Tuesday, May 31, 2016

Household Tips I have learned over the years, Part #7

Hello Sweet Friends,
Happy Tuesday to ya,

Hope you all had a nice weekend,

and sometime for reflecting on
the true meaning of 
Memorial Day.

We had a good but quiet day
 ourselves.........no fuss, no

Our church service on Sunday
 included a segment to honor
all our fallen military men and
women, and  they had people
 from the congregation send in
 the names of relatives or friends
 ahead of time who had died in
 service to our country. So those
 men were honored by name, 
which I am sure was special to their
 loved ones. One of our part time
Pastors, used to be a Navy Chaplain, 
so he is always involved with these
 special patriotic events, and does
an awesome job..........

well, I had departed from my 
household tips series as I wanted
to do some different posts for a
while.  This could be the final
post for now, unless I think of 
more this next week.........lol

So on with the tips!!  

Ever wonder what else you
could do with gift bags beside
using them as gift bags.....

* Use them as trash cans, you can
 cut the handles off if you want.

* Use them to put flowers in to fill
 a corner or empty place or even
 in a vignette like you see below.

* Use them as a night light by
 putting a small lamp inside
or twinkle lights, then cut
  a whole or slit in the back of
the bag for the cord,so you 
can plug them in.

* As luminaries for your walk
    way........ or for a tablescape
 like the ones below.
  These were actually precut bags,
 but I have used others in the 
same way. You could actually
 take a pin and poke some holes
 in them if you wanted.

* use them like shopping bags
 to carry things somewhere.

* use really pretty ones to hang
on shelf hooks.......it makes for
inexpensive art.......

Both the pink and this bag both had
glitter on them which makes them even
prettier, but doesn't show up in the pics.

* Use them like framed art by
simply cutting and fitting it
to a frame of your choice.

Need to Clean the top of the fridge
Just found a quick way this week.....
I had been cleaning and had already
 been using my swiffer and had 
disposed of one already, so decided
to clean the fridge and since it was
 so dusty, I got the used swiffer out 
of the trash and went over the top
 of the fridge and it got all the dust, 
 so all I had to do was take a wet
sponge and go over it, and dry it...
  Took  me less than 5 mins...........
and that included removing and
 returning the stuff  that was on top
of the fridge.  This will be my
way of doing it from now on.

Having overnight guests or
company for longer??

Make sure to stock your guest
bathroom with plenty of bath-
room tissue, and then check it 
every morning or night when 
your guests are still sleeping
to see if it needs replenishing.
Don't know about
you but that is the one thing
I really feel a bit awkward
having to ask for.........
Silly me, but think there just
might be more folks that
feel the same......... lol

Need to smash some food 
that is  messy like blackberries
or strawberries??

Get a piece of paper towel and tear
 a small hole in the center, so that a 
fork handle will fit through it, then
 stick the fork handle in it, and put the
 item to be smashed in a cereal bowl 
and the paper towel will lay over the
bowl while you are smashing and 
catch all the splatters, so.........
 No more messy stains!

 Thinking of/or maybe you just pur-
chased some dark colored towels?
Make sure you do not wash them 
with any lighter colored towels or
 they will get light colored lint all
 over them, and look like you have
had them for years.........
Learned this the hard way a few
years back with some deep purple
 towels I bought. They would have
looked really great, too, with my
recent purple hued guest bath.

Anyone in your home with bad
allergies??.......you might want to
try an air purifier.  It helped me
immensely years back when I was
having severe headaches daily,
and sinusitis and earaches. Just
make sure you purchase one with 
a Hepa filter (very important).
Ours has a hepa (that you don't
 change)and a charcoal filter (that
you do change every couple of
months).  We have a Honeywell,
Envirocaire unit and it is our
2nd one and the only brand we
have used, and we have had
excellent service from it.
(Just so you know I get no
compensation of any kind for
saying that....it has just been
such a blessing to us, so just
want to pass it on in case some-
one else needs that sort of help)

They are nice to have for other
 reasons as well.  If you get any 
bad smells in your home, like use
 of cleaning products, or the yuk
 smell that sometimes comes from
 the vac cleaner, just turn it on and
 clean the air, and away goes the 
smell, unless it is a smell that is
really overpowering, but even 
then it will help some. 
  Also, if  you happen to have
 barking dogs or noisy neighbors
it will drown out sounds as well,
and we also use it when lil
darling is napping so she sleeps
If you want to try one without
purchasing one, you might be
able to rent one at a medical
supply store, that was what
we did at first.........we rented
it for one month...........
Can not tell you how much better
 I felt after using it for a month,
it just got better and better each
Then when our month was up 
hubby took it back as we were
gonna look into having one put
on our whole A/C unit,  but I
had a headache within 2 days
and an earache by day 3, and
sinusitis by day 4 so, I said go
back and get it I don't care if
I have to carry it around from
room to room,  it works!! So
we bought it from them. Also
being portable has it's up side,
  I can use it in the other parts of
the house if need be, then carry
 it into the bedroom at night.
I use it more for the latter things
I mentioned, than for allergy 
symptoms, these days.  Which
is a great thing I have to say...


Well, hope you find a tip that

might help at your house.

If you missed Part 6 and would
like to see it, then  click here.  

Glad you stopped in,  and

hope you have a lovely
evening with your family/
or friends (human or furry)

with equalized affect.

Love, Hugs and

Last Day of May Blessings,


Sharing at:

Stone Gable with Yvonne and Friends

Art and Sand with Carol and Friends

A Stroll thru Life with Marty

McCall Manor with Holly and Friends

Shabby Art Boutique with Kerryanne

Walking on Sunshine with Lois and Friends

Life with Lorelai with Lorelai and Melissa

The Craftberry Bush with Lucy and Friends

Designthusiasm with Lory and Friends

Dwelling with Cindy

A Tray of Bliss with Mimi

Life and Linda with Linda and Friends

The Dedicated House with Kathyrn

Friday, May 27, 2016

Thankful Thursday May 26th, 2016,

America, America,
 God sheds his grace on thee, and
 crown thy good with brotherhood
from sea to shining sea......

Greetings Sweet Friends,

Hope this finds you well and happy
and looking forward to some time
with family/friends over the weekend.

Hubby took off today so he will have
 a 4 day weekend,  so I am just gonna
 finish this up, and go spend time with
 him, as my list is all ready.

Please be sure to read #13 if you
don't have time to read anything

I am thankful

that we got our cars serviced
last weekend, always nice to
know that is taken care of,
almost like getting a good
Drs. report.  lol

that hubby and I got to watch
a movie for free at the car dealer-
ship, and it was quite good, not 
sure of the name but we think
it is Martian with Matt Damon
Could have done without some
of the language but it wasn't
 done a lot thankfully......

that they also washed and
cleaned both our cars for
free as well, so they look
really nice.

that we got to go to "cheese
cake factory" for an early dinner.
It has probably been 4 + years
since we have been there, as it
is an hour away from us, so we
just tend to go closer to home,
The dinner was fabulous.....

that even tho I had to go back
to the endodontist on Tuesday
because my face was a lil swollen 
 that the found nothing wrong, I
 had sinusitis but I have never had 
swelling before, but after taking the
 sinus meds it is better today,
 so hopefully that is all it was.....

that since my dental appt. was
last in the afternoon, I just did
a lil shopping till hubby got off
work and then we went to dinner
again.  Gee, 2 dates in one week.,
I could get  used to this.....lol

that  I finally heard from a dear
friend that lives in another state
and things are okay.  I called her
cell and house phone and left
messages but never heard back
from her and it had been over
a week so I was getting a bit
 worried as her husband had
 surgery not too long ago. I had 
wondered if they might be on a
 cruise as they do that with all 
their family every year about 
this time, and that was why....
So happy to hear things are
mostly fine......

that I got to do a little
craft that I found at TJ Maxx
last week with Brooklyn on 
Wed. and she loved it, and did 
an amazingly good job( without
a lot of help from me) for a 3
yr. old.  She made these cute
lil flower magnets and did
one for herself, her friend an
Mommy and Daddy.  She was
very proud of her good work.

that we got to work in the
back yard again, there is less
dead looking stuff and more
green beauty showing, every
time we work out there. So 
that spells success to me.

for nice warm showers after
a long day...........so relaxing
and refreshing.......

for a challenge that Dayspring
 cards has been encouraging.....
and that is to do one thing every
day for 21 days to encourage
other people. The person can be
 family, co-workers, friends or
 others you just feel need some 
encouragement. I love doing that
 already but don't necessarily
make a point of doing it daily.
So, I just joined in and made a
special point of thinking of
someone different every day.
So go Dayspring, that is a
great idea...........in this crazy
world we are living in that
is a much needed thing.

for computer games from
 AARP, that are designed
to help your brain function.
They are fun and it is nice
to think you are doing some-
thing to help your brain at
the same time.  lol

If you would like to check 
it out go to.......

last but definitely not least....
for all the men and women
who have served our country
and gave up their lives in the
line of duty to preserve the
life we all live here in the
USA.  God Bless them and
their families who have also
sacrificed a great deal for 
all of us.  

Jesus said:
Greater love has no one than this:
 to lay down one’s life for one’s friends. 

Update:  I just had to come back today and
 post this utube link that a friend sent to us
 on Memorial Day. It is Monday morning and 
I just read it and  It is very touching and truly
what Memorial Day is really all about.
Know many have missed this,  but know
some will get to see it.....Just click on
the link.  It is called our country is in
mourning.........a beautiful tribute.


Thank You for coming by and
hope you will be remembering
those that have laid down their
lives for us..........

Have a Good, but Contemplative
Weekend.....with family and

Love,  Hugs and
Memorial Day Blessings,

Sharing with:

Life with Lorelai with Lorelai and Melissa

The Craftberry Bush with Lucy and Friends

Designthusiasm with Lory and Friends

Dwellings with Cindy

Stone Gable with Yvonne and Friends

Tuesday, May 24, 2016

Part 2 - of 0 $$ Spring/Summer changes to guest bath

Happy Tuesday Sweet Friends,

Hope you have had a good day.

Mine was good, but I had to go back to
 the endodontist as my face was swelling 
some. I have had a lot of sinusitis lately
 probably because I have been handling 
our kitty so much more, and I am 
allergic to her. If I remember to wash
my hands every time it seems to be
okay, but sometimes I forget...........
Anyway, they took an x-ray of another
tooth and checked my root canal and
found nothing, so that is good, then
I went and got some tylenol sinus
and took it and am hoping maybe 
that will cause the swelling to go
away.  No pain or anything thank-
fully.........but just don't know why
the swelling............
Did a little shopping afterwards
 and went to din din with hubby so
 that made it worth the trip to the
dentist at least.............lol

Well, it is beddie bye time and
the post has been ready since
yesterday other than all of what
I just wrote..............lol
So gonna post it now.............

Here's a look from the door....
 down the left side of our bath,
keep in mind this is part 2...if
you missed part 1, and would
like to see it, there is a link
at the end of this post.

Here is a good shot of the wallpaper. 
 It is getting old, but I still love it........that
 is how it is when you buy things you love
 to begin with.  I was actually thinking
when I made these changes that even if I 
wanted to change I don't know what style
 I would go with................lol

This was how I did the shelf to begin with,
 but it just seemed like all the jars with the
 white were too much white, and needed
 some color,

So...I checked out my ribbon stash and
sure enough I had just the perfect shade
of purple that matched the flower on the 
towels.  It just needed that lil touch of 
purple...........now I am happy with it.

Happened on this pretty purple flower that
has a clip on the back, it decorated a gift
someone gave me, so just clipped it on the
towels and then later added the ribbon

Just tied it on!  What a difference a
little ribbon can make! 

With polar coordinates affect.  I just find 
this affect so interesting.  But you must 
click on it to be able to see the full affect.

All my jars are repurposed, the one
 above had a nice botancial print so just
 left it as it was after I cleaned all the
 wax out. Two of  the jars are yankee 
candle jars, the one with the q-tips was
 a room deodorizer from Bath and Body
 shop, I think it was. I liked it because
it was perfect fit for the q-tips and it
 has a nice oval shape to it. Hard to
tell from the pictures.

The bag of lavender, which was previously 
in our computer room was my 2nd
 inspiration piece that led me to the other
pot of faux lavender I had, and made me
 think this change could work.......lol
Funny how you have things and get
so used to them, that you sort of for
get they are there. Course, guess that
is because our computer room doesn't
get moved around much.  Much to
my chagrin............

A few shots in the mirror

and the Guest Bath says.....

Bye Bye, So Long, Farewell,
Bye Bye, So Long, Farewell,
See  you  in  September........

(Does anyone else remember that
old song by Frankie Valle and the
4 Seasons.......lol.) If you want to
look it up the name of the song
is "See you in September" quite
a nice song really.........

 Don't ask me what made me 
think of that!!  Maybe cause I
won't change it again until the
Fall........anyway, I thought it 
was funny.......lol

Here is the link to part 1, 

Friday, May 20, 2016

Thankful Thursday May 19, 2016, Beautiful pics of our world

Consider how the wild flowers grow. 
They do not labor or spin. Yet I tell you, 
not even Solomon in all his splendor
 was dressed like one of these.
Luke 12:27

Greetings Sweet Friends,

So... how  are  you  today ??

Doing well I hope!!

I am late again.....this time it really
 wasn't my fault.........lol
Microsoft decided to download 
Windows 10 (without our asking for
 it), to my computer and we didn't want
 that, so we had to shut my computer
 down until hubby could figure out if 
there was a way to get it off.  He did
some research and found there was
an app that takes it off.  Shew!
So he did that and I am back in
business again!  Thank heavens
my hubby knows what to do or
I would be sidelined as far as
the computer goes..........
It was good I was late, cause late
last night, I got a wonderful email
from a friend of ours with all these
lovely pictures, so thought they
were perfect to share on Thankful

How about my header pic......
sure looks like an Angel, doesn't it?

The heavens
 declare the glory of God;
 the skies
 proclaim the work of his hands.
Psalm 19:1 NIV

So on with it...............

I am thankful

that the Lord let me see something
that looked like a long pc. of grass
in my living room as I passed by
on the way to the computer room.
It was a small snake and he looked
 like he was dead, and hubby had
just run to his sisters house to take
something so I called him to come
home before he went to pick up a
pizza.  Well, before he could get
here, it popped it's head up, so I
knew for sure it wasn't dead, so
 thankfully I remembered this
 happening to my SIL Susan, and she 
used one of those grabber things, and
 we have one too, thank the Lord.  So
 I ran and got it, and by the time I got
back he was starting to move. (Now
 you have to know that I am scared to 
death of snakes and it doesn't matter
 how big or lil or if they are poisonous
 or not) So he was starting to crawl
and I thought Nellie you better grab
him or he is gonna be lost in this
house, so I went after him with the
grabber and after a lil chase, I caught
him and took him outdoors. I thought
 I was gonna have a heart attack, my 
heart was beating so fast, took about 
15 mins. to calm down, so that was
 my feat of bravery for the year!!  lol
and hubby came in right after I got
rid of him............lol, so I told him
guess you can go on and get the
pizza now....Crisis over!!
Guess the Lord knew I needed
some stretching.....I am very thank-
ful it was a small snake and that
the Lord gave me the courage to
go after it...........

for a very long phone conversation
with a good friend that I have not
seen in quite a while, as she has just
had so much going on in her life
these days. So it was really great to
have some time to talk with her.   

that our kitty is still alive and has
improved quite a bit in most ways and
 has been eating, so she is doing okay
 as she had about 3 or 4 strokes this past 
weekend and we thought we were gonna 
have to have her put to sleep, but so far,
 she is doing way better than we ever
 could have imagined at this point. 
 This cat truly does have 9 lives.....
Unfortunately tho, it has made her
vision worse, so that she is running
 into things now and seems confused. 
 Which would be normal if you can
 hardly see. So now we are walking her
 on the leash like when we go to Ashe-
ville. Thank goodness our trips have
gotten her used to that, and I think
it makes her feeling safer hopefully.
It is hard to know what to do.......
cause her quality of life is sad, but
 she is still eating and seems deter-
mined to live and doesn't seem to be
suffering physically, so we feel bad to
 have her put down just for our con-
venience.  So we pray that the Lord 
will take her if she is suffering and 
we are unaware or that he will
make us aware if she is............

that we finally found a bed frame to go 
around our adjustable bed at a great 
price with no shipping charges, and
 should be getting it by early June.
  Then we can finally get our bedroom 
completely back to normal, as I have
 not rehung pictures in the bed area,
cause I am not sure where to put
 them yet. This has been such a 
process............but well worth it.

that I rec'd my new keyboard and
mouse a few days ago, and am
really enjoying them both. No
more skipping on the keyboard
or trying to find letters and no
more wires.  Works for me!!  lol


for the hopeful news from the
endodontist on Tuesday.

for take out from Texas roadhouse
on Wed. night......every bite was
delicious....and always so nice
not to have to cook after a long
day playing with lil darling.

for some homemade cinnamon
Kefir my sweet son made and
brought us today.  It is really good!!
 My daughter and I think he is just
such an interesting and brilliant
guy......he loves reading and
 learning and trying new things......
I am happy to say!
Hopefully he will instill that
into lil darling as well.

for a delicious lunch of diced 
red ripe juicy tomatoes with
italian bread and butter and
a glass of milk.  Can't remember
the last time I have had that ....
it was perfectly delicious....
and healthy as well.  Yum!

that my new crown prep has been
 delayed until after the endodontist
 says everything is healed completely.
  So I have a month reprieve......
So that is nice........although for once
 I was geared up to get her done....lol
Go figure!  lol

that hubby brought home yummy
bagels from Panera...........it has
been a while......and they smell
so heavenly, can't wait for break-
fast in the morning.

for our friend Dan, who sent us 
all these lovely pictures via email.
 There are more... so will probably 
share them in a few other Thankful
Thursday posts.  I thought they were
 all amazingly beautiful...............

Well, there you have it...............

Glad you could stop in, and hope
 you had a good visit.

Have a Lovely, Lovely Weekend,

sweet friends.

Scripture Sunday

  Hope you are finding rest for your soul today!! Hugs, Nellie