Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Part 4 - of our 41st Anniversary Trip

Hello Sweet Friends,

Hope this finds you well and happy and 
not buried under

I am well and happy but just a lil bit tired 
as it has been a busy week already and will 
continue....a lot going on this week, so have
 been busy getting prepared. My daughter
DeeAnna and her Hubby Jerry will be coming 
in on Thurs.,then we will celebrate my Sister
-in-law Susan's birthday dinner with the whole 
family here at our house, then on Sat. we will 
be celebrating Brooklyn's First Birthday with 
party at Scott and Megan's, and then some
 other small things going on in between, and 
it is our week to teach Sunday School, but 
don't hear me complaining.... just saying, 
cause we love it all, and it is all good...........

Had not planned to post today at all,  but
remembered I had these pics already up-
or downloaded, whichever it is!!  lol
So figured today would be a good day to
do this post,  and get this series finished.

These pics are actually from a trip we
took 2 years ago,  and I started with one
post and never did the others, I accidentally
came across the pics in January, so decided
I wanted to record it for us, and know yall
enjoy things like this too,  so figured you
wouldn't mind.....................
There are 3 others posts before this one,
so I will include them at the end,  just
in case you would like to see them.

Brooklyn just went down for a nappy

so will try to get this finished and
  and maybe lay down for a few 
minutes myself.

These are all pictures from the Wyndham
 hotel at Bonnet Creek, in Orlando, Florida
 at that time it was a brand new hotel, 
 just opened 6 weeks,  and was

This was another one of their cool
 chandeliers.  The hotel is full of

This was one of their restaurants,  
a cafteria style if I remember correctly. 
 Just liked the cut work behind 
the seating area.

A lil seating area near that cafeteria above.

more cool mirrors - whoever
decorated this place really liked
mirrors (there are quite a few
in the other posts)

A shot of hubby sitting on this neat 
seating, not sure what you call it.

You can see more ot the area with
 this shot.

This was on the way down the hall
to our room.........I really enjoyed
the unique carpeting they had different!

Just a light on the wall, the lower
 part in 
the sign of the icthus............

a close up of the carpeting.

Now some outside shots
 in the daytime. Their beautiful
pool area................

All these bldgs. you see in the back-
ground are condos, some you can rent.
We have friends that stayed there,
and they are gorgeous and they have
these huge pool areas and things
for families to do.  It is near Disney
World and it is Called " Bonnet Creek
 Resort" in case anyone is looking 
for a neat place in Florida.  We were
gonna try to rent one for the weekend,
 but there were none available at the time, 
so they told us about the new hotel, 
so  needless to say, we were thrilled........

There is a walk way that goes all the way around
 this whole complex of condos and the hotel.
Quite a nice lil walk.

Most of these last pics were taken off
our balcony.

and they think it is just Ducky!!  lol
and so do we..............a very enjoyable place.

Well, there you have it, and I am happy
this series of posts are finally done.
Here are the links to the others if you
are so inclined...........

For Post #1 - click here

For Post #2 - click here

For Post #3 - Click here

Sharing over at the Style Sisters,
Just click here.

Glad you came by today......
and hope you stop and say hello.

Joyful Blessings,


  1. What a beautiful long dangling chandelier! I would hate to keep off the cobwebs from it, ha!

    The light over Jim is really unique! As they would say years ago, modern art, ha!

    The hallway picture reminds me of the long corridor of the Flamingo Hotel!

    The outside fountain reminds me of Orlando's fountain. So many happy memories!

    I am so looking forward to tomorrow! Alice surprised me with a pedicure! I've never had one! I will like to have more, ha! I wore my open shoes to my Bible study today so it would show. There were so many other of the ladies who had had theirs done also, lol! Now it's got me to looking at ladies feet, ha!
    Love you all, Susan

  2. Hi! Surprise!

    I know it must seem like I quit blogging, but I just have been spinning my brain around and not focused enough to write or read...or do much of anything. Part of it is the weather (it was 3 degrees here this morning and a big snowstorm coming on the weekend-again)and mostly because we are just a few days away from my daughter's wedding. So, I have been a bit crazy and probably will stay that way for a while!

    I can't believe that baby girl is going to be a year old already! I can't wait to see your pictures. I made miniature angel food cakes with fluffy frosting for my kid's first birthdays and let them dig in. They are still 2 of my favorite pictures and memories.

    I hope all is well on your end. I will certainly be glad to be sharing some of your warm weather very soon.

  3. Good luck to you and your endeavours. Some nice shots.

    Thank you. Love love, Andrew. Bye.


Special thanks to all who take the time to leave comments..........They are very encouraging and very appreciated. I enjoy every one of them so much!!
May the Lord Bless You!!

Scripture Sunday

Happy March to You!! Hugs, Nellie Sharing with: