Friday, August 26, 2016

Thankful Thursday August 26, 2016, some pics of what's been happening

 Be exalted, O God, above the heavens; 
let your glory be over all the earth.
Psalm 57:11

Greetings Sweet Friends,

Hope this finds you well and happy!

It has been a good but quick week
 here....really can't believe it is 
Friday night already.
 Hubby had to go into work
all week as his boss was here, so
it made for a different week...have
spent lots of time on the phone
with our girl again this week, lots
to talk about with the move and things are getting more
nailed down she is getting more
excited about the move and their
new abode.  Course, they are 
gonna be living in an extended
stay for a lil over 3 weeks.  So
she will probably be bored out
of her mind since she doesn't have
 a job and doesn't know anyone
 there yet, besides her realtor
 (who thankfully is very nice and 
chatty).  At least she can cook,
cause they will have a kitchen,
so that will give her something

Well, better hush and get on with
my Thankfuls for the week.

The pics this time....... actually
 pertain to some of my 
What a novel idea!!   lol

I am thankful

that a toddler in Coco Beach, Florida
 was found underneath her families
 capsized boat, in an air pocket, and
she is doing fine......
It happened at night time, and they
 could hear her crying but could not
 see to find her, but a member of a
rescue team found her.The family
 says it is truly a miracle she is alive.
Thank the Lord she had a life
vest on that kept her floating.........

Maybe I am just wierd, but for the
life of me I can not imagine why
anyone would have 2 lil ones out
in a boat at night.  Sounds like a
recipe for disaster to me.......

for the beauty of the late afternoon
in our back yard, I find all the long
shadows and sunlight fascinating.
Just warms the cockles of my heart.

notice the yard and the trees....
with the neat shadows ...

and the shadow shots.

 for beauty berries that are growing
in my backyard, they are still green
right now, but are just starting to
tinge pink, and soon they will live
up to their name with lovely 
purple berries.  I so look forward
to them every year at this time.

Here are the beauty berries all formed
 but still green.

You can see them starting to turn colors
here.......over the next week or so they
will become a beautiful shade of purple.

that things are coming together
nicely on both houses for Dee
and Jerry.  They were having
some glitches earlier in the
week, that they were getting
concerned about,  but now......
thank the Lord things seems to
be working out fine.

for peach shortcake for breakfast.
It was so yummy!!

for finding a Dijon Chicken
recipe that sounded like one I
used to make years back.
Made it and it was great!!

for our new furniture rearrange
in the family room.  Altho, I 
only moved the furniture,  it
still looks great and is quite
a nice change.

The sofa was where the big chair
 is now.........and the chair was
on the opposite side of the room
from where it is now,  and I
turned the rug horizontally rather
than vertically......

The only change other than
the furniture was the throw
and the pillow in the middle
of the sofa.

This room has been like this
since Spring...............

This is looking from where the big
chair sits now............the big chair
was sitting right next to this cabinet
on the right hand side.

With colored pencil affect.

These were taken with the lights off. 

Next time you see this room
it will be looking like Fall
has come...........

for some time to just kick back
 and look at some Fall Cottage 
Home magazines from the last
several years, it has been awhile
 since I have done that.  Have to
say it was quite pleasant and 
refreshing actually........

that we are having a sleep over
with lil darling again on Sat.
night.............we are looking
 forward to it......

that my hubby was able to get
"My blogs I follow" list" restored
after I lost it accidentally.  So
thankful for my hubby and what
a techy guy he is, and all his
 help to me................

that Ann of "On Sutton Place" blog
and Vanessa and  Heather of "At the 
Picket Fence" blog, got some notiariety
on Thursday in the celebrity section
 of Yahoo news.  They were 2 out of
2l bloggers they said should have
their own HGTV
cool is that...............and I could
certainly say I couldn't agree more
if that was their desire...........
Imagine my surprise as I was
reading it and realized that there
were 2 blogs that I follow at least 
once a week.  So happy for these 
3 gals, as they do have really great,
 enjoyable, and fun blogs.

to hear that Prince Harry and Prince
William have both had opportunities
lately to minister to children who
have lost their Mothers. I think both
of them have turned out to be fine
men....that I am sure their Mom,
Princess Diana, would be very proud
 of, and too, there is nothing like talking
 with someone who has gone thru what
you are going thru...............
Cudos to both of them!!


Well, here's another week
 at Cozy Place.

Thanks for poppin in....hope you

have a Beautiful weekend.

Love Hugs, and 

last of August Blessings!


Sharing with:

Life and Linda with Linda and Friends

Dwellings with Cindy

StoneGable with Yvonne and Friends

The Dedicated House with Kathyrn

A Stroll thru Life with Marty

Art and Sand with Carol and Friends


  1. Hi Nellie, I agree about having little ones in a boat night. Thank God, she is alive. Looking forward to seeing your fall look. Exciting news about the two bloggers. I love success stories. Have a fabulous weekend. Xo

  2. All the beautiful home environment that you have created in your home was totally fantastic. This is just a great samples of how god created beautiful things and natural things on earth. Thanks for sharing your great blog.

    Divine favor | God’s Grace

  3. Morning Linda,

    Nice to know I am not the only one who thinks night time boating, especially with lil ones, is crazy!! lol

    Thanks, I am getting excited to get my Fall decorating started, but trying to wait until Sept. gets here at least!! lol

    Yes, I love success stories too, and I just think there are so many talented ladies in blogland and it is so neat to see them recognized in various ways.

    Thanks for coming by sweetie, always great to hear from you.

    Blessings, Nellie

  4. Hi Elmer,

    Thank you for coming by.....nice to meet you here in blogland, and thanks for your sweet
    and encouraging comments. and yes, there is no one more creative than God, that is for sure, and since we are created in his image, we get to bear some of His amazing traits........and what an awesome gift that is.........

    Have a Lovely weekend,

  5. #1. Praise our LORD that she was on her back and not her stomach! I wouldn't want to be out at night with that Zika virus in mosquitoes.
    #2. The sun is definitely moving on around. It's starting to come into my front bay windows. So, I've started using the blinds to close out the "heat" to keep the house cool. That really helps with the electric bill!
    #3. I bet the birds and our forest critters like eating them too!
    #4. Yea! The anticipation of moving is getting exciting for all of us!
    #5. I have to admit I made some brownies and have had some for breakfast with hot chocolate! A double whammy of chocolate, ha!
    #6. I've been eating turkey pot pies. Marie Calendar's brand is really good!
    #7. Looks great! You have really been busy!
    #8. I had my magazines stacking up and finally threw out many of them!
    #9. I know she really enjoys her time as do you and Jim!
    #10. Amen! He surely straightened out my computer! Thanks be to his knowledge!!!
    #11. Great for them!!! What an honor!
    #12. I think of that often at how blessed I have been to have had mom and dad in my life on up into my older years! (Though dad has now been with the LORD for 25 years and mom for 14 years! My how fast time goes!) I love you all, Susan

  6. Hi Susan,
    yum....brownies, I love me some brownies once in awhile. They are so good. Brownies and
    Hot chocolate, whoa that is a double

    I just threw out a bunch of magazines this week

    Gosh, it is hard to believe your parents and my parents have been gone home with the lord that long. My Dad passed away a year after yours, so that means my dad has been gone from this earth 24 yrs. and my Mom just passed the 11th year this month. Great to know we will see them all again one of these days..........

    Thanks for your visit and your comments,

    Love ya, Nellie

  7. Lots of wonderful August thankfuls! Peach shortcake for breakfast, now that is something I love now and then. Thanks for sharing with SYC.

  8. Hi Jann,
    Thanks for coming we share peach shortcake love for breakfast, huh!!
    I put the peaches on a biscuit and then add pecans and blueberries if I have them, and a scoop of frozen vanilla yogurt and a lil whip cream..........sounds healthy to me!! lol
    Thanks for hosting SYC and for always visiting, as I know you have a ton of people to visit.

    Blessings, Nellie

  9. oh yea, Jann,
    and of course, for all your sweet comments you always leave!!

    Blessings, Nellie


Special thanks to all who take the time to leave comments..........They are very encouraging and very appreciated. I enjoy every one of them so much!!
May the Lord Bless You!!

Scripture Sunday

  Let's praise the God of Heaven Every day! Blessings,  Nellie