Thursday, February 20, 2014

Thankful Thursday - February 20, 2014

You are my God, and I will give you thanks;
you are my God, and I will exalt you.
Give thanks to the Lord, for he is good;
his love endures forever.

Greetings Sweet Friends,

Hope you have had a very
good week!~  Are you seeing
any signs of Spring around
you these days???

I have............and I have had a good
week as you will read........much better
than last week physically, for sure!

Decided to try a new format today,
so hope you like it better!
So here goes................

I am thankful........

for a really fun Valentine's Weekend

that my stye is almost gone.

that Dee is over halfway done with her
real estate course.  It is pretty grueling.

for a conversation with my hubby that
had the potential for conflict,  but didn't
go there,  praise God! we are learning
from this Peacemakers class we are
teaching.  Think the teachers always
learn more than their students.

for all the signs and promises of spring
I saw in my backyard this week.

Clear blue skies with no clouds in sight.

Cool balmy breezes

Warm temps in the 70-80's which allow
me to bask in the sunshine

bush full of white azaleas

tender leaves on a tree that was completely
barren a few weeks ago

orange monarch butterfly flitting about

Birds singing in the trees...........

A phone call from a young friend that I had
lost touch with........

for some much needed cutting and trimming
we were able to do in the backyard on Tues.
afternoon,  more to go,  but at least we got
a start.

for the new pics Scott and Megan just had
done for Brooklyn's first birthday,  they are all
 so adorable.  

that we have been assigned a larger class
room for this Sundays class,  a relief as we
may have another new couple come.

for a sweet and thoughtful surprise from
hubby on Tuesday.  He had a Dr. appt.
and on the way back he picked up one
of my treats that I rarely get....from our
local bakery.
Everything Bagels and cream cheese
with fresh chives....Yummo!

for the laughter that our lil grand daughter
brings to us everytime we see her.
She just really cracks us up!!

Love her lil understated but pleased smile as Grampy
swings her..............those smiles are getting bigger every
 time she gets in that swing....................she really loves it!!

 for our good health Insurance.

Thanks so much for coming by,  always glad
when you come,  and hope you will let me
know by your comment that you were here.

Have a blessed Friday and Weekend,

Hugs,  Nellie


  1. Hi Nellie! It has been awhile since I was here last but as always, your list of Gratitudes is always such an inspiration to me. Spring is most definitely on it's way here in southwestern Canada and the robins are everywhere it seems. Yesterday, I saw high in the treetops, two bald eagles!!! How maJestic!! Tulip bulbs are breaking the surface of the ground and the sun is shining more often than not. Praise God for He is Good, and what a blessing it is to see His presence in it all!

    Your lil Grandbaby is Darling! :D


  2. #1. Joy, joy, joy down in your soul, lol!
    #2. Praise the LORD!
    #3. That must be the job to have! I know of so many people who have gone into real estate!
    #4. Thank the Holy Spirit for His leading!
    #5. Hawks have been making their nests again across the street on the top of a tall dead tree! Scrub Jays, wrens, and bunches of Sandhill cranes are all over!
    #6. What did we do without cell phones when we were kids!
    #7. I've got to get busy in my front flower bed!
    #8. I can hardly wait to see them!
    #9. Yea! I know you will be more comfortable!
    #10. My mouth is watering! I'm making cabbage and corn beef in the crockpot!
    #11. It's funny to see her get so tickled too! I love her curl!
    #12. My too, thank you LORD! I pray it continues!
    I love you all, Susan

  3. Hi Nellie! Yes! Spring is definitely coming. We've had a gorgeous warm week here in Dallas. I spent all of it soaking in as much sun as I could. It has really lifted my spirits after I found out my calf muscle would need 6-8 weeks to heal. Yikes! But there's no pain as long as I don't try to walk. I'm really thankful for that!
    Sorry to hear about your eye problem. Now that is quite irritating! Problems with the eyes can get really serious really fast. I'm glad it's better.
    That little Brooklyn is something! I love that smile.
    Have a wonderful weekend!

  4. Nellie,
    I love the sweet picture of your granddaughter. What beautiful eyes. Have a great start to the new week ahead.

  5. I love that you stop and think about all the good and wonderful in your life. It is too easy to look at what isn't. But, when you look at all the good, you realize that the bad is quite small.


Special thanks to all who take the time to leave comments..........They are very encouraging and very appreciated. I enjoy every one of them so much!!
May the Lord Bless You!!

Scripture Sunday

Happy March to You!! Hugs, Nellie Sharing with: