Thursday, February 28, 2013

Welcome to Thankful Thursday - February 28, 2013 and Valentines Table for two

 Morning Sweet Friends,

How are you today???
Well and happy, I hope!

I'm sure feeling a lot better today after a long
nap yesterday and a good nights sleep,  amazing,
what rest, food and showers do for a person, huh!

I am trying to get this finished up,  it is 4:38 already,
and I started at 9 a.m. Have hardly gotten anything done
 that I can see, but my   I have either been
 emailing or talking on the phone to someone, mostly 
about cars all day.  Did call my SIL and email her and
Dee a few times,  but mostly to hubby and a car
salesman. so that would be my 

I am thankful
that we might be on to a car, or at least we
have someone looking for us,  which is nice.
Seems very nice and honest.

You will see how this turns out below.........

Well,  I am combining my belated Valentine's
pictures with Thankful Thursday like I said I would
yesterday.  So on with my list.................

This was sort of a thrown together last minute use what you
can find sort of table, but thought it wasn't too bad for what


I am thankful
for my sweet Sil Susan.  Today is her birthday.
She is a very sweet, loving and helpful person,
and we love and appreciate her so much.
Happy Birthday Susan,  looking forward
to your celebration here tomorrow night.

From the opposite side, hubby gave me that beautiful
ceramic rose one year on our anniversary.  It looks so real.

I am thankful
for the really wonderful visit from our dear friends,
I am still enjoying the visit in my heart!!

I am thankful
for what a really precious, delightful and encour-
aging friend she is...........and intelligent and helpful.
She is like a flowing fountain of great information,
just waiting to share it with whoever wants to know.

my side of the table

I am thankful
for a lovely comforter set she gave me that she
couldn't use,  it is in mint condition,  and I plan
to use it in my master bedroom when I get the
chance to switch the room around.  Which might
not be for awhile yet,  but especially not till after 
baby comes.......


I am thankful
that our new  health Insurance plan has what they call 
healthcare advocate, meaning that if you have a problem
 with your Ins. not covering something they should,  they
 fight for you!  We have one of those incidents going on 
right now, and he is handling all of what I used to have
 to do.........the last time I had to do this it took me one 
whole entire year to get it resolved due to unhelpful
 individuals at the radiology place.
So what a blessing!!


I am thankful
for DeeAnna offering for us to use her car
and Susan offering as well or to take me 
someplace if I need to go.  So Sweet of
both of them.

A look from the opposite end of the table.

I am thankful
that Megan is doing much better,  and that she
is resting and getting ready for the big day.

hubbies side of the table

I am thankful
for the prayers of God's people for us and our
loved ones as well.  There is nothing like it.

I am thankful
for glasses to wear,  don't know what I would do 
without them...would sure hate to try.  Cause things
are pretty blurry without them, have to say.

With posterized affect

I am thankful
that my friend solved a problem I was having with
my dishwasher out of her storehouse of knowledge.
We call our dishwasher a dish sanitizer because
I have to really clean them before I put them in the
dishwasher, so pretty much all it does is sanitize
them.  All my others I could just scrape them and
throw  or put them in the dishwasher and they came
out clean.  She had a friend who had the same
problem, they realized somehow it was the fact
that they took phosphates out of the detergent.
She brought me some industrial Cascade and
I tried it and what a difference it has made.  You
can also go to Walmart and get something called
"Lemi shine" and add it in with your dishwashing
detergent and get the same results.  I am back
to just scraping them again.............
What a blessings............Thanks again Arlene!!

With colored pencil affect.

I am thankful
that the car I thought we might be getting was sold
to someone else,  I think the Lord knew something
we didn't cause the fellow sent me information early
today and I never got it.........then he called to see if
I rec'd it and what we thought,  and I told him we 
never got it so he sent it again,  and it looked very
promising and then he called right back and said
bad news,  it is already sold.  We are asking the
Lord to weed out any bads ones so...................
think that was the case, and I believe something
better will be along just not sure when!!  lol

With Paint daubs affect

I am thankful
that I have finally gotten to complete this post,
as I have been trying to finish it up off and on
all day.  and I am thankful that you take the
time to read it....that blesses my heart!!

Thanks so much for stoppin' in,  
always so good to hear from you.
Hope you enjoyed your visit.

Have a super duper Friday
 and Weekend!!

lil cloche I made with a candle holder,
 drinking glass, foam and plastic hearts
and tea light candle

Love, Hugs, and
Very Special Friendship Blessings,


  1. #1. Your Valentine table is cute. Is that a Beenie Baby Bear?
    #2. Thank you, Nellie! I'm looking so forward to our time together tomorrow!
    #3. Such a blessing that all of you have know one another for so many years!
    #4. Isn't that great! That's how I am with Alice when I need to know about medical "stuff." LOL!
    #5. I can hardly wait to see it when you do!
    #6. I e-mailed Frank today. Wendy is suppose to send me the info about the medical plan his family is on (not Medi-share)
    #6. That's because we love you so much!
    #7. I hope Brooklyn's ready to come into the world on the 5th.
    #8. AMEN!
    #9. Yes siree! I'm glad I got my new ones. The old ones had become quite blurry!
    #10. What a great idea fr us all!
    #11. The car He has for you is going to be just right for you!
    #12. I would never miss your Thankful Thursdays! They are such a blessing to me!
    Love you all, Susan

  2. Hi! I am thankful for your visits! I need to read back and find out what happened to your car. I hope you find one soon. The table looks very festive. It sounds as if you have been busy. I'm not sure where the time goes, but I seem to always be behind in my visits around Blogland!

  3. Hi Nellie!
    Such a pretty Valentine's table. So glad you daughter is getting good rest. Hope everything goes wonderful with your new car search & sale. Can't wait to see your new nice!

    I appreciate you...always such a sweetie!!!

  4. Hi Nellie, What a lovely post; I've been so busy that it has been hard getting around to visit everyone! I always love seeing what you are up to. Enjoy that nice warm weather and so many blessings in your life.
    Hugs, Noreen

  5. Enjoyed some time this morning catching up with you! Glad to hear your girl is okay. When exactly is she due? You must be so excited! I have the same problem with our dishwasher and my hubby said it was the same thing. He purchased me something to add to my dishwasher each time I run it and most of the time I forget. Silly. Thank you for your comments and concern. I am doing much better. I still get very tired if I do too much and I'm having a hard time just learning to slow down and rest. Not sure if you saw my blog post yesterday, but my hubby is leaving again in a few days. He's heading back to Afghanistan. We had no clue and it has come as quite a shock to us, and for him to leave to soon. He'll be in Arizona and then Texas for about a month and then be able to come home for a few days and then back out to Ft. Dix before he leaves for overseas. Just not too sure of some of the dates and time. Hope you have a nice Monday!

  6. Just popped over to see if you had found a car or had any other news! Hope all is well with you.


Special thanks to all who take the time to leave comments..........They are very encouraging and very appreciated. I enjoy every one of them so much!!
May the Lord Bless You!!

Thankful Thursday March 27, 2025, and pictures of Charleston SC

I pray that out of his glorious riches he may strengthen you with power through his Spirit in your inner being, so that Christ may dwell in ...