Thursday, February 28, 2013

Welcome to Thankful Thursday - February 28, 2013 and Valentines Table for two

 Morning Sweet Friends,

How are you today???
Well and happy, I hope!

I'm sure feeling a lot better today after a long
nap yesterday and a good nights sleep,  amazing,
what rest, food and showers do for a person, huh!

I am trying to get this finished up,  it is 4:38 already,
and I started at 9 a.m. Have hardly gotten anything done
 that I can see, but my   I have either been
 emailing or talking on the phone to someone, mostly 
about cars all day.  Did call my SIL and email her and
Dee a few times,  but mostly to hubby and a car
salesman. so that would be my 

I am thankful
that we might be on to a car, or at least we
have someone looking for us,  which is nice.
Seems very nice and honest.

You will see how this turns out below.........

Well,  I am combining my belated Valentine's
pictures with Thankful Thursday like I said I would
yesterday.  So on with my list.................

This was sort of a thrown together last minute use what you
can find sort of table, but thought it wasn't too bad for what


I am thankful
for my sweet Sil Susan.  Today is her birthday.
She is a very sweet, loving and helpful person,
and we love and appreciate her so much.
Happy Birthday Susan,  looking forward
to your celebration here tomorrow night.

From the opposite side, hubby gave me that beautiful
ceramic rose one year on our anniversary.  It looks so real.

I am thankful
for the really wonderful visit from our dear friends,
I am still enjoying the visit in my heart!!

I am thankful
for what a really precious, delightful and encour-
aging friend she is...........and intelligent and helpful.
She is like a flowing fountain of great information,
just waiting to share it with whoever wants to know.

my side of the table

I am thankful
for a lovely comforter set she gave me that she
couldn't use,  it is in mint condition,  and I plan
to use it in my master bedroom when I get the
chance to switch the room around.  Which might
not be for awhile yet,  but especially not till after 
baby comes.......


I am thankful
that our new  health Insurance plan has what they call 
healthcare advocate, meaning that if you have a problem
 with your Ins. not covering something they should,  they
 fight for you!  We have one of those incidents going on 
right now, and he is handling all of what I used to have
 to do.........the last time I had to do this it took me one 
whole entire year to get it resolved due to unhelpful
 individuals at the radiology place.
So what a blessing!!


I am thankful
for DeeAnna offering for us to use her car
and Susan offering as well or to take me 
someplace if I need to go.  So Sweet of
both of them.

A look from the opposite end of the table.

I am thankful
that Megan is doing much better,  and that she
is resting and getting ready for the big day.

hubbies side of the table

I am thankful
for the prayers of God's people for us and our
loved ones as well.  There is nothing like it.

I am thankful
for glasses to wear,  don't know what I would do 
without them...would sure hate to try.  Cause things
are pretty blurry without them, have to say.

With posterized affect

I am thankful
that my friend solved a problem I was having with
my dishwasher out of her storehouse of knowledge.
We call our dishwasher a dish sanitizer because
I have to really clean them before I put them in the
dishwasher, so pretty much all it does is sanitize
them.  All my others I could just scrape them and
throw  or put them in the dishwasher and they came
out clean.  She had a friend who had the same
problem, they realized somehow it was the fact
that they took phosphates out of the detergent.
She brought me some industrial Cascade and
I tried it and what a difference it has made.  You
can also go to Walmart and get something called
"Lemi shine" and add it in with your dishwashing
detergent and get the same results.  I am back
to just scraping them again.............
What a blessings............Thanks again Arlene!!

With colored pencil affect.

I am thankful
that the car I thought we might be getting was sold
to someone else,  I think the Lord knew something
we didn't cause the fellow sent me information early
today and I never got it.........then he called to see if
I rec'd it and what we thought,  and I told him we 
never got it so he sent it again,  and it looked very
promising and then he called right back and said
bad news,  it is already sold.  We are asking the
Lord to weed out any bads ones so...................
think that was the case, and I believe something
better will be along just not sure when!!  lol

With Paint daubs affect

I am thankful
that I have finally gotten to complete this post,
as I have been trying to finish it up off and on
all day.  and I am thankful that you take the
time to read it....that blesses my heart!!

Thanks so much for stoppin' in,  
always so good to hear from you.
Hope you enjoyed your visit.

Have a super duper Friday
 and Weekend!!

lil cloche I made with a candle holder,
 drinking glass, foam and plastic hearts
and tea light candle

Love, Hugs, and
Very Special Friendship Blessings,

Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Just to say hello and catch you up on things.......

Hello Sweet Friends,

Hope things are going and doing well
with all of you!

Been absent again this week so far,  but 
having a ball............our friends came back
again on Sunday evening and left this morning
not long before noon.  It was just such a sweet
and refreshing surprise, and we enjoyed it so
very much.  A very nice break in routine.

Thanks to all of you that prayed for Megan,  
she is doing well,  on bed rest, and her Blood
 pressure is down and she is having to stay down
 to keep that swelling in her legs and feet at bay. 
 and of course, we are all still waiting on our lil 
bundle of joy to arrive. Course, the waiting is
 always harder on the expectant MOM.

We haven't found another car yet, cause we
just decided to wait till our sweet company left.  
We did look some over the weekend and online
while they were gone, but will get very serious
 with it now. 

Am a bit tired,  but it is a very good tired,  
I must so happy we have left
overs from Carrabbas last night,  so no cooking
tonight, cause I just feel like throwing my feet
up with a good magazine, cup of joe, and just
vegging out!!

Was gonna show you our Valentine's table,
but just came back to finish this, but now that I
 have finished editing and choosing the pics,  I am
just too tired to finish it , so going to take a nap. 
 I will include them on my Thankful Thursday
 post tomorrow.  So the header pic will have to
serve as a preview of coming attractions.  lol

Have a great rest of the day,
and thanks for dropping by,  
you know how I love to hear
 from you.......

Love, Hugs and 

Saturday, February 23, 2013

Welcome to Thankful Thursday - February 21, 2013

Greetings Sweet Friends,

How are you doing this week?

Know I have not been around since Sunday,
and that is because we had unexpected yet
exciting company and just a lot going on this 
week, as you will read.  So gonna let you
read about it as it is very early Sat. morning,
and I am going back to bed soon as I finish
this post.   lol

Hope all is well with you and yours. So.....
on with Thankful Thursday.

I am thankful
for the warranty that came with our van.
We were having some trouble with the front
passenger side door lock,  and they had to 
replace a part,  and the part and labor came to
 around $500.00,  and they covered it all on the
 warranty, and also covered resetting the door
locks.  I do not like the feature where when you
 pull up somewhere and put your car in park, it
 unlocks your doors automatically.  I feel it is 
unsafe.....cause right after we got the van I was
 sitting in a parking lot waiting on Dee and talking 
on the phone to hubby,  when someone quickly
 opened the door and got in.... nearly gave me a 
heart attack,  but thankfully, the person that got
 in was thankfully, they can reset 
that feature,  so was very happy about that.

I am thankful
that on the way to the car dealership I was
able to go passed where the hospital is that we
will be going to when Megan delivers the baby,
as it is not a direction that I ever go in for the 
most part.  Good to know exactly how to get
there for sure just in case I get called in the
daytime and Jim is not here to drive.  He is
very familiar with that area!!  lol  Course,
now I want have a car to drive as hubby will
have it,  as you will read about below.

I am thankful
that I found some tutorials on the new card
making package I have,  and I learned quite
a bit of new stuff,  and also made some new 
cards,  using the new information.....

I am thankful
for the sweet surprise of unexpected company
this week.  dear long time friends of almost 40
years.  She is just the sweetest and most enjoy-
able, giving person I have ever known, and her
 hubby is also a great guy and he and my hubby
 both work in the technical field, so they have a
 lot in common.  We have just had a wonderful
time,  they left this morning but will be back in
a few days.

I am thankful
that our guest bedroom is all cleaned up now. lol
We have been needed to get in there and nothing
like impending company to get you moving quickly,
it actually didn't take but about an hour and a half,
but thought it would take days, as we had just sort
of used it as a catch all room and it was strewn
everywhere.  Neat as a pin now!!  yea!!

I am thankful
for other things that we got done that have needed
doing as well,  again nothing like incentive!! and
also nice weather,  have been trying to get my
porch chairs done but it has been too cool out.
Tuesday it was 80 degrees, and hot and sunny.
Perfect day for those chairs.

I am thankful
that hubby and I both have been in a throw it
out, clean it out and give it away mode lately.
So we have gotten rid of a lot of stuff,  which
makes us happy campers.

I am thankful
that we got to spend about 3 hours in old
Time Pottery (it is a big store) on Saturday while
 they were working on our car. We rarely go there
anymore cause they are quite a distance away now.
 There prices have really gone up too, I have to say.
 But loved looking around at all there colorful wares,
  cheery and reminds me of spring.
I did manage to find something affordable.  I found
this wonderful poster of a pink Amarillo,  and am
hoping it will look wonderful on our mantle for
Spring...................Just fell in love with it.

I am thankful
that Megan's blood work came back fine today,
or she would have gone to the hospital for a C
section,  as she had high blood pressure when she
 went to the Dr. on Thursday and swelling in her
 legs and feet.  She will go to the Dr. again on 
Monday, so please pray if you feel so led,  that the
 BP and swelling will clear up.  She is to be resting
 until then, and pray she can do that,  as it gets very
boring,  and of course, at this stage very 
uncomfortable as well.

I am thankful
for the fun visit I had  chatting with Megan today
 as she had her first day off from work.  She was
hoping Scott would only have to work half the 
day but it turned out to be all day,  so thought
a visit might help her feel a lil better, and she
said it did help her day go by faster.

I am thankful
that the Lord has a plan for us,  although we don't
know what it is quite yet.  Our other car,  just quit on
 hubby this passed Tuesday.  It is a broken Cam,
whatever that is......... but she is resting in peace, so
 we are in search of another car.

I am thankful
that hubby and I each got one more dental
 procedure out of the way.  More silver fillings
 bit the dust this week.  lol

Well, there you have it ,  
a lil bit late............but better
 than never as they say!!

Well, folks it is back to 
beddie bye land.

Have a Wonderful Weekend,

Love, Hugs,  and 
Sweet Sleepy Blessings,


Sunday, February 17, 2013

Scripture Sunday

Happy Sunday Morning 
Sweet Friends,

Well,  this isn't actually a scripture,  but it is
certainly who the scriptures write about, so 
thought it would qualify.  Someone sent this 
to me this week,  and everytime I read it .......
 I am struck by something different.
If you have never read sure to read it,
and if you have read it again.....cause you 
might be struck by something different too.

by James A. Francis

He was born in an obscure village the child of a peasant woman.

He grew up in still another village
where He worked in a carpenter shop
until He was thirty, and then for three years
He was an itinerant preacher.

He never wrote a book.
He never held an office.
He never had a family.
He never owned a house.
He never went to college.
He never visited a big city.

He never traveled
two hundred miles
from the place
where He was born.

He did none of the things
one usually associates with greatness.
He had no credentials but Himself.

He was only thirty-three when
the tide of public opinion turned against Him.
His friends ran away.
He was turned over to His enemies
and went through the mockery of a trial.

He was nailed to a cross between two thieves.

While He was dying
His executioners gambled for His clothing,
the only property He had on earth.

When He was dead
He was laid in a borrowed grave
through the pity of a friend.

Twenty centuries have come and gone,
and today Jesus is the central figure
of the human race,
the leader of mankind's progress.

All the armies that have ever marched
All the navies that have ever sailed
All the parliaments that have ever sat
All the kings that have ever reigned
put together

Have not affected the life
of mankind on this earth
as much as that
one solitary life.

Have a Wonderful Sunday,

Love, Hugs and 
Restful Blessings,


Thursday, February 14, 2013

Happy Valentine's Day & Thankful Thursday February 14, 2013

The Greatest Love of All Times

   For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only
    son, that whosoever, believes in him, shall not perish but
                                have everlasting life.
                                          John 3:16

        Happy Valentine's Day
                Sweet Peas

So how has your day been so far??
Spreading any love around yet or 
having any spread on you yet??? 
I sure hope so.

Some people hate Valentine's Day, but I say, hey, any 
opportunity to spread some love around sounds like 
a good thing to me!!  Just one more thing to celebrate
as we need to celebrate more than it helps us to overcome all the bad news.
Anybody agree with me on that one???  lol

So Today I am thankful for

1.  Valentine's Day,  we always look forward to that.
and usually I either make a special dinner or we get 
takeout from either Olive Garden or Carrabbas and 
then watch our favorite Romantic comedy, "You've got
Mail".............spells fun for us.........we prefer not to
fight the crowds,  course,  Daytona has bike week
and everywhere for miles around is
So tonight is gonna be a Carrabbas night for us.

2. Those delectable Chocolate chips cookies I got in
the mail on Tuesday. Am limiting myself to 2 a day,
so they last

3.. Some lovely miniature pinky/peach colored azaleas 
hubby brought me on Tuesday night.  I have made my 
kitchen look like spring for a few days anyway.  Cause
the azaleas want last long in the house, so will need to
get them outside and planted  before too long.

4.  Papa John's pizza for din din last night.  We had
planned to grill out,  but it poured,  so we improvised,
and their pizza is always great..............

5.  Dayspring ecards,  they are free,  and I love 
sending them to friends and family, and also love
getting them...........just a nice thing!

6.  the new series we are doing in our Sunday
School class by Andy Stanley again.  It is called
The Monster within",  very humorous but also very
interesting and full of truth.

7.  my lil neice who took a fall on her bike and
 broke her femur leg bone this week.  She had 
 to have surgery as she had what is called
 a spiral break, and they did a relatively new 
 procedure but they say it should heal and be 
stronger than her other leg that was not broken. 
Wow, hope that is really true.  They are thankful
that this was the only problem cause she was
sort of thrown off her bike with such force it
could have been way worse.

8. For email,  as it is so wonderful to be able

 to send out Sweet Valentine messages to my
 family and friends this morning,  and it is such
an  easy way to keep in touch on normal days.

9.  the fact, that my husband loves his job so much,
 that is a tremendous blessing in and of itself,  as
some people go to work daily hating their jobs.
That has to just be awful....................

10.  Dee coming over Monday to do my hair, and 
  getting to visit one on one,  and also she brought me
  this gorgeous silver and white bowl.  She had borrowed
  a crystal bowl to put dip in for Megan's shower and
  accidently  broke it,  if she had told me I would have
  said no big deal, as I have rarely used it and not
  even sure where I got it,  but loved the new one so
  much I am glad she broke it!!   lol
  It is also larger so will probably get used a lot more.
  Will probably show it to you next week,  in a white
  Wed. post.

11.  a  young boy who lives near us with his grandparents.
  He is just the sweetest and most loving  lil guy and he is
  now in middle school,  and still sweet as ever.  We have
  known him since he was about  5, I would say, and he has 
  just  been thru such horrendous things in his life, it just
  breaks your heart, but he is amazing...........and precious.

12.  some yard work we got done yesterday on hubbies
   lunch break.  We have woods all around us,  and they
   are really encroaching on our house  more and more,  
   So they are in dire need of being cut back, and we 
   found it was much easier than we thought it would be,
   so made quite a bit of progress in a very short time,
   and the yard trash workers took it all away this morning,
   and there was quite al ot.. So very happy about that!

   Hope you all have a really Wonderful
      and Fun-Filled Valentine's Day!

   Don't forget to let  your Family and
  Friends know much you love them.....

  Love & hugs, appreciate you Sweet Friends,
         Thanks for coming by..............

Scripture Sunday

  Hope you are finding rest for your soul today!! Hugs, Nellie