Friday, August 5, 2016

Thankful Thursday August 4, 2016, Coastal tablescape from the past

So then, just as you received Christ Jesus
 as Lord, continue to live your lives in him, 

 rooted and built up in him, strengthened
 in the faith as you were taught, 
overflowing with thankfulness.
Colossians 2:6-7  NIV

Greetings Sweet Friends,

Hope it has been a good week

at your house.  I suspect many
of you are getting children ready
to go back to school and trying to
 get in a lil more family fun before
 the new school year begins.

It has been a good week here,
more activity that usual as you
will read.
 Our lil darling will be starting
 preschool soon too.  Hard to 
imagine that she is old enough
for that already.  We had her
on Wed. and Thursday this
week, and will continue to
have her on Wednesdays for
the next year at least. Very
happy about that,  as I love
having that time with her.

Decided to include some pics 
of a Coastal Table since we are
 still in the summer season..............
I did this one some years back......
If you would like to see the
 original post just click here

Hope it inspires you to do a fun
 coastal table before the summer
 is over.

Now, on with Thankful Thursday.

I am thankful

for an adorable read and pictures
on yahoo, of a police officer having
a tea party with a 2 yr. old toddler
that he saved a year before as she
was choking on a penny..........
He is now friends with the family
and has a special bond with the
lil one..........So sweet!
Wonderful to see with all the
 police negativity these days.


for a fun Friday evening with a
 young couple from our class that 
we are sort of mentoring. They
 are such a sweet young couple
 and newly weds as well.........
Very happy to know them.


for a fun time at a baby shower
for another young lady from our
young marrieds class. It was really
 fun time visiting with others and
honoring the mom to be, she got 
so many nice things.
It is also the same couple I told
you about last week,  I think it
was,  that got the big answer
to prayer about his job.

 for a really fun time with lil darling
 on Sat. as well.  She got to spend 
the night and it has been awhile but
 she did very well and she even slept
in till about 8:20 or so,  and Mom and
 Dad says she never does that at home. 
 Truthfully was quite surprised as I
 thought she would be up by 6:30 

that 2 students from our class
returned this week, as they have
been MIA for a lil while. So
we were all happy about that
as they have been missed!!

 for our usual Sunday routine of
Sunday School, church, frozen
yogurt run, and quick stop at the
 grocery store, and  especially a
nice long afternoon nap, as I was
 bushed from all that fun and
 activity of the whole weekend.
A fun bushed.........but bushed!

that Dee and Jerry  made it home
safe and sound from Charleston, 
S.C.,  as they went there for the
 weekend to see how they like
the place.

Posterized affect

for my favorite and delicious fruit
 smoothies I have been making this
 week for breakfast,  I seem to have
so much energy after I drink one.
Just in case you are  interested
  Here is the recipe, 
 Since I posted that recipe I have
 been adding a container of vanilla 
oikos greek yogurt to it,  to give
me more protein.......

for Kemp's "Moose Tracks frozen
yogurt.  It is um um good!!  Love
it in a sugar cone........yummy!

for a beautiful silver blue sky with 
wispy cirrus clouds, that I saw as I 
was riding the mower while cutting
 the grass on Wednesday evening.
Breathtakingly Beautiful!

colored pencil affect

for our home and what a haven
of peace and solace it is for us,
and I hope for others as well.

Inverted affect

that I have been able to exercise
again without any problems with
my back..........thanks heavens!!
Cause my scales just keep going
up, up, up...........
So I need all the help I can get!!  lol


Well, there you have it another

week at Cozy Place........

Thanks for popping in..............

Have a Warm but Wonderful

day and weekend!

Keep you Light shining brightly!

Hugs and Blessings,

Sharing with:

Walking on Sunshine with Lois and Friends

Grammie Time with Michelle

Shabby Art Boutique with Kerryanne

Designthusiasm with Lory and Friends

Life and Linda with Linda and Friends

Dwellings with Cindy

Stone Gable with Yvonne and Friends


  1. Lovely tablescape. The soft blues are just the ticket in this muggy summer heat!

  2. Thanks Christine for coming by and for your kind comments.
    Have a great weekend,
    Blessings, Nellie

  3. Hi Nellie, Beautiful tablescape - I love aqua and I also liked the trifle dish with shells and a candle! Very creative. I also enjoy your list of "thankfuls." Thanks for sharing! Blessings, Janet

  4. Hi Janet,
    Thank you for coming by and for all your sweet and encouraging comments.
    Nice to hear from you.

    Hope you have a lovely weekend,
    Blessings, Nellie

  5. #1. I pray more support stories would come out on our officers who protect us 24/7!
    #2. Family, friends, church and GOD in the middle and surrounding us all! Praise His Name!
    #3. "There shall be showers of blessings..."
    #4. Talking about waking time, I in the last week have been waking up at 5:30 in the morning. No matter how still and quiet I stay, the dogs and cats know I'm awake! They come over to the bed snorting with joy and on the bed meowing with happiness, I just have to get up, ha!
    #5. Praise the LORD. I pray the Holy Spirit directed them to come and keep on coming!
    #6. I usually stop by Wendy's, go home and eat the Chili and Frosty with the dogs watching me and wagging their tails. I watch the old westerns on the t.v. and sometimes fall asleep too!
    #7. I pray they will soon call S. Carolina their home!
    #8. Yummy, I bet the yogurt really makes it delicious!
    #9. I'll have to try it!
    #10. What a great blessing of rain yesterday afternoon! Thank goodness Steve/Christine got the yard mowed in the morning.
    #11. Yes, Amen, what a haven of rest the LORD has provided for us!
    #12. I'm walking so much better now that I get the walking exercise in. My weight has been holding, Praise the LORD!
    I love you all, Susan

  6. Makes ME happy to hear all of YOUR beautiful moments :)
    Have a great weekend.

  7. Thanks Rebecca, you're so sweet.
    Hope you are doing okay...........

    After my MIL passed..... because I was over there
    daily, and just looking out for everything to do with
    her for a year and a half..... that it was like
    I felt a lil lost at first, like what do I do now......... I even went back
    over to the Nursing facility to visit her caregivers as we had made
    a lot of friendships there too, I went 3 times none of her caregivers
    were there, and I thought that the 3rd time I felt like the Lord
    said your time here has ended. So wondering if you are feeling a bit of that
    now too.

    Praying for you and your family hon, and thanks for coming by......
    and for your sweet comments.....

    Blessings Abundant, Nellie

  8. So sweet to visit with you, sweet friend, and so thankful that all is well with you and your dear family. It is always a blessing to stop by here, and I always leave encouraged! So, thank you!

  9. You are blessed. Tablescape is lovely! I invite you to post on the #overthemoon link party that goes live at 5 p.m CST on Sunday! I am one of the co-hosts and we would love to have you. Cathy/

  10. Morning Susan,
    I actually saw another good story about a policeman later this week, who delivered someones
    baby because they couldn't get to the hospital in time, and the couple had a pic of the baby
    taken and she was swaddled and they had the policemans badge laying on her. They took the
    pic to give him something to remember the event by..........

    Oh Wow, 5:30 is way too early, that is like having a baby in the house, course some mornings
    I get up that early for one reason or another but them I got back to sleep in about an hour.

    Thanks for coming by and for all your comments..........Have a good weekend.

    Love, Nellie

  11. Morning Cheryl,
    So nice to hear from you hon, was just thinking about you the other day and wondering if yall
    got all settled in from your move, and was thinking about writing to ask you how you are
    liking your new town and home. Hope things are going well..........

    Thanks so much for your visit Cheryl, and all your sweet and encouraging comments. You are
    always an encouragement to me as well..........So Thanks to you as well.

    Have a lovely weekend,
    Blessings, Nellie

  12. Hi Cathy,
    So nice to meet you here in blogland and thanks for coming by and for your kind comments.
    Also thanks for the invitation to join with your linky party.....will try to remember that
    for Sunday.

    Have a Blessed weekend,

  13. What a beautiful tablescape! I love beachy table tops, and yours has inspired me to create another one before the summer ends!

  14. Hi Teri,
    Nice to meet you here in blogland. Thanks for coming by and for your sweet comments.
    Coastal themed decor is just so much fun this time of year, and hope you get to create
    that one more before summers end............
    I tried to come visit you, but it just said NO POSTS!
    Hope you will come by again sometime.......

    Blessings, Nellie

  15. Love love this table scape Nellie. Just so pretty. Happy New Week ahead.

  16. Thanks Kris, nice to have you come by!!
    Hope all is well with you and yours.

    You have a great week,
    Blessings, Nellie

  17. Charming tablescape Nellie. The colors are so pretty and calm. Your thankful list is perfection. . I hope this week is a wonderful week. Thank you for sharing your charming coastal tablescape at DI&DI. Blessings to you sweet Nellie.

  18. Hi Linda,
    Always nice to hear from you hon. Thanks for popping by and for all your sweet comments hon.
    Thanks for allowing me to share at your lovely linky party, and thanks for hosting as well.
    Hope you have a great week as well,


Special thanks to all who take the time to leave comments..........They are very encouraging and very appreciated. I enjoy every one of them so much!!
May the Lord Bless You!!

Scripture Sunday

Happy March to You!! Hugs, Nellie