Thursday, August 18, 2016

Thankful Post August 18, 2016, Spring/Summer tablescape from last year

 Enter his gates with thanksgiving
 and his courts with praise;
 give thanks to him 
and praise his name.
Psalm 100:4

Greetings Sweet Friends,

Hope all is going well with getting
 back into the swing of things after the
 summer vacation, at least for those of you 
who just sent children to school,  and for 
those who didn't, maybe you are feeling
like me and ready to get your Fall on....

I am debating whether to have a Sunday
 School Social here in the next 2 weeks 
or to wait until later in September, I have
 a feeling later in Sept. is gonna win out,
 as I am itching to do something creative
in the house again. As it has been since 
Spring since I have done anything inside
 the house other than some tablescapes.
So think I am gonna be moving the
family room furniture around soon. lol
Which will get the ball rolling........

Thought I would share a Spring/Summer
 tablescape with you today......this was
 from last year I think!!  Maybe it will
inspire you to have one last 
Summer fling!!  lol

If you'd like.......You can click on any pic
 to enlarge them all,  for better viewing

Well, on with Thankful Thursday......

I am thankful

for  another fun evening with the
couple we are mentoring.  We only
have a couple more sessions to go,
and will be sorry when it is over,
as it was a real blessing to us.

that 50 people showed up for a work
 day at church.  Our church is starting
 a new satellite church (which means it 
will have the same name, but will just 
be at a different location/campus than
the original church). It is in a nearby
 town and they are trying to get the
 new campus church building ready to
 be up and running by January 2017.
 It is in need of quite a bit of reno 
and updating, and because  so many
 people came to help, they got all of
 the painting done and ready for new 
carpeting to be laid some time in Sept., 
and got rid of a lot of junk or unneeded
 things, as well as many other things
 done. It was only for 3 hrs, but was
 fun and neat to see kids from the 
youth group, and ages of people all 
the way up to Sr. citizens all working
 together for a common and good goal.
They will probably need few more
 works days,  but as the old saying
 goes and is so true.... "many hands
 make the work light".

for the great job of teaching from the
young couple we are working with,
 they have begun teaching in the young
 married's class to help us, because the
 couple we are working with now, will
 be leaving us in Jan. to go to the new 
campus, we are sad to say, as we have
 all worked so well together, but we also
 know it is the Lord's will, and are very 
grateful for this new young couple.
and of course, wish our soon to be
former co-workers much success in
their new endeavors.....

for Hormel "Natural Choice" Bacon.
 (NO artificial ingredients, no nitrites,
 or nitrates or hormones, and it tastes
 delicious, even after we freeze it.) We
can only find it at Walmart and some
times Publix,  but it is more expensive
there. Our lil darling loves bacon and
we feel good about giving this to her
as it is a very healthy and good bacon
which is also heart healthy.

Disclaimer: I get no kickbacks of any
kind for this Bacon endorsement. 
We discovered it years ago and it is
delicious and a perfect product for 
heart patients, or anyone who wants
to eat more healthy. So just like it
so much I wanted to share th


Dee and Jerry made another trip
and back to Charleston over the
weekend, and are home again
safe and sound.

that Dee and Jerry found a house
they love.....and are already under
contract, that way they can move in
 as soon as they close on their home
 in Asheville, which will really
 be nice for them.

that lil darling loved preschool
so much, and wasn't eager to
leave cause she was playing. 
You always know they like it
for sure, when they aren't 
ready to

for take out din din from
 Carrabbas this week. We
love their good!

for all the rain we have had
in the last few weeks,  our
yard is hap hap happy, and
so are we....since it means 
a much lower water bill.  lol

that Megan and lil darling got to
stay for pizza and salad with us on 
Wed. night, since Scott was out of
 town.  It has been that
 was quite nice.
Also, for a really fun day with
lil one.........cause she always
 makes us smile and laugh..........

for Kemp's "Chocolate Caramel
Brownie" frozen yogurt.  Taste's
great in a sugar cone, and very
lo- cal,  if you just eat one scoop.

for several neat things I felt like the
 Lord showed me today as I was 
watching 2 different christian
tv shows........Love when He
does that!!


  1. Love your thankful posts, if we would only take time to be thankful and grateful for all the Lord has given! Blessings, Pam @ Everyday Living

  2. Morning Pam,
    Nice to hear from you again and thanks for your encouraging comments. The Lord is so good
    to us in so many ways all the time. I honestly think being overly busy keeps us from seeing
    all the good things around us many times. Maybe that is why the Lord says in Psalm 46:10 to be still and know that I am God!!

    Take Care,
    Blessings, Nellie

  3. Ready to get on with fall (as you know with your help, thank you!) I went ahead and put my fall picture on my blog page, ha!
    #1. You are a great witness and host. I'm sure they will miss the sessions too!
    #2. A wonderful deed for all involved and the LORD will greatly bless each and every one!
    #3. The LORD always seems to replace what we lose, whether things or people!
    #4. I'll have to look for it. I love bacon and my microwave bacon rack is great!
    #5. The LORD is so good. I have them in my prayers throughout the day for the LORD's blessing on completing their closings!
    #6. I'm sure they are busy packing!
    #7. Hallelujah! I pray she has a wonderful time and a great time of learning!
    #8. I loved my "take-out" pizza from Nellie's, lol! It was delicious!
    #9. Amen! I thank the LORD every time I see the clouds building up and hear the thunder and pit-pat of rain! I thank the LORD I have a surge protector on the electric box!
    #10. It's always such a blessing to share around the table with those you love!
    #11. For me it would be like Lays Potato Chips, "You can't eat just one," ha!
    #12. Isn't that such a wonder when our LORD communicates to us in that way!!!
    Thank you for all yours and Jim's guidance on my "question" and Jim fixing my computer and you helping me with "Cutest Blog..." I love you all, Susan

  4. Your table setting looks beautiful as always! I have the same burlap runner! We used them for our daughter's bridal shower and wedding. I love your thankful list as well. Thanks for visiting and for always leaving sweet comments on my blog. Things here are good here. Our son, Michael, leaves for his second year at Liberty University this week and we're missing him already. We're going to visit for family weekend in October so that should be fun. Hope you have a great week!

  5. Morning Susan,
    Yea...I like your new blog face it looks very nice, and always nice to change our look up
    once in awhile...........

    Publix has that bacon, but it is much more expensive there....we get it at the new Walmart
    grocer, it is almost half the price.

    Your are welcome for the help..........and thank you for the prayers for the kids....
    we and they appreciate it.

    Thanks for coming by and for all your sweet comments.
    Love Ya, Nellie

  6. Hi Lois,
    Always so nice to hear from you and so glad things are going well with all of you. Yea, these
    new empty nester times take some getting used to for sure. It is freeing for us, but yet we
    do miss them so much. Glad you will be going to visit in Oct. and that he will be coming
    home for Thanksgiving and Christmas I would assume. I know that when we see our daughter
    knowing when we will see her next makes it a lil easier. We haven't seen her since early
    June and I am having DeeAnna withdrawal even tho we do talk a lot. lol

    That is neat you have that same runner, I thought it was so pretty when I found it....saw
    someone elses blog the other day who had one and she had sewn a white ruffle to each end and it looked really great.

    Thanks for coming by, and for all your warm encouraging comments.

    Have a great week.
    Blessings, Nellie


Special thanks to all who take the time to leave comments..........They are very encouraging and very appreciated. I enjoy every one of them so much!!
May the Lord Bless You!!

Scripture Sunday

Happy March to You!! Hugs, Nellie