Tuesday, May 24, 2016

Part 2 - of 0 $$ Spring/Summer changes to guest bath

Happy Tuesday Sweet Friends,

Hope you have had a good day.

Mine was good, but I had to go back to
 the endodontist as my face was swelling 
some. I have had a lot of sinusitis lately
 probably because I have been handling 
our kitty so much more, and I am 
allergic to her. If I remember to wash
my hands every time it seems to be
okay, but sometimes I forget...........
Anyway, they took an x-ray of another
tooth and checked my root canal and
found nothing, so that is good, then
I went and got some tylenol sinus
and took it and am hoping maybe 
that will cause the swelling to go
away.  No pain or anything thank-
fully.........but just don't know why
the swelling............
Did a little shopping afterwards
 and went to din din with hubby so
 that made it worth the trip to the
dentist at least.............lol

Well, it is beddie bye time and
the post has been ready since
yesterday other than all of what
I just wrote..............lol
So gonna post it now.............

Here's a look from the door....
 down the left side of our bath,
keep in mind this is part 2...if
you missed part 1, and would
like to see it, there is a link
at the end of this post.

Here is a good shot of the wallpaper. 
 It is getting old, but I still love it........that
 is how it is when you buy things you love
 to begin with.  I was actually thinking
when I made these changes that even if I 
wanted to change I don't know what style
 I would go with................lol

This was how I did the shelf to begin with,
 but it just seemed like all the jars with the
 white were too much white, and needed
 some color,

So...I checked out my ribbon stash and
sure enough I had just the perfect shade
of purple that matched the flower on the 
towels.  It just needed that lil touch of 
purple...........now I am happy with it.

Happened on this pretty purple flower that
has a clip on the back, it decorated a gift
someone gave me, so just clipped it on the
towels and then later added the ribbon

Just tied it on!  What a difference a
little ribbon can make! 

With polar coordinates affect.  I just find 
this affect so interesting.  But you must 
click on it to be able to see the full affect.

All my jars are repurposed, the one
 above had a nice botancial print so just
 left it as it was after I cleaned all the
 wax out. Two of  the jars are yankee 
candle jars, the one with the q-tips was
 a room deodorizer from Bath and Body
 shop, I think it was. I liked it because
it was perfect fit for the q-tips and it
 has a nice oval shape to it. Hard to
tell from the pictures.

The bag of lavender, which was previously 
in our computer room was my 2nd
 inspiration piece that led me to the other
pot of faux lavender I had, and made me
 think this change could work.......lol
Funny how you have things and get
so used to them, that you sort of for
get they are there. Course, guess that
is because our computer room doesn't
get moved around much.  Much to
my chagrin............

A few shots in the mirror

and the Guest Bath says.....

Bye Bye, So Long, Farewell,
Bye Bye, So Long, Farewell,
See  you  in  September........

(Does anyone else remember that
old song by Frankie Valle and the
4 Seasons.......lol.) If you want to
look it up the name of the song
is "See you in September" quite
a nice song really.........

 Don't ask me what made me 
think of that!!  Maybe cause I
won't change it again until the
Fall........anyway, I thought it 
was funny.......lol

Here is the link to part 1, 


  1. Hi, Nellie. I'm so glad all went well at the dentist. My eyes have been going "crazy" with the allergies. It's this time in May and again in November when I get the itchy/watery eyes!

    I just love the purple ribbon color. The mirror effects are great too! Talk to you later, Susan

  2. I love the flower you added to the towels. So cute and creative. Thanks for sharing at My Flagstaff Home.


  3. Hi Susan,
    Yes, I am very thankful too. Thanks for coming by and for your sweet comments.

    Have a good day,

    Love ya, Nellie

  4. Hi Jennifer,
    Thanks for coming by and for your warm comments.
    Hope you have a lovely Memorial Day weekend.
    Blessings, Nellie


Special thanks to all who take the time to leave comments..........They are very encouraging and very appreciated. I enjoy every one of them so much!!
May the Lord Bless You!!

Thankful Thursday March 13, 2025, and Birthday Table

  “You are worthy, our Lord and God    to receive glory and honor and power,  for you created all things,   and by your will they were creat...