Thursday, October 9, 2014

Thankful Thursday - October 9, 2014, Fall decorating Part 8 Livingroom

Therefore, since we are receiving a kingdom
 that cannot be shaken, let us be thankful, 
and so worship God acceptably
 with reverence and awe,
Hebrews 12: 28 NIV

Greetings Sweet Friends,

How are things in your world??

Good I hope.

Things are good here, just been doing some 
ironing, which I don't do often, but some things
 just need to be ironed and that is all there is 
to it!  So got her done, this has been my get
 her done week it seems..........

Love that feeling of freedom that brings!

I know, I know some people really hate
ironing, and some days I am not in the
mood but sometimes I actually like it...
 if..... I can watch something good on 
TV at the same was able
to catch a few good Christian TV
programs,  so that was nice.....
Sorta killing 2 birds with one stone, getting
my work done and enjoying and  feeding
 myself spiritually all at the same time,
good multitasking I would say!!  lol

Well, on with my Thankful List,

All these pics are from my living room etagere
(This one has a paint daubs affect)

I am thankful

for playing tea party with my lil 19 mo.
old grandaughter at 1 a.m. in the morning
cause she was wide awake, she was also
sneezing a lot and coughing some, and it
turned out she was catching a cold, but
a busy beaver at playing.
Know I have said it before........ but she
 really cracks me up!!

for the beautiful Fall weather we are 
beginning to have.  Mowed the yard and
it was so cool, breezy and lovely we didn't 
want to come inside, but did cause the
 mo skeets were after us!!  lol
Perfect weather for working in the yard!
Be still my

with colored pencil affect

that one of our young married couples from our class,
 that had an offer for a promotion, that would also mean
 a move to south Florida from Central Florida heard
 clearly from the Lord not to go. Awesome that they
 heard and obeyed. They are a great couple and we
 are so happy we want be losing them.

that I discovered that Tart Cherry Juice has loads
of melatonin, which is a good sleep aid,  and since
I have these cyclical hormones sleepless nites
every month for about a week,  I decided to try
it and I have slept like a rock the last few nights.
It is a lil more expensive than most juices but
it is worth every penny..........It is also delicious.

that our kitty Molly got a good report from the Vet
 and all her shots are up to date.  Another thing
off my plate and my

with cutout affect

that I found some nice blouses and some
jeggings at Penneys last Friday.....and I 
am thrilled the blouses are cotton........and
I am hoping this means that the clothing
 industries love of polyester is hopefully
 on it's way outl
If so,  Whoo Hoo!!

for Twinings Red Rooibus Tea,it is delish,
and have been enjoying it since we are
having some cool weather these last evenings.

that hubby is taking a week of vacation
next week,  so we are just planning to have
fun,  so will probably be taking a blogging
break next week.

with photocopy affect

for pistachio nuts, they have really become
a favorite, probably cause I don't buy them
often, but I recently discovered that our Publix
 grocery store has them in small bags for $1.00, 
with just enough to satisfy one person. Which
would be me!!  lol 

for a devotional from the "Jesus Calling"
book that really spoke to me today (Tues.)
about accepting each day as it comes and
trusting  and thanking God in it, whatever the 
situation is. Needed to hear that today!!  lol

for people that I can call to pray for me whe
 it is needed, and for some of you blog friends
 that pray for me too. Such a blessings!

with posterized affect

that my back is so much better, not quite perfect,
but great compared to Monday. So thankful
for answered prayer as well............

Well, there she
 new list for the week.  

Thanks for dropping by, always
so happy to hear from you,  so
 please let me know you were

I am sharing with :

Ivey and Elephants
Just click here.

the style sisters
Just click here

with chalk and charcoal affect.

Have a lovely evening and rest
of the week with your family/friends
or furry friends,

Love, Hugs and the
Joy of Fall to You,


If you are interested in seeing Part 8
Just click here


  1. I enjoyed your thankful list and your photo effects on your picture. I have not seen those effects before.

    Thanks for the tip on tart cherry juice. Not sleeping is no fun.

    Have a great week with your hubby on vacation.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Glad your back is improving.....and the tart cherry juice tip is an interesting one. Usually don't have trouble sleeping, but the pain from my surgery has interfered with sleep a bit. I wonder if cherry juice would help????

  4. #!. 1 A.M.! Wow! I hope she is feeling much better!
    #2. I have to say I let mine go since it wasn't too very tall! When the rain stops, I don't have to mow as often.
    #3. The LORD knows they are needed here!
    #4. I hope your kidneys don't wake you up during the night. I have found if I drink juices, I usually have to get up once a night, about two hours after I have been laying flat.
    #5. Yea, Molly girl!
    I like your pear under glass!
    #6. I've got some polyester blouses I've had since the 80's!!! The rose blouses Brooklyn tries to grab!
    #7. I need to start using some of the teas I have. I have several boxes.
    #8. Enjoy!!!
    #9. They are great! I like pecans too!
    #10. I have my Bible, Daily Bread, Stanley's, Joyce M., GOD Moments. It's amazing how some days they all have the same message for me!
    #11. The LORD tells us to pray without ceasing. I thank him for loved ones, friends, and church members I can pray for. It is so fulfilling from the LORD to see them answered!
    #12. The LORD is working on it through our prayers!!!
    I Love you all very much, Susan

  5. Back to ask if you're OK???? I missed your post this week.


Special thanks to all who take the time to leave comments..........They are very encouraging and very appreciated. I enjoy every one of them so much!!
May the Lord Bless You!!

Thankful Thursday February 13, 2025, and Valentine's decorations from the past

    For God so love d  the world that he gave  his one and only Son,   that whoever believes  in him shall not perish but have eternal life....