Tuesday, August 23, 2016

Best Household Tips #10

Happy Tuesday Sweet Friends,

Hope all of you with children are

 getting back into the swing of things
and those that don't are enjoying these 
last fews weeks of August......can't 
believe September is just 8 days
 away now!!

We are looking forward to getting
away from these 100 degree temps
every day....and so wish that would
be coming in september,  but that
probably won't be happening any
time soon, I am afraid.  Course, we
can always hope and pray for a nice
Every evening our backyard looks
so beautiful with the shade, and
long sun shadows, and beckons for
us to sit out there, and I want to so
 badly, but we go out and come back
 in within 5-10 minutes cause it is
 still 100 degrees @ 7:30 p.m.
Oh Well, it is what it is!!

Think my priority today is gonna
 be rearranging the family room, 
which will be my first step towards
putting up my Fall decorations.
So will get to enjoy the new room
rearrange for the next 8 days at
least, as I probably want start 
putting up the Fall stuff until we
actually get into September, but
of course, I will be thinking, plan-
ing and dreaming about it tho!

Well, guess I had better get on with
 my Household Tips..............
This was a series so if you would
 like to see Tips #9
 Just Click Here!

Does your  lower back start to hurt 
when you are at the kitchen sink or
 while (egads) you are ironing??

Yes, Some of us still do that, not
as much as we used to tho.!! lol

Then get a small stool and prop one 
foot up which will take the pressure
off your back, at the sink you can
also just open a cabinet door and
prop your foot on the cabinet
 floor.  Works great!!

Is your stainless steel wear
stained from water spots or

Just use an SOS pad to shine
them up again.  Just in case,
try it on the back of a spoon
first............I have never had
any problems myself, but
never hurts to be cautious.

Need a quick and easy way to 
clean your washable knick knacks?

Clean washable knick knacks,
like figurines, vases, and pottery in
 the dishwasher.  I would caution you
however, not to put anything that is
 delicate/or precious to you in there,
  just to be on the safe side.

Are there times you have to get
down on your knees to get some
thing out of a cabinet or to do a
task but your knees 
are not happy?

Buy a rubber kneeling pad like
you would use in the garden for
weeding, and keep it in a near
by cabinet for quick household

Love steamed shrimp but dislike
the odor cooking it leaves behind?

Then check with your local grocery
store or where ever you buy your sea-
food and see if they will steam it for
 you.  I found out years ago that our
 local Publix grocery store does that
 for free, a very nice service  indeed,
 and they have several different 
seasonings as well.  The two we
have tried are the Old Bay and a
Lemon herb seasoning.  The lemon
herb is my favorite,  and best of all
great tasty shrimp with no smelly

Ever wonder what to do with these??

We love blue bunny frozen yogurt
and they have nice sturdy cartons with
these nice lids, so have often thought
those should be good for something.
So decided they would be good for

A Spoon Rest................

I used to have one and it got broken, so
 never bought a new one as I don't really 
use it all that often......so this is perfect,
just flip it over and use,  then wash it
and put it away till you need it the next
time...........works for me!! and it saves
on paper towel..............lol  and if it
gets burned or melts, just pitch it out.

 They also come in different colors
depending on the flavor of yogurt or
ice cream you buy...........
Just in case you want it to match
your kitchen.............lol


So happy you could come for a visit.

Hope you have a lovely week!

Love, Hugs and 
last of August Blessings,

Sharing with:

A Stroll thru Life with Marty

Stone Gable with Yvonne and Friends

Dwellings with Cindy


  1. I know what you mean about the heat. As soon as I open the door, the heat "hits" me smack dab in the face! Even the dogs won't stay out long!

    #55. I think this is one reason I have "quick-fix" food, so I don't have to stand that long (as well as "quick-rinse" dishes for dish washer, ha!
    #56. Great idea. I'll try it!
    #57. I'll try it with the first wash as a rinse!
    #58. I no longer can get down on the floor on my knees or sitting on the floor, or squatting,
    I can't get up, ha! So, I do well to leaning down if it isn't for long.
    #59. I do that (the Old Bay flavoring!) The only problem, my truck inside smells like Old Bay and Shrimp for about a week, lol!
    #60. All right! I usually use a teacup saucer! But, this is great!
    Love you all, Susan

  2. Hello my Blessed friend! You just popped into my head today. So I decided to come see what's happening with you.I love Publix tip. It's perfect for us when we go to Florida on vacation and don't have anything to cook with at the houses we rent. Definitely going to try this! Thanks Nellie! God Bless!

  3. HI Susan,
    Yes, it is like coming into an oven..........lol

    Glad you found some ideas you want to try.............
    and yes by all means don't be getting down on your knees!!! lol

    Take care,
    Love, Nellie

  4. Hi Caroline,
    So glad you came by to visit, am always glad to hear from you hon.

    Oh wow, never thought about that being a good tip for vacationers, but
    definitely could see how that would be helpful. If you ever decide to
    try the lemon herb seasoning.......I make a dip for the shrimp, using
    ranch dressing, a few drops of lemon or lime juice, garlic powder and
    cilantro........really makes the shrimp taste awesome.............
    Also, I put the shrimp right from the package into the colander and
    rinse them good with hot water...........and make sure to get peeled
    and deveined shrimp!! lol

    Thanks for coming by and for your helpful comments........
    God Bless you to sweetie,
    Have a delightful weekend...........
    Love and Blessings

  5. Great tips Nellie. Thank you for sharing at Shabbilicious Friday. I'm delighted to be featuring you at tomorrow's party.
    Hugs ~ Kerryanne

  6. Thank You Kerryanne,
    and thanks for hosting and letting me share at Shabbilicious Friday!!

    What a lovely surprise that you will be featuring me this next week, thanks so much for selecting me and for making me aware of it.............I am tickled pink! Shabby Pink, of course!! lol

    Thanks again, and Blessings Galore,


Special thanks to all who take the time to leave comments..........They are very encouraging and very appreciated. I enjoy every one of them so much!!
May the Lord Bless You!!

Scripture Sunday

Happy March to You!! Hugs, Nellie