Tuesday, August 16, 2016

Accidental look of Fall....plus an easy avocado/tomato salad....

Hello Sweet Friends,

Hope your Tuesday is going well......

Mine has been......
sending some ecards to my 
sweet daughter, as her birthday is
tomorrow, my dental cleaning got
 cancelled, wasn't in the mood any
way! lol. Nice chat with my daughter,
 thoughtful pic from my
 daughter-in-love of lil darling on her
 first day of preschool.
So sweet, she looked so happy!.
A smoothie and the regular household
chores, and waiting for lil darling to
get home so I can call her to hear 
about her day...............they got me
first, and she had a great day, so
much so she wasn't ready to leave.

Yesterday as I was foraging for good
 and healthy food, since I am trying to
 be a good girl these days!!  lol

I couldn't help but take notice of these
fruits and Veggies we bought over the
weekend, and how they just reminded
me of Fall  (smile)..............so of course,
 that morphed into a photo shoot.

and since the avocado was ripe I 
thought, oh, I will have an avocado for 
lunch with some Italian dressing.

Then I thought those tomatoes sure look 
good,  and that plain avocado just
 morphed into an easy salad.

So cut her (the avocado of course) in half,
 removed the big seed, and then took a
 sharp knife and cut several slices from
 end to end, inside the avocado half.
and then went the opposite way to
make cubes.

Here is a utube video just in case you
may not know how.....as I haven't 
always known myself, cause I didn't
use to eat them..............

Just click here or type in this
address below

So here are the avocado cubes and
 halved tomatoes.  These tomatoes
are called "wild wonders gourmet
medley" tomatoes.  They are not
just pretty they are quite delish
as well...................

As you can see this is just one serving
 but you can certainly make it any size
 you would like.

Now add some salt and pepper

and some granulated garlic powder

Then add some Italian dressing of your 
choice, We use Olive Garden dressing 
(we get it at Sam's Club and sometimes
 you can find it at Walmart, or you can
also get it at the restaurant.)

This is with the dressing on,  in case
 you can't tell........lol

 If you wanted to doll it up more,
  you could also add some lettuce,
 bacon or black olives as well.

I was just going for a quick  and 
easy lunch here,  and crackers
 are always a good
 accompaniment as well.

Simple, quick, easy, tasty
and healthy.


Thanks for poppin in..............

Have a really great week!

See ya Thursday,

Love, Hugs
and First Weeks of School


Sharing with:

A Stroll thru Life with Marty

The Dedicated House with Kathyrn

Art and Sand with Carol and Friends

Savvy Southern Style with Kim

Walking on Sunshine with Lois and Friends

Shabby Art Boutique with Kerryanne

Life with Lorelai with Lorelai and Friends

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  1. Oh, that salad sounds delish! What a great idea. Hubby's been bringing home some of those tomatoes from the garden of a co-worker. We are blessed!

  2. Avocado and Tomato Salad is one of my all time favorite summertime lunches (I've never tried dressing on mine) Yours looks delish!

  3. Hi Rebecca,
    Oh wow, you are blessed to be getting them homegrown, they are probably even more
    delicious.......they are so pretty too.....
    Hope you try out the salad, think you will like it.

    Blessings, Nellie

  4. Hi Maryann,
    Nice to meet you here in blogland, and thanks for your visit and comments.
    Yea, avocado and tomatoes sort of go so well together like peas and carrots.
    Hope you try it and like it with the Italian dressing.

    Blessings, Nellie

  5. Hi, Nellie!
    I hope I had the right e-mail address! Yesterday I sent DeeAnna an e-card for her birthday too
    but have not heard back from her! She may be really busy right now!

    I didn't realize Sweetie Pie started Preschool already! Wow! I thought she would greatly enjoy it! Good for her!

    What yummy salads you make! Have you ever thought of having a take-out, ha, ha! I've gotten into either frozen or canned goods so they don't go bad on me or I'm not out every other day buying fresh! It goes bad on me before I can use it all otherwise!
    I love you all, Susan

  6. Morning Susan,
    Saw you rec'd Dee's correct email address this morning, and now knowt she didn't recieve the ecard yet. Think it must have been an old email address.

    Yea, lil darling is growing up so fast.....glad I get to have her another year....

    I know it is a challenge to use up fresh things quickly enough. I rarely do a full grocery
    shopping any more due to that...........even with 2 of us sometimes things go bad

    Thanks for stopping by and for the sweet comments. Have a great day
    Love ya, Nellie

  7. I love the different colour tomatoes and that salad looks delicious


  8. Hi Molly,

    Nice to meet you here in blogland, thanks for stopping by and for your kind comments.

    Have a great weekend,
    Blessings, Nellie

  9. I picked up a container of cherry tomatoes at Trader Joe's yesterday and I immediately thought how much the variety of colors looked like fall.

    Thanks for sharing with SYC.

  10. Morning Carol,

    I know....aren't they just so pretty and tasty as well.

    Thanks for coming by hon,
    Blessings, Nellie


Special thanks to all who take the time to leave comments..........They are very encouraging and very appreciated. I enjoy every one of them so much!!
May the Lord Bless You!!

Scripture Sunday

Happy March to You!! Hugs, Nellie