Saturday, February 23, 2013

Welcome to Thankful Thursday - February 21, 2013

Greetings Sweet Friends,

How are you doing this week?

Know I have not been around since Sunday,
and that is because we had unexpected yet
exciting company and just a lot going on this 
week, as you will read.  So gonna let you
read about it as it is very early Sat. morning,
and I am going back to bed soon as I finish
this post.   lol

Hope all is well with you and yours. So.....
on with Thankful Thursday.

I am thankful
for the warranty that came with our van.
We were having some trouble with the front
passenger side door lock,  and they had to 
replace a part,  and the part and labor came to
 around $500.00,  and they covered it all on the
 warranty, and also covered resetting the door
locks.  I do not like the feature where when you
 pull up somewhere and put your car in park, it
 unlocks your doors automatically.  I feel it is 
unsafe.....cause right after we got the van I was
 sitting in a parking lot waiting on Dee and talking 
on the phone to hubby,  when someone quickly
 opened the door and got in.... nearly gave me a 
heart attack,  but thankfully, the person that got
 in was thankfully, they can reset 
that feature,  so was very happy about that.

I am thankful
that on the way to the car dealership I was
able to go passed where the hospital is that we
will be going to when Megan delivers the baby,
as it is not a direction that I ever go in for the 
most part.  Good to know exactly how to get
there for sure just in case I get called in the
daytime and Jim is not here to drive.  He is
very familiar with that area!!  lol  Course,
now I want have a car to drive as hubby will
have it,  as you will read about below.

I am thankful
that I found some tutorials on the new card
making package I have,  and I learned quite
a bit of new stuff,  and also made some new 
cards,  using the new information.....

I am thankful
for the sweet surprise of unexpected company
this week.  dear long time friends of almost 40
years.  She is just the sweetest and most enjoy-
able, giving person I have ever known, and her
 hubby is also a great guy and he and my hubby
 both work in the technical field, so they have a
 lot in common.  We have just had a wonderful
time,  they left this morning but will be back in
a few days.

I am thankful
that our guest bedroom is all cleaned up now. lol
We have been needed to get in there and nothing
like impending company to get you moving quickly,
it actually didn't take but about an hour and a half,
but thought it would take days, as we had just sort
of used it as a catch all room and it was strewn
everywhere.  Neat as a pin now!!  yea!!

I am thankful
for other things that we got done that have needed
doing as well,  again nothing like incentive!! and
also nice weather,  have been trying to get my
porch chairs done but it has been too cool out.
Tuesday it was 80 degrees, and hot and sunny.
Perfect day for those chairs.

I am thankful
that hubby and I both have been in a throw it
out, clean it out and give it away mode lately.
So we have gotten rid of a lot of stuff,  which
makes us happy campers.

I am thankful
that we got to spend about 3 hours in old
Time Pottery (it is a big store) on Saturday while
 they were working on our car. We rarely go there
anymore cause they are quite a distance away now.
 There prices have really gone up too, I have to say.
 But loved looking around at all there colorful wares,
  cheery and reminds me of spring.
I did manage to find something affordable.  I found
this wonderful poster of a pink Amarillo,  and am
hoping it will look wonderful on our mantle for
Spring...................Just fell in love with it.

I am thankful
that Megan's blood work came back fine today,
or she would have gone to the hospital for a C
section,  as she had high blood pressure when she
 went to the Dr. on Thursday and swelling in her
 legs and feet.  She will go to the Dr. again on 
Monday, so please pray if you feel so led,  that the
 BP and swelling will clear up.  She is to be resting
 until then, and pray she can do that,  as it gets very
boring,  and of course, at this stage very 
uncomfortable as well.

I am thankful
for the fun visit I had  chatting with Megan today
 as she had her first day off from work.  She was
hoping Scott would only have to work half the 
day but it turned out to be all day,  so thought
a visit might help her feel a lil better, and she
said it did help her day go by faster.

I am thankful
that the Lord has a plan for us,  although we don't
know what it is quite yet.  Our other car,  just quit on
 hubby this passed Tuesday.  It is a broken Cam,
whatever that is......... but she is resting in peace, so
 we are in search of another car.

I am thankful
that hubby and I each got one more dental
 procedure out of the way.  More silver fillings
 bit the dust this week.  lol

Well, there you have it ,  
a lil bit late............but better
 than never as they say!!

Well, folks it is back to 
beddie bye land.

Have a Wonderful Weekend,

Love, Hugs,  and 
Sweet Sleepy Blessings,



  1. Praying for a safe delivery of that precious babe.

  2. #1. I pray they can put a different lock system on your van too. That might be a great recommendation concerning safety you can write about to the company.
    #2. If it comes to that, let me know and I can drive you!
    #3. I am anxious to buy a package of your new card sales! When I use them, I'll be sure to "advertize" them when I send the cards to the people for their special ocassion!
    #4. Friends, what a great blessing from the LORD! I feel this way about Alice and Sylvia! (for 29 years!)
    #5. Don't I know it! That's how I feel when using the wide sweep for the laminate floors. It only takes a few minutes compared to vacuuming!
    #6. I've got to do that with the dogs' bowl holder lifts.
    #7. I love the saying, "What's one man's junk in another man's treasure!" Isn't it amazing what can be collected over the years!
    #8. My first reading of that was "a pink armadillo!" I thought,
    "Is Nellie going wild nature on me!" LOL! I guess being with my "zoo," I have animals on the brain, ha!
    #9. Megan and Brooklyn continue to be in my prayers!
    #10. Good! (For mom and grandmom!)
    #11. I guess that means there is not much for a trade-in! You can probably get more for it from a junk yard that can use the parts off of it.
    #12. The next time I see you I won't be blinded by golden teeth will I! I shouldn't joke about teeth, that's not much fun. I'm sorry!

    I'm so blessed to read your Thankful Thursdays! Love, Susan.

  3. What a busy week you've had! "Incentive". I like that word and could use a little myself :)

    Sounds like everything is done but the waiting for that new baby. What fun lies ahead for all of you...

  4. Nellie

    Praying for a safe delivery for Megan. I bet you are so excited. I thought maybe that is why you were not blogging.
    i hope all works out with you car repairs and pray your hubbys dental procedure goes well.

    Have a good week!
    Blessings & Love

  5. Happy you got to enjoy time with your friends. Praying Megan will do wonderfully!!!

  6. You've been a bit busy, huh? Same here...everyone except Kris is sick...not too fun with sick 20 month old, but so thankful that today I am out of a lot of my pain.

    I'll be praying for Megan and your car situation. So thankful that God is busy doing exceedingly and abundantly above all we can ask or think...haven't hardly been able to think!!! LOL!
    Love ya!

  7. I pray for you and your family. Lots of love from Spain :)

  8. Hello Nellie Darling,

    I am thankful I have a caring friend like you. Luv, thanks so much for stopping by my cottage and for you sweet comment. Life health-wise has not been too kind to me. I am hoping to be able to post as regularly as possible, fingers crossed.

    Take care, 'til we talk again



  9. Glad you had such a wonderful time with your friends. I will definitely be praying that Megan has a safe delivery.


Special thanks to all who take the time to leave comments..........They are very encouraging and very appreciated. I enjoy every one of them so much!!
May the Lord Bless You!!

Thankful Thursday March 27, 2025, and pictures of Charleston SC

I pray that out of his glorious riches he may strengthen you with power through his Spirit in your inner being, so that Christ may dwell in ...