Thursday, February 13, 2014

More Winter Decorating scenes from 2014

Hello Sweet Friends,

How is your week going so far?? 
Better than mine, I hope.

Mine has been going...........just been working on
Valentine's cards for the family and working on 
sending out Valentine's ecards to our students.
Plus nursing a nasty sty on my eye,  somewhat
painful at times,  also making my vision blurry, so
 I keep putting hot compresses on it,  hoping it 
 will help. Seemed better Tuesday morning but
 as the day wore on unfortunately not......Then 
woke up Wed. morning with my eye so swollen 
it was ridiculous......was afraid I would scare the
 baby,  as I looked pretty scary to
Wound up going to the Eye Dr. yesterday, and
they mashed on it and said it was draining so
they would not need to lance it,  but told me to
 keep putting the compresses on and wait it out, 
but gave me some antiobiotics  and antibiotics
eye drops,  so I am trying the eye drops first
to see if that will do it,  course, you only do
those twice a day,  so just had my 2nd dose
this morning after I woke up,  and I woke up
with my eye looking worse than yesterday,
it looks a lil better since I have been up an
 putting compresses on it again,  but if it isn't 
better by tonight I will get the antiobiotics
and take them,  I just really really hate to take
those things, cause they mess my system up 
so much.  But it is what it is.................and if
I have to I have

So that has pretty much been my week,
other than some cooking,  made a new
chicken casserole,  but it was okay but 
definitely not worth writing home or any
and threw the recipe away so definitely
want be making it again........ever!!  lol

Since I already had these pics uploaded
for a post for Wed.,  but didn't get to do it
I am gonna go ahead and post it,  while red 
decorating is still in vogue because of 
Valentine's day!  lol
 then I will  post my Thankful Thursday 
Post up late tonight.

So let's begin...............

These next  4 pictures are of our
mantle in the family room.

Do you like finials??  

I think they are neat and very French looking like the urns.

In the Winter Time I go for a much more minimalist look.
and I enjoy it cause it just seems to go with the season.

Fireplace hearth,  the other side has brass
fireplace tools............................

These next  3 shots are of the coffee table.

These are wax cookies,  that Dee and I made from some
kind of kit many moons ago...............They are usually
in my hutch.  They were suppose to be candles but
we left the wicks they would look like
real cookies,  I am very into faux food, 
and real food

The red boxes are my memorabilia from my
 blog giveaway win last year this time..............
from over at Sue's,  I need Mom blog.  They were 
chocolate chip cookies from a bakery called Tate's
 in New York
Delicious cookies,  let me tell you!
We sometimes order them for special occasions now.

and this is a closeup of the pic book you see on the coffee
table, of Scott and Megan when Brooklyn was 5 mo. old, 
 hard to believe in about 3 weeks she will be 1 year old.
  Where does the time go...................Amazing!

This is the sofa table that I moved back 
against the wall for now.

lil table next to the sofa, 
lights off

lights on...........

and here is our kitty, Molly enjoying a lil
 nappy in her favorite chair.

These next 2 pics are in the dining room.

Here is a metal rooster we found last year
at Ross for just $12,  hubby loved him, so
we brought him home............I like him too,
but I really like white roosters the best. So
 he could go white before too

a better look at that banner you can
see in the previous pic.  I saw this
some years ago in a Bealls outlet 
store  after Christmas and loved it.
I actually got it for less that 50 cents
and was pretty thrilled about that!!
Best deal I ever got,  originally it
was close to $40.00.

Now here is my fav white rooster...........
Put him on the dining room table this year!

Well,  there you have 2014  Winter Scenes from
Cozy Place.................I know I am a lil behind on
this. since I took my christmas stuff down so late,
but better late than never as they say!

I am sharing over at the Style Sisters 
So come visit them too,  just click here

Hope you have a good rest of the week,
and thanks so much for your visit always enjoy
hearing from you.

1 comment:

Special thanks to all who take the time to leave comments..........They are very encouraging and very appreciated. I enjoy every one of them so much!!
May the Lord Bless You!!

Scripture Sunday

Happy March to You!! Hugs, Nellie Sharing with: