Thursday, July 2, 2015

Thankful Thursday July 2, 2015, and flowers for you......

Azaleas with a posterized affect.

For, "All men are like grass, and all their glory
 is like the flowers of the field;
 the grass withers and the flowers fall, 
 but the word of the Lord stands forever." 
1 Peter 1:24-25 NIV

Greetings Sweet Friends,

Happy 4th of July to You just a 

few days
Have you got any plans yet??

We don't.....have just been so busy
 this week doing all my things you
 will read about and more it has
 sort of sneaked up on me..........
but that's okay.......we really don't
 mind, celebrating just the 2 of us.
Have just been out grocery
shopping today with a quick run
to Wally World afterwards.  It is
so scorching out there,  I could
not wait to get home.........
Home Sweet Home where my
Blessed Air conditioner
The grocery store was plenty cool
and nice, but Walmart was a bit
warmish inside, which is not fun
for this girl!! lol

Thought some pretty flowers might
 make you feel happy, if you aren't
happy already!  lol
  Flowers definitely make me happy.
Most of these pics were taken by me,
  but a few were taken by my Son, 
Scott when he was hiking the
 Appalachian trail around
 5 years ago. I put names on the
ones I knew what they were, but
there were a few I don't know.

So on with my thankfuls......

I am thankful

that our kitty Molly has made 
quite a miraculous recovery,
getting around very well, even
ran into the house a few times,
eating well too.
Truly amazing, again a big
 Thank you to those that have 
prayed for her. Cause we know
 this could only be answer
 to prayer!! 

possibly periwinkles but 
not sure!

that one of our Sunday School 
couples hosted a barbecue/pool
party on Sunday for our whole 
class and their children. I was not
 feeling well so did not get to go, 
bummer, but was glad hubby 
could go for awhile, and they all
 had a great time.


that one of our female students
told hubby a story about some
advice I had given her years ago,
when she was a new believer,
that helped her so much, with a
hard relationship she had.  It is
always encouraging to know that
you have impacted someone in
a positive way!!

Azalea buds

#4 -9
for all the things I got accomplished
this week, that I told you on Tuesday
that have been nagging and annoying
 at the back of my mind. Such a great
feeling to have them done.


1) went thru my storage container 
cabinet that was in a major uproar
 from our lil darling playing in there,
which was quite handy at the time,
 (she is over that now.  lol), so it
was time to straighten it out, plus
got rid of lids or containers that 
had no matching piece.  It looks
 so much better and is much
 easier to find what I need now.  

2) We removed some shirts from
hubbies closet that he never wears
but are in good shape, so we can
 send them to Good will, so he has
more room in his closet now. We
took that and other stuff to Good
Will so that was another things we
got done....loving this!!


3) Found a jewelry holder thingie
in my closet I bought last year, 
and had forgotten got 
that out and filled it up, and it is
great!!  Will do a post and show
this neat product to you next


4) Packed away jewelry of my
late Mother-in-law's that was
leftover after all the girls in the
family went thru it and took
what they wanted, and it has
been sitting on my dresser in
a box for over 6 months, cause
I just didn't know what to do
with the other pieces, cause
it is all nice jewelry. Hubby
said why don't you just pack
it away for now!
and I thought, why didn't I 
think of that!~!  lol
Sometimes I just think other
things have our attention and
we just don't think about
whatever it is, and then when
we give it some priority great
things happen!!  lol

5) Finally tucked away some
financial records from the
change over into the New
Year.  I keep them up in a
big box on my closet shelf,
but it is too heavy for me,
and kept forgetting to ask
hubby to get it down. So
remembered Monday
 night!!  Whoo Hoo!

lady slipper

for flowers.......truly, they are
definitely one of my simple 
pleasures..............and am
reminded of that just by 
seeing all of these pics.....


for a flock of 21 Ibis birds, having
breakfast in our front yard.  They
were mostly youngsters and so
much fun to watch, cause they
get it lil fights and jump around
and stuff, so funny...........

Wild black eyes Susan's

that our daughter DeeAnna finally
closed on a house for a family
she has been working with for 
6 months, they have put offers
in on a number of houses and
things just didn't work out, but
finally they found a home they
really love, and Dee is so
 happy for them, and so happy
 to finally have gotten the sale.
She has truly worked for her
commission, let me tell you!! 
 So we are rejoicing with her!

Well, there you have it another
week at Cozy Place.....

Glad you could drop by and hope

you have been reminded of all
that we have to be grateful for,
even in this crazy world that is
getting crazier by the day!!  

Rose of Sharon maybe??

Love, Hugs, and

Happy 4th of July Blessings,

Just came back from the hospital my SIL
Susan broke her other hip.  She just recovered
from breaking the other one 81/2 mos. ago.
Which means she will need the same surgery
again too, and more time in a rehab
facility.   We just can't believe it!!
She is only 63 yrs. old........but thankfully
her attitude is good and she isn't in a
lot of pain...............

Sharing over at:

Walking on Sunshine recipes
with Lois and Friends.

Between Naps on the Porch
with Susan

Life with Lorelai with
Lorelai and Friends

My Flagstaff
with Jennifer

Stone Gable with Yvonne

Dwellings with Cindy


  1. Oh NO! Just got to the end and see about your SIL! Bless her heart.
    You've sure been busy, Nellie. It must be such a good feeling to have accomplished so many of those "little" tasks that actually take up a lot of good space in one's mind and emotions.

    Happy for your daughter...and our only 4th of July plans are a wedding which my husband will officiate and I will play piano. Tonight is rehearsal.

  2. What gorgeous floral images you have shared. I am so glad that your dear kitty is on the mend.
    Have a spectacular, safe and Happy Fourth of July weekend!

  3. There are so many things to thank God for and I love that your list included big stuff (glad your kitty is better) and the little things that sometimes go unnoticed. Blessings to you! Thanks for linking up at the Weekend Blog Hop at My Flagstaff Home!


  4. Beautiful photos, and prayers for your SIL. Thanks for sharing at the #HomeMattersParty - we love partying with you! Hope to see you next Friday. :)

    Life With Lorelai

  5. Catching up!
    #1. Doesn't that just make your heart leap for joy when you see progress in your pet! I have surely prayed for her getting better!
    #2. Nothing like getting wet when your hot from the weather being muggy!
    #3. When there's harmony with the LORD, JOY abounds even in dire circumstances!
    #4-9. Yes, and throwing out things that have just become in the way.
    #10. So many different kinds, varieties, and colors!
    #11. I never get the ibis, but I do get the Sandhill cranes all the time and many times with their babies!
    #12. Way to go, DeeAnna!
    Yes, and I'm home 4 weeks earlier than last time, Praise the LORD! No more outside work for me, I'll let Rosemary and her sons do it when they do my lawn twice a month!
    Love you , thank you for your Love and help, Susan


Special thanks to all who take the time to leave comments..........They are very encouraging and very appreciated. I enjoy every one of them so much!!
May the Lord Bless You!!

Scripture Sunday - There are 6 things the Lord hates

  According to God's word  God says we are to hate the things He hates  and love the things He loves. Romans 12:9, Proverbs 8:13, and ...