Friday, March 29, 2013

Welcome to Thankful Thursday - March 28, 2013

Good Friday Greetings to you all.............

Hope you have had a good week and that you are 
looking forward to Easter Sunday............for all the
right reasons.  It is Friday........but Sunday is coming!

It has been a good week here and we are looking
forward to a great weekend ahead............
Hope the same for you.  I did a bit of a different 
format today,  due to lack of time, didn't think
you would mind.

so guess I will get started now.........

I am thankful that today (Good Friday) is my birthday,

 I am thankful to be 61 years old today and still in pretty

I am thankful for all the sweet well wishes I have
 already recieved via phone, cards, ecards and facebook.
I tell you facebook really makes you feel like a celebrity
on your birthday.

I am thankful that I am gonna get to go visit our lil 
darling here in an hour or so.  She is the best birthday
gift there could ever be.

I am thankful that I get to celebrate with Dee and
Jerry tonight and then with the whole family on 
Easter Sunday!

I am thankful for my life and thankful for my
sweet husband, children and in love children,
Sister in law, and now our precious lil baby 

I am incredibly thankful for what the Lord Jesus Christ 
did on the cross for me,  and for all who believe in Him,
and what He did for us! Since we are all born sinners
in need of a Savior,  I asked Him,  to be my Savior, and
Lord, and my life has never been the same.........
only better than I could have ever dreamed it would be.
Oh, not that I don't have any problems,  but I have
someone to walk through those problems with me.

I am thankful that through what he did on the cross He
saved me from Hell................

I am thankful that thru what he did on the cross,  I
became a child of God and now have eternal life,
and when I die I will reside in heaven with Him.

I am thankful that he saved my marriage when we
were at the 10 year mark,  and it has gotten better
year after year,  and we are working on 43 years.

I am thankful that Jesus saved me from myself,
 and my selfish ways,  and changed my wantor,
He has changed my heart to not want to do some
of the things I used to, and also changed my heart
to want to do the things He would have me do.
He has made me a joyful, thankful, happy,  patient,
 loving person.  Oh I still have plenty of faults, but 
the Lord is always working on those........
so I am not as good as I am gonna be, but I sure
 am nothing like I used to be..........
All christians, as I am sure you probably know
 are not perfect, but we are a work in progress!
Thank the Lord!!

I am thankful that Jesus isn't just my Savior, and Lord but
 He is also my Healer and Friend.  He has healed me many 
times, from different issues, physically and emotionally. 
 He is also my Best Friend in the whole world, I can share
 all my joys and delights with him, all my sorrows or
 problems,  and really anything that is on my heart or mind.
He is always there 24/7............

I am thankful that the offer of eternal life is not just for
me and those I love,  but it is open to any and everyone,
who ever shall come to Him, he will in no way cast out.  
What a Savior and What a God!
Jesus is truly the Hope of the World!!

I hope on this Easter Sunday Weekend,  you will
think about who Jesus is.........and what He has done
for you,  and if you don't know Him as Savior and
Lord,  that you might think about what it might mean
to your life if you open the door to embracing Him!
It will forever change you for the better,  I can
promise and I can also tell you that you will never 
regret that choice..................
If you would like more 
information,  you can always go to my sidebar
where it says contact me,  and I would happily
answer your email.

Thanks for stopping in,

Always great to hear from you


May you have a Wonderfully Blest Easter
all because of HIM!!

Love and Hugs,


  1. Happy Birthday - God bless you! (I see how much he HAS!) ♥

  2. GOD's blessings on you this day, and thanks be to our GOD and Christ's Great Love for mankind!

    Pretty good shape? You're in great shape! Pretty too! I'd say you look about 29!

    It is so wonderful when there are so many people who love and remember your special day!

    What a wonderful birthday gift, your sweet little granddaughter!

    Amen! The LORD is so Good with His Presence in our family get togethers. Enjoy your birthday at Jerry and DeeAnna's!

    AMEN with the family thankfuls! Praise our LORD GOD that He is in our mist!

    Jesus' promise is, "I'll never leave you nor forsake you!" I can hardly wait for what He has prepared for all of those that love and have Him as our savior!

    As Paul in his writings said, "To die is gain, so let us run the good race!"

    43 years! Where has the time gone!
    Praise Almighty GOD for all of our works in progress! I praise our LORD for you every day, Nellie! Love to you all, Susan

  3. Happy Birthday, my sweet friend. I hope it is delightful for you. Happy Easter as well. Happy Baby. I could go on and on. We are waiting for Jen and her four girls and hubby to arrive soon. Should be less than two hours. I haven't seen the grandies in six months. So expects to see changes.

    We are planning a trip in May back east. Starting point is Charleston. If you have any favorite things to do there let me know if you get a minute. We are also going to Savannah and then heading up Rhode Island in a rental car.

    Well I'm on my iPad and need to get up and finish getting ready. Love and happiness to the hole family. Kiss that little precious one from her, Aunt Bonnie.

  4. I wanted to pop in and wish you the best of birthdays! Your weekend will be wonderful for so many reasons. This post was inspiring and I hope your Easter Sunday is filled with love, peace and joy.

  5. Oh happy birthday!! You are so blessed to have such peace and thankfulness. So many are constantly searching. Have a blessed Easter.

  6. Happy Belated Birthday Nellie! I hope you had a wonderful celebration.
    It is so wonderful the way God is always there for us and how he uses people like you as a great person to reach out to so many with your positive encouragement and Faith. I thank you for that. You have been such a blessing for me.

    Blessings & Love


Special thanks to all who take the time to leave comments..........They are very encouraging and very appreciated. I enjoy every one of them so much!!
May the Lord Bless You!!

Thankful Thursday March 13, 2025, and Birthday Table

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