Monday, October 20, 2014

Living room etagere' decor - Part 9

Morning Sweet Friends,

Hope this finds you doing well, 
and that nothing crazy or life altering
 is going on in your world.

Ever heard the saying "life is what happens when you
are making your plans?" Also, I think about a commercial
we see on TV for a local church, where the Pastor is
 talking about how one phone call can change everything
 or turn your world upside down. 

Well, that is sort of describes our last past 9 days.
Told you hubby was going to be on vacation last week, 
so our plan was to go to Asheville to vacation and
watch our Grandaughter DOG
while my daughter and hubby went away for their 3rd
Anniversary, we were to watch Rosie the first week,
then they would return the following Sat. night and
then we would spend a week with them.

Well,  we did make it to Asheville about 2a.m. slept
from 2::30-4:30a.m, got up took them to the airport at
5:00,  came back went back to bed at 5:30 and slept
till about 10:00, got up made some coffee and sat
around trying to wake up and finally ate a simple
breakfast..  Since it was suppose to rain ( but
 thankfully it never did till the middle of the night), 
 around 2 p.m. we decided to venture  out a church
 we wanted to attend on Sunday that was only 4
 mins.from where the kids live,  so we did that and
 also got to see beautiful scenery, all the trees are
so gorgeous,  and this was all right there in the
church parking lot, believe it or not!!  Amazing
church facility I have to say.  Anyway,  we also
drove on down the road the church was on and
 did some exploring and pic taking.....found some
beautiful yellow and orange berries and a bed
and breakfast way up on a mountain.  I just love
exploring like just never know
what you will find..............

Anyway, It was good we did that cause, as
 we were returning from our short exploration
 headed back to the townhouse, we got a call
 from my son, which since it had only been hours
that I had talked to him.... flagged me to already
 know, uh oh, something is wrong.
My first thought of course, was the baby, then
he proceeded to tell me that my SIL,Susan, 
had fallen and said she had broken her hip,
and that she was in the hospital and resting
comfortably. Later her neighbor/ friend said it
could be her leg they didn't know for sure yet,
 and since it was Sat. she had not seen the Dr./
surgeon yet, so they really didn't know the extent
 of the damage or what they were gonna do yet,  
and that she was resting comfortably and not in
 pain for now, and not to do anything until we
 knew more information.  Scott and Megan were
 at an air show and Susan's neighbor/friend
 who is also nurse, thank the Lord, was with
 her at the hospital, and Scott said they would go
 up to the hospital and find out what was going
 on,  and call us later that evening.

 She did not get to see the surgeon until late 
Sunday evening, and it was her hip and she 
needed to have surgery,  which was scheduled
 for 11:30 a.m. on Monday Oct. 13th.  So we
 headed home to Florida on Monday after some
 crazy delays,  that turned out to be because my
 daughter did not have their keys with them to 
their town house since we were supposed
 to be there when they got back. We decided
 not tell DeeAnna about her aunt since
 it was not life threatening and since there was 
nothing she could do from Puerto Rico anyway,
so figured why ruin their trip.  Thankfully, By
 accident, Dee found out from Megan (our DIL) 
we were on our way back to Florida, just
 as we were 30 mins.into our trip home, she
called me and said what is going on?? and that 
they didn't have a key to get in............  
Thank the Lord for all those delays or we would
 have been hours down the road, cause we had
 to turn around and go back and leave the key
 under their doormat.
Thankfully that all turned out well.

Susan had the surgery and has done very
well as far as healing from the surgery, has
not had a lot of pain unless they move her,
and has been in good spirits.  We had her
 moved to a rehab facility on Thursday, and 
she is slowly (which is very typical) making
 progress.  Our biggest concern is that she
has a bad knee that really needs knee re-
placement surgery on the same leg that
 she broke her hip, and it was actually what
caused her fall in the first place.   So if you
 feel so led,  please pray for healing of that
 knee, and that it will not impede her

Fortunately,  I already had these pics to this
and Thursday post already prepared since I
thought we would be on vacation still.  We have 
quite a full plate so don't know what will happen
 after this week, cause we are of course, visiting
 her, and feeding her menagerie of 9 pets twice a
 day, along with any thing else that needs to be
 taken care of, as well, as running our own
household, and hubby is back to work too.
So.........will just take it as it comes.

So that has pretty much been our week. We did
 manage to get some pics of the pretty trees and 
scenery up there, so maybe I can post  some
next week,  Lord

So on with the Fall decorating...............
This is of our living room etagere'

with a distortion affect called Twirl,  just for fun!!

with poster edges affect

with posterized affect

with colored pencil affect

Glad you came by............
and hope you enjoyed your visit.

Have a lovely evening,

Sharing With:

Cindy over @ Dwellings 
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Marty over at a stroll thru life
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The Style Sisters
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Patti and Paula over @ 
Ivey and Elephants
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Love, Hugs, and
His grace is enough Blessings,


We have certainly experienced that grace
 this week..........and it has been enough.


  1. Phew! What a crazy time that was! I was exhausted just reading about it! And what's with not being able to see a surgeon on the weekend? Did she just live on pain meds? Poor woman! The handful of times my kids needed to see a doctor, it was always on a Saturday so they had to wait until Monday or go to the ER. Hopefully that hip will heal fast (like a few months?) so she can have her knee replacement. Bet it was relaxing to get back to your own home after that wild time!

  2. So glad Susan's surgery went well and she is doing better. Will sure be praying for her knee and also for you with all the responsibilities you have.
    Blessings Sweetie...


Special thanks to all who take the time to leave comments..........They are very encouraging and very appreciated. I enjoy every one of them so much!!
May the Lord Bless You!!

Thankful Thursday March 13, 2025, and Birthday Table

  “You are worthy, our Lord and God    to receive glory and honor and power,  for you created all things,   and by your will they were creat...