Tuesday, February 4, 2014

Winter decor for serving buffet - 2014

Hi Sweet Friends
Hope you had a Fun but restful weekend.,
and are ready to roll for another week.....

Our's was fun.  We had our lil 13 yr. old buddy from
 across the street, over for pizza, salad and brownies
 on Friday night. We ate, then played Wii bowling and
 a  game of Uno, had some brownies then made a 
Valentine's card for a girl he likes at school.  He is 
just the sweetest kid,  so thoughtful, grateful and 
mannerly and not a sign of any teen rebellion in
 any way.  It was truly such a pleasure spending 
time with him.  All I can say is... for all the hardship
 he has been through the Lord has really used it in
 his life to make him a wonderful young man.

Saturday night we had Scott, Megan and Brooklyn
 over for dinner,  and we played some wii bowling 
as well.  Our lil darling is walking all over the place
now,  so adorable and so funny to watch her,  as she 
is basking in the glory of her accomplishments. She
 is really so good and listens well when you tell her
 she can't have something. We had a very enjoyable
 evening and think we all enjoyed it very much.

 While they were over we tried on a stocking cap that
 was made for my son when he was a baby.
  Doesn't she look adorable in it.......................

Get this thing off.........  it is squeezing my head!  lol

Sunday was Church of course, and we were excited
 to get 2 more couples added to our marriage class 
this week,  and it went very well,  still have room for a
 few more and in a few weeks we should be moving
 to another room that is larger, so we might grow even
 more, course, we are not as concerned about the 
number of couples as we are about how much the 
couples are learning, applying and growing from
 the teaching.  That is the whole point!!

Afterwards we got some frozen yogurt, and  they
 had a new flavor,  white chocolate mousse, 
 very yummy I might add.  
We also tried out the new fish sandwiches from 
Arby's,  they were really great too.  Came home
 and took a nap then we watched the Super bowl.
  Neither of us were fans of either  team but Hubby
 thought he would root for the Bronco's but I said I
 liked the SeaHawks uniforms better and after all,
 Denver traded Tebow.lol  and I am a Tebow fan!!
so...... I rooted for the winning team!!
and it was good to see a team that had never 
gone to the super bowl win as well.................

Thought I would share a few pictures of my Winter 
decor,  particularly the few tabletops I did with an
 attempt to make it look a lil Valentine"sey.........
Like my new word??  lol
Actually it turned out to be just one table top
 for now...............

This is how it started out................sort of plain and 
minimalist and I liked it at first..............but not the light
switch. I put the red vase with the roses inside of a 
chicken wire basket and liked that.

So moved the flowers to the center to hide the light
switch, but didn't like it as well.  So moved it back
the way I had it in the first picture.

This is the other side of the vignette.
This is our buffet/server cart.
 Remembered I had these french lamp
shades I bought for when we redo our
computer/work room,  so decided to
drag it out and use it here for awhile.  lol

 Liked how it looks,  it actually made the
lamp a lil taller.  Wish I had gotten a pic
with the other shade,  thought I had, but
oh well,  it was olive green with stripes 
and it was round.and fluted at the ends.

Added the love, joy peace sign,  liked it better.....

moved the heart on the outside of the tray and liked
that better................

But it still needed something........especially because there
is a light switch behind it

So this was the end result,  found a picture of a rose bush
so printed it and adhered it to the glass with double 
sided tape.........and it is a done deal.

and just for fun..........a posterized version!  My fav...lol

Well...........Thanks for dropping by.........

Sharing over at Marty's for Inspire me Tuesday
Just click here

Sharing over at Cindy's for Amaze Me Monday
Just click her to visit.

Sharing over at Patti and Paula's for What's it Wed.
Go visit by clicking here.

Hope you have a wonderful week ahead..............


  1. It looks great! I really like the lamp and the picture you added to the back. Very nice!


  2. Love the Winter Buffet Nellie!:) I am with you...I am a Tebow fan too. Loved his commercial;)

  3. It sounds like you and I decorate the same way.

    I start with something, walk away from it, come back and make some changes. It usually takes a few days for me to "get it right".

    You got it right!

  4. Looks just lovely, so clever to hide the switch. Little Brookie is just adorable!


Special thanks to all who take the time to leave comments..........They are very encouraging and very appreciated. I enjoy every one of them so much!!
May the Lord Bless You!!

Scripture Sunday

Happy March to You!! Hugs, Nellie Sharing with: