Thursday, October 23, 2014

Thankful Thursday - October 23, 2014 - Fall Decor Part 10

I urge, then, first of all, that requests, prayers,
 intercession and thanksgiving be made for
everyone-- for kings and all those in authority,
 that we may live peaceful and quiet lives
 in all godliness and holiness.
 This is good, and pleases God our Savior, 
1 Timothy 2:1-3

Good Morning Sweet Friends,

Hope you are having some lovely Fall
 weather today,  and that it makes you feel

It was so nice and cool this morning
when we went down to feed my SIL's
pets, coolest it has been so far,  and
felt wonderful,  and it did make me
feel a bit perky,  or at least as perky
as a really tired person can

Susan is coming along nicely, pro-
gressing every day, so we are very
thankful for that,  so that would
be my #1 Thankful

More pics of the living room etagere, I started
out with this free printable from a few years
back, that I found on someone's blog,

I am thankful

that Susan made it thru her hip 
surgery fine and has recoved from 
the surgery very well. No need 
for pain meds anymore.

that her Insurance provided for her to
 be able to go to Rehab, as she needs
 intensive therapy over the next 30 days.

 with posterized affect

that we are already familiar with this 
facility due to hubbies Mom being there 
13 years ago after a massive stroke
 that paralyzed her down her right side.

that Susan has already been
 transported there, and we have
 found the place to be just as good,
 if not better than when Mom had
 to be there. She really has some
sweet ladies that are caring
 for her.

with cut out affect

that a few of the gals that worked there
when Mom was there, are still there......
so it was great to see them again, as 
we got to know them pretty well,  and
have fond memories of them.

that Dee and Jerry made it home safe
 and sound from Puerto Rico.

 with equalized affect

for a glorious blue and white 
Autumn sky with stratus and
 cirrus clouds Wednesday morning
while we were outside waiting
 on the pets to do there thing. lol

Amazingly Beautiful , and can't
remember the last time I saw
a sky like that..............
A great reminder gift that God
is still on His throne, painting
beauty for our good pleasure.
Just  really blessed my heart.

I got this lovely printable this year from someones blog but
can't remember whose now, and if it is you.....please leave a
 comment telling me so I can give credit where credit is due.
So switched it out for the subway art one in the pics above.

for a really strange thing that 
happened Wed. morning, that hubby
 and I both felt like was a divine
 intervention. Hubby had hurt his 
finger the night before when we were
 moving stuff at my SIL's house, and 
had to take his wedding band off. 
 I felt sure I had put it in the pocket of
 my purse and looked for it the next
 morning and didn't find it, but decided 
to look again.
Strangely, it had somehow gotten
around a tube of lipstick that was in
the same purse pocket, and it fit
perfect and snuggly on there, and 
actually matched another band of
gold that was on the lipstick tube
which is why I missed it the first
 time and how it got on there is a 
whole nother question.......but
We don't believe in coincidence,
so, we believe it was the Lord
making sure we didn't lose his ring,
 while we are so discombobulated 
with all that is going on.
 I might add it was awesomely
encouraging...........we love
those God sightings.

 With photocopy gradient map affect

that hubby did not hurt himself when
he accidentally fell in the jacuzzi when
he and Scott were trying to carry some 
furniture out of her house, as we
 are getting the house ready for when 
she comes home cause she will need
 lots of room and nothing she can trip 
on as precautionary measures.

for a sweet lady that was a customer 
at the post office,  who gave me a 
stamp to mail Susan's voting ballot,
 when she found out that was all I 
was waiting in line for..............I
tell you, I was so grateful cause
 had another errand to run and was
 tired and
such a blessing to encounter such
 nice people like that.

for all the folks that have
visited and sent cards and
flowers to Susan.  Know 
they have made her feel
very loved.

Well, this has been our week
cozy Place............

Will be sharing at:

The Style Sisters.
Just click here.

Ivey and Elephants.
Just click here.

French Country Nest
just click here.

Simple Nature Decor
Just click here
So happy you stopped in
and hope you have a lovely
rest of the week.

Love, Hugs, and
Beautiful Sky Blessings
to you and yours,


If you missed part 9 of the 
Fall decorating
and would care to see,  
Just click here.


  1. I love pine cones added here and there! love your post! Love of you share your posts on Fabulous Friday

  2. Glad to hear Susan is doing so well! Wow! Off pain meds already?!
    How blessed she is to have your help.

  3. #1.I'm so glad the LORD me no pain at all with my hip surgery!For that I am so thankful!
    #2. GOD is so good all the time!
    #3. I praise and thank Almighty God for Christian Healthcare Ministries. I praise GOD ALSO FOR ALL YOU AND JIM have done for me!
    #4. The people are just as professional now as they were then (with mom.)
    #5. I have not seen nor heard anyone being rude! They truly have a love for service to those they help.
    #6. One of the ladies working there with mom was a mom that I had her twins in my Kindergarten CLASS! She is still here too!
    #7. Yes, with memories they will always have!
    #8. I haven't seen much of the outside lately. I just know it was beautiful!
    #9. It is so amazing how our Father GOD can keep track on this entire Universe, not to mention His Love for us in these situations!
    #10. I can't begin to thank you all for what you are doing for me!
    #11. "Angels unaware!"
    #12. Yes, thank you with all my heart!
    I love you all very much, Susan


Special thanks to all who take the time to leave comments..........They are very encouraging and very appreciated. I enjoy every one of them so much!!
May the Lord Bless You!!

Scripture Sunday

  Hope you all had a lovely Valentine' Day! Hugs,  Nellie Sharing with: