Saturday, July 18, 2015

Thankful Thursday July16, 2014, Neat Photo affects

Gradient Map Affect

And whatever you do, whether in word or deed,
 do it all in the name of the Lord Jesus,
 giving thanks to God the Father through him.
Colossians 3:17

Greetings Sweet Friends,

How are ya?? Enjoying
 your summer,  I hope!!

Have to say I am....especially this
 week, as we are in Asheville for a
visit with Dee and Jerry, and so
enjoying the cool mornings and
evenings. Still fairly hot in the
daytime, but at least you do get 
a bit of a break a times and it
has been overcast a lot, so that
has helped too.

Told you on Tuesday I would
have some neat photo affects
 for you today, so hope you
 enjoy them.  I did all of them
but one on photoshop. Just in
case you don't know, just click
 once on any picture and it will
 enlarge them all,
so you can see the affects
much better........

well, on with my list.........

I am thankful

that the Lord made it possible for us 
to come on our trip to Asheville that we
 already had planned.  We have been
here since last Saturday afternoon.

Normal Picture with no affects

that our Veterinarian owns his own
 kennel and has kept Susan's dogs before,
 so we felt as good as we could about 
having them there.

With poster edges affect

for Susan's neighbor/friend Bodie
 who said he would take care of the cats
 and birds for us. Scott was going to do
it... but it would have been a hassle
for him..........since he lives 20 mins
away, and has to go out of town at
So, What a blessing for us and him.

With color change

that Susan was settled into rehab and 
wound up having a therapist that my
 late Mother-in-law had years ago,
then found out another lady from our
 church was in the same facility and also
 another lady friend she knows thru her 
neighbor/friend, so that made us feel
much better about coming on our trip.

Colored prncil affect

that our kitty Molly has done amazingly
well since we had to bring her on our
trip. She was great in the car, and had 
only ever been in a car 30 mins. @ tops,
and had never been on a leash, but now
she is like a pro, and was meowing to
go out for the first time on Wednesday
 morning, the rest of the time we have
 just been taking her out often, but think
 she has gotten it that the walks are
 shorter when she hurries up and does 
her business. You truly can teach an 
old cat new tricks, cause I feel like
 we have a cat/dog now. Course, I can
attribute this all to folks who are 
praying, cause it has just worked out
so can only be the Lord.

Photocopy affect

that Dee had to work on Wed. but
 wound up being able to get off at noon. 
  Whoo Hoo!

Equalized Posterized Affect

for the wonderful home Dee and 
Jerry have here and that they are
 finally feeling settled in, and like
they are home.

Smudgestick affect

for the lovely neighborhood they 
live in,  again it is like looking at a
 Thomas Kincaide painting I used to 
see, don't know the name but think
it might have been "Main Street"
USA.  It is just sooo 
quaint and beautiful!!  

Fotosketcher - Cartoon Affect

for their charming front porch, we can
 sit out there and gab in the morning and 
evening, as it is cool and breezy,  such
 a respite from our Florida heat, and
 reminds me of the old days when people
 used to sit out on their porches
all the time.  Lovely!

Posterized affect

that Susan seems to be coming along
 great with her rehab and is in good
spirits, as I talk to her daily. We are
hoping she might be ready to come
home next week.  Have to wait and
see,  but it might just be possible.

Colored pencil affect

that we found some wonderful 
fresh blackberries at a farmers
 market here in the square on Wed.
and got to have them on waffles 
with whip cream Thurs. morning.

Fotosketcher - Vintage Affect

for the great time we have had with
 Dee, Jerry and Rosie all week. These
are always sweet times that we hate
to see come to an end, but we will
be headed home soon and are thank-
ful we have more times in the future
 to look forward to, and also the
 other side of the family to enjoy!!

Well, here's to another week
 at Cozy Place...

Glad you came by.......

Until next time!

Love, Hugs, and
Summer Fun Blessings,

Sharing over at:

My Flagstaff Home with

Dwellings with Cindy

Stone Gable with Yvonne
and Friends

A Stroll Thru Life with

Shabby Art Boutique
with Kerryanne

Life with Lorelai with
Lorelai and Kristin


  1. Nellie, what a beautiful post. I love that you find so much to be grateful for in life. The photo effects are very clever indeed. I hope the rest of your stay is special. Mimi xxx

  2. You sound like you are having a thoroughly refreshing and uplifting trip. I'm so happy to hear that your cat is doing so well! I hope your SIL gets home this week. All the best to all of you. Hugs

  3. #1. Praise the LORD, yes!
    #2. They did great last time when I left them there. I called throughout the week and they were glad to give updates!
    #3. Again, Praise our LORD! Boddy had a great time. He says Cuddles is his favorite even though Max did the talking with him and Jerry curled his head down fr Boddy to scratch his head! He said he enjoyed it with anticipation of what would happen the next visit!
    #4. Yes, Linda (A teacher friend's sister) is in residence there. Pam (Alice's friend) was there for an ATM rollover into a ditch and it landed on top of her. I was surely in much better health than she with multiple fractures!
    #5. I have surely prayed so much for her! It is but a miracle that she would allow a harness, yet alone do her "business" while on the harness!
    #6. Blessings upon blessings!
    #7. Praise be to the LORD!
    #8. It takes you back.
    #9. When we were kids, I remember when we would go on vacation in Mississippi and Alabama to visit relatives and they had those kind of porches! My favorite was Floy's.
    #10. It was possible, thank our Almighty Father GOD!
    #11. My favorite are still fresh blueberries!
    #12. GOD is Good all the time, no matter what, we come through the trials stronger. Love you all, Susan
    Love you all, Susan


Special thanks to all who take the time to leave comments..........They are very encouraging and very appreciated. I enjoy every one of them so much!!
May the Lord Bless You!!

Scripture Sunday

  Hope you all had a lovely Valentine' Day! Hugs,  Nellie Sharing with: