Thursday, May 7, 2015

Thankful Thursday - May 7, 2015 and Spring Decorating part 5

For you created my inmost being;
 you knit me together in my mother's womb. 

 I praise you because I am fearfully 
and wonderfully made;
 your works are wonderful, I know that full well
Psalm 139:13-14

Greetings Sweet Friends,

So...what have you been up
to this week??

I have just been up to cooking, reading 1,000 
gifts, watching Lola and  lil darling and
 preparing for Mother's Day, and getting the
 guest room ready for my Sweet daughter
 who is coming next Mon. Night........
Very Excited since we haven't seen her 
for a few months.

Since we are having a family get together 
the Tues. after Mother's Day at Scott and
Megan's to visit with Dee, thought we would
 do a simple dinner here for Mother's Day,
 so Megan can just enjoy her day. So have
the table planned, and pretty much the din
din, so just gotta finish work on her gifts
 now,  so that pretty much describes my
week, if you just throw in a lil overtired-
ness from sleep depriviation!   lol

This week, all the pictures are from my
 hallway area all done up for Spring.
I have 2 of these bird pictures so this
is the 2nd one, along with another
vignette,  you can see the first one,
if you want here

So.... onto my Thankful list

I am Thankful

to have heard the tired voice of my first
born, Scott on the end of the phone at
 1:30 a.m. and knowing he is off the plane 
and almost home safe and sound from a
 10 day trip to Israel and back.  It was a
 20 hr. flight and he went there for work
but they also got to do some touring as
 well. Hubby and I are looking forward 
to hearing and seeing pics all about it.

This was my unspoken from last
week.......didn't want to say he was 
out of town.........for safety reasons.
As we never know who is reading.

One of my fav candle sticks that hubby gave
me some years back.

that Megan, and Brooklyn,  got to go up to
visit Dee and Jerry while Scott was away, and
 for a safe flight there and back and a good
 for all of them, as well.

for the fun and delight of watching a little
 frog enjoy the rain by clinging to a huge 
philodendron leaf right outside the window
of our computer room.  Hubby spotted him
and we got such a kick out of watching him
and his lil frog fingers clinging to the leaf
and moving around to just the right spot
so he could get the rain to drip on him.
So cute........

Poster edges affect

that Duchess Kate and William had

a beautiful baby girl and that all went
so well and Mom and baby are fine.
Just love this sweet royal family, and
you can tell all of England loves 
them too. Just heard her name on
"Charlotte Elizabeth Diana"
Not surprised by the Diana at all,
since Prince William and Harry
 loved their Mom so much, and Kate 
seem to to honor her as much 
as possible. Lovely thing to do.

Photocopy affect


for the gift of Motherhood, with all it's
joys and heartaches, and how it grows
us and shapes us and makes us more
giving, loving and servant hearted.  It
is impossible to describe the love that
you have for your children, and then
 grandchildren, and too, our
 children's spouses.

for lil gifts left behind by our lil darling
after she leaves on Wed. - they bring
such a smile to our face.  Like a baby
spoon I couldn't find but knew she was
playing with last time I saw it....found
it stuck it in one of my cream pitchers.
and then we find happy face stickers
in different places, like on our bed, on
her highchair or on the floor, ~smile~
 and a
little plastic dog, in my hubbies lunch
container he takes to work. ~smile~

  Such lil sweet surprises that make us 
think of how precious and wonderful
 she is to us each and every day.


for Megan my daughter in love and what
a great Mom she is to  our lil darling.
From the time we met her I knew in my
heart she was gonna be a great Mom for
my grandchildren one day, and happily
the day came way sooner than I expected.

for my son Scott and my daughter Dee.
They are great kids and they make us
very proud. They are both very smart
and wise, good stewards of what God
has blessed them with, hard workers,
genuine, loving, kind and helpful to
others, and ditto for their spouses,
we couldn't be more pleased!

course, they are adults, but since we
have always called them our kids, 
guess it just sorta sticks after 
awhile.  lol

posterized affect

for 2 new and very special blog friends,
named Mimi and Cheryl, they are both
such sweet and lovely ladies and such
 an encouragement to me, and I am
sure many others. The world needs
 more folks like them for sure.

for the opportunity to watch Lola,
our newest furry family member
while Megan and Brooklyn were
away. She is such a sweet and
adorable lil dog, and she made
us laugh every morning cuz once
she wakes up.... she thinks every
body needs to wake up, so she
sort of attacks you with her cold
nose and wet paws, and the more
you cover up and try to get away
from her, the more she tries to
get to is a riot.

posterized affect

for Bruschetta chicken,  it is a really yummy dish 
I found on the Kraft website some years back, 
 and we haven't made it in a long time, but we
made it tonight and it was so good.

If you are interested in the recipe,
just click here and it will take you to the Kraft

other part of hallway area

for a full 81/2 hr. sleep last night.
I feel great today.........
Have only been averaging 4 hrs.
a night lately, so that 81/2 hrs. is
a very big deal for me!  lol

Well,  that's all folks..............

Thanks so much for your visit......
so enjoy knowing you came by.

Hope you have a lovely rest of the week
and weekend spending time with the
 ones you love..............

Keep your light Shining!!

Love, Hugs and
Mother's Day Blessings


In case you would like to see
part 4 of Spring Decorating
Just click here

Sharing over at:

Shabby Art Boutique
with Kerryanne and Friends 

Life with Lorelai with 
Lorelai and Friends

Walking on sunshine

with Lois and Friends

The Style Sisters with Karin

Stone Gable with Yvonne
and Friends

Dwellings with Cindy


  1. I can't imagine how anyone gets by on 4 hours of sleep!

    Glad you are looking forward to more time with your "kids"! Kind of makes me wish we could see ours more often than we do, but I am at peace with our situation knowing they are serving our Lord in their places.

    Happy for your son's safe return, too, Nellie.

  2. Good morning Nellie my lovely, and what a joy it always is to read your gratitude list. I can identify with so many thoughts you've listed. Children and grandchildren are such a special blessing in our lives. I wonder at people who slave all day to have the latest doo-dah, and leave their babies for others to raise. Goodness! But we are all different I suppose. I so look forward to your posts and my next dose of Nellie. You always make me smile. Mimi xxx

  3. As always I enjoy your Thankful Thursday's list, Nellie, Oh! my your sone Scott, though it was a business trip, will have so much to share with you about his visit to Israel, I once visited Israel, my life was never the same, especially when I read the Bible!
    Your spring decorations are so beautiful, I have been so busy that I can't seem to find the time to do very much.
    What a wonderful Mother's Day celebration you have planned, Enjoy and be blessed,

  4. So many wonderful things to be thankful for...not hard to come up with when we stop to count our blessings.
    Such spring pretties around your home.
    Mary Alice

  5. All so true love it ! #homemattersparty

  6. #1. I am anxious to hear of his trip and see his pictures too! I can't believe it has been 17 years since I visited with our church group!
    #2. It would have been great if they could have come back together!
    #3. I have had the lizard invasion, ha! They are all over. I have had several run into the house when I go out the door!
    #4. I saw that on the news too!
    #5. I have enjoyed that through you and Jim! All the great times, yet the training times were yours, ha! It's amazing how as a teacher, there is a bond that is made between teachers and their students. It was like one big family, yet at the end of the day, they went home!
    #6. As a teacher, it was great to find surprises of "love notes" and gifts they would bring. The stickers were also a gift they would bring for me to share with the class!
    #7. What a blessing in our older years!
    #8. I'll never forget the pride and joy they were to mom and dad!
    #9. Blogging is surely a blessing to all!
    #10. She is surely one joyful little doggy! I need to get a picture of her to add to my blog's family pets!
    #11. Sounds delicious!
    #12. I've been doing better since I've been going to bed earlier!
    Love you all, Susan

  7. Love your thankful list. Isn't it amazing when we focus on the things to be thankful for that we have a much brighter attitude.
    I love that blue jar too!!!

  8. Being thankful is a great way to remember what God does for us. Glad your son is safe!! Thank you for sharing with us at #homematters Linky party.


Special thanks to all who take the time to leave comments..........They are very encouraging and very appreciated. I enjoy every one of them so much!!
May the Lord Bless You!!

Scripture Sunday

  Such a great reminder of who is in charge down here.  Have a lovely Sunday. Hugs, Nellie