Thursday, July 28, 2016

Thankful Thursday July 28, 2016, and Beautiful skies

Your love, LORD,
 reaches to the heavens, 
your faithfulness to the skies.
Psalm 36:5

Greetings Sweet Friends,

How yall doing??? Hope you
are staying cool.....

Have to say it is hot as blue blazes
 here and suspect... it probably is
 where you are too.............
Ahhh Summer.....gotta love it!!
even if you do hide in the house
with the A/C blazing!!   lol

Not much going on here,  but have
 been spending lots of time this week
 on the phone with my lovely daughter.
Guess we must be really missing each
 other, as it has been awhile since we
 have gotten together.  Hoping she is
 gonna get to come down the end of
 August for a belated birthday
 celebration. Lots of interesting
possibilities going on with them
right now, so we will see..........

Had lots of sky pictures so thought
 it might be a nice relaxing theme
 for a change.  So hope you enjoy
them and the post.  You might
want to click on one of the pics
to enlarge them all for better
viewing pleasure.

Pink sky in evening

I am thankful

that my chicken casserole recipe
 remake turned out quite well. 
 Hubby really loved it....and it
 reminded us both of my late
 Mother-in-laws cornbread
 dressing. As that is part of 
the recipe. I will share the
recipe with you next week.
It is a kid pleasing meal
as least my
kiddos liked it......


for my sweet neighbor who
sent us another great batch
of her vegetable soup.  She
makes the best Veggie soup.
Always a treat when she 
sends it over.................

   A silver lining for a dark cloud............
great reminder of a real truth........

Do you see a lil bit of the rainbow on 

the top right???

for the lovely Memorial service
we attended unexpectedly on
Sunday afternoon.  An elderly
man from our church passed 
away, and he used to be in my
husband shepherding group but
had been quite ill for awhile now.
The word of God says it is better
to attend a funeral, than to go to
a party, and have to say that is true. 
This man had such a rich legacy
 that he left behind, and it was nice
 to get to know about his earlier
days before he got so sick.
 He was a career Navy chaplain
 and a youth Pastor in his earlier 
years and was a wonderful loving 
husband and Father and he has a
 family who loved him dearly and
 are really gonna miss him,  altho,
I know they must be relieved
he is not suffering anymore.
It was a wonderful Memorial
 service that really honored the 
Godly man that he was, and it
 really makes you take pause
 and think about what will your
own legacy be............
It is always good to do a check 
up on yourself!!


for a very normal situation
that reminded me of how God
is very interested in the small
details of our lives, and who will
orchestrate situations to take care
of them thru others many times....

that hubby got new tires on his
car on Monday,  as one has really
 been acting up, and now the car is 
driving as smooth as silk and he
also want have to worry about
 having the tires rotated in the
future since he got them done at 
the place where we normally get
 our cars serviced now, and they
 will do it for free every time we
 take the cars in to be serviced. 
He also doesn't have to work
on our cars anymore either.
I love that..... as he has always
done those things himself, and
did a great job and saved us
tons of money but as we are
getting older, he doesn't need
to be doing all that, as he has
worked hard all his life, so it is
 so nice to see these things be
 taken care that he
doesn't have to do it anymore.
new tires - One more thing we 
can put on and mark off our
 before he retires list.   lol


that we got our bushes in front
of the house trimmed up, between 
my back and the rain some of them 
were getting pretty rowdy.  lol
So it looks so much better now.

for take out from 4 River's
smoke house.  We really love
their food, it is really great!

that my cushions I ordered
for the porch came in and they
 are really nice, and stay on the
 chairs well, but were not exactly
 the shade of green that my screen
showed, but will work if necessary.
 I am trying to find a fabric spray
 paint in the right color but not 
sure that is gonna happen, 
but will see......

Daytime  sky

#9, 10, and 11
for things that made me laugh
out loud this week......

One is a new Lowe's commercial
that is the cutest commercial I have
seen in a long time.

It is a Mermaid figurine sitting on
a shelf holding a shell in her hand
and their is a lady in the bathroom
putting towels on the towel rack,
and the Mermaid is saying how
the woman got all her accessories
from Lowe's and as the lady is
walking out the the room the
Mermaid says gotta go my, shell
phone is ringing, and then she
says in the cutest voice
"Hey Girl, Hey!!

Hubby and I both loved it and
can't quit saying
Dee has seen the commercial too,
 so it has sort of been a lil joke
 betweens us lately

for a picture I saw on yahoo news
of a black bear that was so hot he
took a dip in these people's kiddie
pool.  He was just laying in the
pool,  and he took up every inch
of space it looked like and looked
like he was quite enjoying himself.
Can you imagine finding that in
your back

for how it cracks me up when I 
hear our lil darling pretending to 
talk on the cell phone.
Yesterday I heard her very excitedly
say, " Hey, I just saw you called".......
sounded just like her Mommy
. So cute!
  She also was pretending to call
 someone and said, their not 
She is just such a hoot!!  and if
you have grandies, I am sure
you know exactly what I am
talking about.

late afternoon sky -See the half moon!

for something that made me cry
because it really touched my heart.
 A 10 yr. old girl....trying to make
 the world a better place. She makes
bracelets and gives them away
"becuz she cares", and tells people
to be nice to someone and then
give them a bracelet with a
message "becuz we care"
Such a precious child......on a

Click here if you would like to
read about her.

One of our Pastors a few weeks
back when praying about the Pulse
nightclub shooting here in Orlando, 
said think about what you have in
 your hand to do that you can use to
 make our world a better place..........
and I when I read about this lil girl
It came to mind what our Pastor said
and I thought that is exactly what 
this sweet lil 10 yr. old is doing.  

I have been making it a point to
call or email people just to check
on them or to let them know
they are missed.............

Can you think of something you
can do??
 or might already be doing???

If so, please share it with us,
we would love to hear about it.


Well, that's it.... for latest edition
of Thankful Thursday.

Thanks so much for checking in,

 it is always nice to know you
were here.

Love,  Hugs and

Blessings of Laughter
to you and yours,

Sharing with:

Walking on Sunshine with Lois and Friends

Shabby Art Boutique with Kerryanne

Grammie time with Michelle

Life with Lorelai with Lorelai and Friends

Tuesday, July 26, 2016

Simple Colorful Summer Tablescape

Happy Tuesday Sweet Friends,

Hope you are enjoying this last week
 of July.  Hard to believe next Tuesday
 will already be August my...
how fast the time does fly!!  lol

I started working on this tablescape a
 few weeks ago,  and then had to put
 it aside cause we needed to use the
table!!  Imagine that!!  lol
 Found these beautiful  plates that I
 bought at Target many moons ago,
 and we have never eaten off of them,
 I have always just used
them purely for decorations on the
wall or tabletop.  So if you have
followed me long you might remember
 seeing them used in those other ways
I mentioned.........

However, I did manage to
get the centerpiece done before
having to put it aside, so decided
to get it out again yesterday as I
heard too much bad stuff in the
 news and  just needed to create 
some beauty!!  It is a very simple
table, and hubby and I christened
these pretty plates last night. So
it made for a fun dinner....for me
at least!!  lol

Don't forget to click on a picture
to enlarge them all for better
viewing pleasure.............

Hope you enjoy it.

Simple Summer arrangement
with flowers I already had.

These plates were made by Waverly
and are called "The Garden Room"

Didn't have any solid color napkins that
matched, so just went with the white
and added a touch of color with the
faux strawberries.

This is one of my favorite silver
 patterns, and I have no idea what
it is called, but it was passed
down from my husbands side of
the family and my sweet sister-
in-law gave it to me a few years
back.....and I think it is so pretty.

Originally it was my husband's
cousins wedding silver......I think
I love it because it reminded me
of something my Mom used to
have when I was growing up.

Think this arrangement might wind
 up on my kitchen table soon....if not
 now, maybe in the Fall....

I only have 3 plates because I bought 
these on clearance because one of the 
plates got broken..........they were
4 to a box typically.

So it was just a simple table for 3,
then 2 once I took the

Doubt we will eat off of them again,  as I 
could not believe how just one dinner 
scratched them up so much.
So think they are best used as a decoration....

With Photocopy Affect  -  just for fun!!

An overview,  and used the fruit bowls to
 add some more color to the table,  but
 stuck them back in the fridge till dinner
 time, but forgot, and found them in the
fridge this

So much for that great

Can't believe I forgot to have some 
candles too.
Man I am

Well,  there you have it .......
 a simple,
colorful, summer table......

Thanks for popping over!

See ya on Thursday!!

Love, Hugs and
Rosy Blessings to You,

Sharing at:

Wednesday, July 20, 2016

Thankful Thursday July 21, 2016, Coastally styled coffee table flashback......

As for God, his way is perfect:
 The LORD’s word is flawless;
 he shields all who
 take refuge in him. 
Psalm 18:30 NIV

Greetings Sweet Friends,

So....what cha' been up to
 this week?? 
 Anything exciting??

Have to say there isn't much exciting
 going on here these days but the normal
 routine things pretty much, with lil 
darling being the highlight of our

Did finish up a small project, the
 pantry! and did some online shopping
 for some baby shower gifts for a shower
coming up next weekend.  Also, hurt
 my back again on Wed. afternoon, that
was exciting........NOT!!  lol
but there are always good things
 happening too, thank heavens!!  

Decided to share some pics of a
 blast from the past,
 our  Coastal coffee table......

So on with the post.................

I am thankful

that our friends/co-workers in the
young marrieds ministry had a great
week of vacation last week, and came
 back relaxed and refreshed and ready
to go.....exactly what a vacation
is suppose to

for some decisions that I finally
made about some tests that I
don't think are really necessary.

for two really good decisions that my 
daughter and her hubby made this week.

for a long time friend at church
who was deathly sick some months
ago, but has now been back at 
church,  and is doing so much better.
 They are still trying to get some
 thyroid problems worked out,  but
 her recovery has been nothing short
of a miracle.  Everytime we see
her she seems more and more like
her old self, and we are all so
 thrilled to see her progress.......

for the fun and laughter our lil
darling and I share as we sing 
kiddie songs together.............
She is developing such a sense

of cute!

for that great movie we got to 
watch over the weekend called
"Miracles from  Heaven" 
that I mentioned in Tuesdays post,
I am still thinking about it at times.
  Such a great movie.

for a bowl of cut up delicous
fresh peaches, with bread and
butter and a glass of milk.
That is some good eating!!

that a surprise gift for lil 
darling that wasn't suppose
to get here till Thursday, got
here on Wed. instead. I was
quite happy  about that,  and 
so was she.
 It is a cinderella dress,
and it looks adorable on her.

It is her style for sure, as she
is definitely a girly girl!!  lol

to read this week that Chip and 
Joanna Gaines from Fixer upper, 
one of our favorite decorating shows
 are coming out with their own
 magazine soon. 
What a great opportunity for them 
to share their faith through their
 lifestyle living. Will definitely
want to get a copy as soon as
it comes out................

for a huge answer to prayer for a
couple in our class that we have all
been praying for.  They are expect-
ing a new baby soon, and he has to
travel all the time......but the Lord
just gave him a job in the area and
he will no longer have to travel, and
 he got a raise that will make up for
 the loss in salary they would have
had with her quitting her job. We
are all so happy for them, as they
are such a sweet couple.


for homemade decaf iced coffee that
 helps to  keep me cool and refreshed.

for a nice clean and organized
 pantry.  Always nice to be able to
find things easily.

Well,  here's to another week at Cozy Place!

Thanks for coming by,  you are
 always welcome here!!

Have a lovely summery Friday
and Weekend.

Love, Hugs,  and
Oceans of Blessings,


Sharing over at:

Shabby Art Boutique with Kerryanne

Wallking on Sunshine with Lois and Friends

Life with Lorelai with Lorelai and Friends

The Craftberry Bush with Lucy and Friends

Designthusiasm with Lory and Friends

Life and Linda with Linda and Friends

Dwellings with Cindy

Tuesday, July 19, 2016

Best Household Tips #9

Hello Sweet Friends

Hope this find you well and happy
today......and refreshed after a nice

We had a nice relaxing weekend and
 didn't get a thing accomplished other than
 cutting a few vines in the backyard and a
 30 min.exercise routine, but some times
you need to not accomplish much!!

We did get a few times to sit on the back
 porch for a short while so that was nice, 
 and we got to see an awesome movie that
we rented off Amazon.  It is a new movie
 called" Miracles from Heaven"., and it is
 based on a true story.
It is a really really good movie and we
 highly recommend it. What this family
went through is terrible but the final
outcome is clearly amazing!!
So if you rent it, get the tissue box!! 
It is so good you will be sorry when
it ends................

Well, here is another addition to
my Best Household tips series,
which has seemed to be a hit!

If you missed Tips # 8
Just click here!

pic compliments of

So here we go!

Hands smelly from cutting onions?

Rub your hands on a stainless steel butter
 knife and it magicallly takes away the
 onion smell.

Tired of crying when you cut onions?

Light a candle or two a few minutes 
before you begin cutting the onions
 and put the candles real close to 
where you are working and you 
will be pleasantly surprised at how
much it helps.

Have a really large time consuming
task that needs to be done but you
keep putting it off cause you don't
think you have the time??

Then break it down into bite size
pieces.  Decide how much time
you can spare each day,  maybe
 it is only 10 mins., or  15 or 30
 mins., that is what you need to
decide and then faithfully begin 
to tackle the task for whatever
amount of time you have alloted
yourself everyday.  Some days
you might do more if you want,
but you are only bound to the
time you alloted yourself.  This
works really great and before
you know it you have it all done,
and are basking in the glory of
it all.................

Example: Maybe you need to
clean out your pantry, then just
do one shelf a day or set a limit
of 15 mins. a day and see how
far it takes you!

Do you put off having friends
over because your think you
have to make a nice dinner?

Keep it simple, just invite them
for dessert and coffee.  As we have
gotten older we have found that if 
we make entertaining simple, we
are much more likely to do it....

I typically keep the going all
out for family and special events
or holidays.  Not that I never do
it for friends, but not as much
as I used to.........just don't have
the time and/or energy many

Would it make it easier if you 
had some extra teaspoons??

You can purchase restaurant quality 
stainless steel ones for less than $6
for 36 spoons at Sam's club.......they
 are just plain, but that's quite a deal, 
I think!!
They also have forks and knives in
 case you are interested.
You can also pick them up at thrift
stores (if you don't mind them being 
differing patterns) or bed bath and 
beyond, world market or anywhere 
they have silverware that you can by
the pcs. separately, but just expect
to spend more.................

Are you putting in new kitchen

Since I see so many kitchen
remodels where folks are getting
new cabinets thought I would
share what I thought was a great
idea...............learned this from
our contractor that did our kitchen
cabinets years ago.
He went and bought Boric Acid
Powder before he installed my
 lower cabinets and dusted the 
floors where the cabinets were
 going to sit with the Boric Acid
 powder and also put it in any 
cracks or crevices, as it is a
safe and effective pest control
agent (especially for roaches),
 and have to say it must work as
we have never seen any roaches
 in my kitchen and it has been 14
 yrs. or so, and we do not use a 
pest control service.

Just don't put it on counter tops
 or out inthe open where a child 
or pet could ingest it............

pic compliments of

Thanks for dropping by and
hope you find a tip or two that is
helpful to you! 

Have a great rest of the week!

Love, Hugs and
Blessings Galore,

Sharing over at:

A Stroll thru Life with Marty

Kim @ Saavy Southern Style

Art and Sand with Carol and Friends

Shabby Art Boutique with Kerryanne

Wallking on Sunshine with Lois and Friends

Life with Lorelai with Lorelai and Friends

The Craftberry Bush with Lucy and Friends

Designthusiasm with Lory and Friends

Life and Linda with Linda and Friends

Dwellings with Cindy

Stone Gable with Yvonne and Friends

The Dedicated House with Kathyrn

Scripture Sunday

  Hope you are finding rest for your soul today!! Hugs, Nellie