Friday, July 10, 2015

Thankful Thursday July 9, 2015, Our quick 4th of July table.

Without faith it is impossible to please God,
 because anyone who comes to him
must believe that he exists and that he
 rewards those who earnestly seek him.
Hebrews 11:6

Evening Sweet Friends,

Hope you have had a good week and

hope your week has been less eventful

Have to say I am worn out, but in
good spirits.  

Decided I would show you our 
impromptu 4th of July table for 
two........remember I told you we
 had no plans, so really didn't plan 
anything at all, but ran to the store
on Friday and bought some
 burgers and fries to make, so.....
while hubby was cooking the
burgers decided to see what sort
of paper ware I had that might 
work for the 4th and found some 
nice patriotic napkins and plates, 
so quickly threw a table together
 to surprise hubby, then happened
to think to grab the camera and 
take a few shots. hence, the
pictures you see here.

So on with my list..............

I am thankful

that SIL Susan's surgery went well,
 and that it was a clean break,
with no complications.

that we were able to put the two big
dogs in the kennel, as it really takes
a load off, not to have to go to her
house 3 times a day to let them out.
Course, we felt bad for them!!
But it sure makes it easier to take
care of the cats and birds.....

Same pic above but with cutout affect

for her friend and neighbor Alice
who is just such a good friend to
her and to us. She is also a nurse,
 so is helpful with medical info 
as well. Also thankful for her 
hubby Bodie!

that Susan is settled into the rehab
 facility and had her first theraphy
Wed.morning and all went very well.  
Today she didn't do quite as well,
but sometimes it is 3 steps forward
2 steps back with the process.

with colored pencil affect

that this time, Susan is allowed to put 
full weight on her foot right away,
 (the last time it was over 2 weeks before 
they would allow that.........which really
slowed her recovery), altho necessary, 
but hopefully, due to it being sooner
 this time, she will be able to rehab
 much quicker.

that I finally have rest of her clothes
together to take to the rehab center.
  I have been working on it for 3
days now.  Had to find them, which
was a job, as she has lost a lot of
weight, so trying to find things the
right size was quite a chore, and not
sure how they will fit.. then had to
wash and dry them, then label them.
Fortunately, some of them were
 already labeled from last time.
Delivered them today and very
Happy to have that done and 

with lens flare affect

that we got to see one of my late
Mother-in-laws physical therapists
that worked with her about 12 yrs. the rehab center today.  
Was so nice to see her as she was
such a sweet young lady.

for the founding Father's of our
nation who fought for our religious
freedoms, and many of them paid
a very heavy price, most with their
very own lives.

For the religious freedoms we still
 have in our country, even tho we 
do see many of those freedoms 
dwindling away quickly.

With lighting affects

for ridiculous happenings that you
just have to laugh at..........
I was trying to take a quick nap
this afternoon, and as soon as I
laid down I heard a cat Meow, and
thought now I just let her in, then
realized it wasn't Molly it was one
of lil darlings toys........then about
15 mins. later I heard bye bye, lets
play again soon.  then a long time
went by again and I heard the cat
Meow again,  followed about 5
mins. later with the bye, bye lets
play again soon. Since it woke
me up and I was too tired to care,
I went back to sleep hoping that
was it............maybe 15 mins. later
it Meowed again and repeated
the bye, bye theme,  then hubby
came in to try to find he
was digging thru the box we keep
her toys in, he sort of dropped a box
 of legos and as he was trying to 
prevent them all from going......
then he dropped something else
with tons of plastic pieces
by that time it was time to get
 up and we just had a good laugh!
Sometimes I think the Lords
 knows we could use a
 good laugh!

Added the blue and white pitcher since we ate all
 the watermelon.  lol

for our Music Minister and his family
 that have been with our church for the
 last 3-4 years. Unfortunately, for our
church, the Lord is moving him back
to a church in Georgia where they
 came from, before they came to us.
They have been such a blessing to 
our congregation and has just been
 an amazing Worship Leader, and
they are going to be sorely missed.

With photcopy affect

that hubby (my all time favorite
 hairdresser) did my hair tonight.
Such a nice feeling when your
hair is freshly done.

With posterized affect

Happy you could stop in for a visit.

Have a Great Friday and weekend

with those you hold dear.

Love,  Hugs, and

May God Bless America and


Sharing over at:

Shabby Art Boutique with

My Flagstaff Home with Jennifer

Walking on Sunshine Recipes with 
Lois and Friends

Life with Lorelai with
Lorelai and Friends

Dwellings with Cindy

Ivey and Elephants with 
Patti and Paula


  1. I love these lists you do each week. Thanks for linking up at the Weekend Blog Hop at My Flagstaff Home!


  2. I love the table setting! How nice that you put this together for just your hubby and you! Glad your sister-in-law is doing better and you were able to find a place for the dogs. Thank you for linking up with Foodie Friends Friday!

  3. Darling Nellie, gosh I've missed you while we were away on vacation! I see that perhaps you missed me too, and didn't realise we were on holidays...I'm sorry if I worried you. Your table setting is gorgeous, and we had the chance to celebrate July 4th on the ship we were on so that was lots of fun. I had to giggle at your adventures with the toys too. Lots to catch up on now. Love, Mimi xxx

  4. #1. GOD is Good all the time, all the time GOD is Good! What a yummy looking table!
    #2. I'm so glad you did! They were there for two weeks when Alice and I did our "bucket list" of going cross the USA, 17 states in 15 days! She already had it planned out and the hotels prepaid! All the more joy for them when they got back home! Boddy surely enjoyed taking care of the birds! You'll never guess, Boddy answered his phone while in there and now Max uses his voice and says, "Hey, man, what's up!"
    #3. They have both been wonderful friends! The LORD again has blessed our culdesac for all these years (31)!
    #4. The end results is what we've looked for! Praise GOD for a much more speedily recovery than last time!
    #5. Also the long rod made a 200% difference that the short rod from last time!
    #6. Don't I know it! I'm having to quadruple over to pen it with a safety pin so I don't lose my pants! Since retiring 4 years ago, I have lost 73 pounds!!! It's a paradox to me when I have metal in my bones!
    #7. I enjoyed working with her.
    #8. Yes, and Christ who made it all possible! I pray for today's world that is shaking down those precious freedoms!
    #9. Biblical Prophecy foretold.
    #10. Amen! I remember when I fell outside the first time, and the shovel of sand came down all in my hair that I had just had done. What a time to think about sand in your hair! I just praise GOD the shovel didn't hit me on my head too! The second fall, I was sitting there in pain and it began to rain! I got soaked and wet before I could scoot at a snail's pace into the garage! I guess the LORD wanted me to think about something else until help came!
    #11. I will surely miss them both. Nita was in my W.O.W. Bible study as well as a substitute teacher!
    #12. How much does he charge? Ha!
    Love you all,Susan


Special thanks to all who take the time to leave comments..........They are very encouraging and very appreciated. I enjoy every one of them so much!!
May the Lord Bless You!!

Scripture Sunday

  Hope you all had a lovely Valentine' Day! Hugs,  Nellie Sharing with: