About 3 pairs! They were designer jeans that I used my birthday money to buy. :( Enjoy your weekend!

  8. You are so filled with gratitude and that in itself is a blessing. Very cold here - below 0 this a.m. No walks today!!! You are a special person and I enjoy visiting.
    Hugs and blessings, Beth

  9. No washer! No way. When ours broke down (it was brand new too!) we had to go a week waiting for the part to come. The wringing out the water by hand was so painful on the wrists. I don't know how people did it. I I never want to find out again.LOL!
    I love all your red checks. It made it all look so cozy.
    Always a pleasure to visit!


Special thanks to all who take the time to leave comments..........They are very encouraging and very appreciated. I enjoy every one of them so much!!
May the Lord Bless You!!

Scripture Sunday

  Let's praise the God of Heaven Every day! Blessings,  Nellie