Tuesday, August 9, 2016

8 Ways to revamp your porch - Our back porch

Hello Sweet Friends,
Happy Tuesday to you!!

Know many of you are probably
out shopping for School clothes
squeezing the last bit of summer
vacation out..............
I know the kids all go back to school
 here next Monday, so thinking it is
 probably the same where you live.

Lil darling starts preshcool next
Tuesday, so I am praying that she
loves it... and adjust to this new 
adventure quickly and smoothly.

Not a lot going on here, lots of
calls back and forth with our
daughter as they are starting to
plan their move, still waiting
on the official date, but looks
like they may already have
a contract on their home by
this evening..............and 
they don't even officially
have it on the market yet!!
Amazing!!  So feeling like it
definitely must be the Lord's
will for them to go..............
cause their house sold very
quickly when they were gonna
move to Asheville as well.

Have had our porch done for awhile
but had some finishing touches that
I needed to do, so I am finally done
other than painting a table top and
maybe my bakers rack,  not sure
what color to paint it anyway!!
and sort of waiting for cooler
 weather too!! 

Well, on with some quick and easy
 ways to revamp and brighten up 
your porch.

Decide on a color or pattern that
you want to use, that will go with
what you already have if they are
not things that you want to change
at the time.

My revamp started with this Sunbrella
 fabric I bought at old town pottery 
about 5 or more years ago.
We actually bought it for another
project but wound up doing it
another way.  So last year or it
might have been the year before
I started making covers for our 
old  cushions.

I did 2 cushion covers and 1 small pillow
 for the swing.

I made them what I think you call envelope
 style so I can take them off and wash them 
if I want.  It is like how they make the back
of pillow shams................

The fabric gave me quite a few colors to 
choose from as you can see...........
so I liked that....

Now that you know your color scheme,
start looking for some rugs in the color
or colors you want to use.

I looked all over online to find the least
 expensive ones I could find...........I found
and love this set of 3 rugs on WayFair for 
$38 and free shipping..........which believe
 me was a super price.  The rugs are not
 thick but I mainly want them for color
 and to just knock the dirt off our feet 
when coming in from outside.

If you have a table on your porch you
 might want to purchase a new tablecloth
 that matches with your new color and
 look, or maybe you might be blessed
to already have one you can use, which
is great!  I needed a new one cause kitty
had messed the old one up anyway.
Found mine online at Kmart, and it
 was the last one!
 I was thrilled cause I thought it was
 pefect and it was only $10.....

Once I rec'd the tablecloth and put
it on the table I did not like it with
the striped cushions....originally
I had planned to make more covers,
but decided to look for some that
would work.  I found some at
Amazon.com that were green and
are memory foam with a rubber
backing that sticks to the chair,
so you don't have to tie them on.
They weren't exactly the shade
of green I had hoped for but they
blend well with everything and
the price was great too.  Only
$36 for 4.......I was thrilled
because have you looked at
the price of cusions lately???
Oh my heavens,  they are any
where from $30 to over $100 a 
piece, and that is at walmart.

Here is the top of the cushion.

 Just a side tip here....
 when I start planning to do any room
where I am going to be purchasing items
I typically start looking for and purchasing
things way ahead of time, so that I am not
 having to pay for everything all at once.

Now that you have those main
items, make sure to clean your porch
good first,  if it has been awhile.
I don't know about your porch but
ours gets very dusty and dirty from
rain coming thru the screens and
from tree pollen.......
It is always amazing to me what 
a lil soap and water and elbow
grease can do...............lol

Now that the porch is in tip top
shape or maybe already was....
  rearrange the furniture if possible to
 give it a bit of a different look.

This used to have 2 chairs with the table
 in the middle,  so I swapped out a plant
 and moved the chair to the other side of
 the porch.  I also turned our table in a
different direction, which I really liked.

Now you are ready to start adding your
accessories like rugs, and cushions.

I would really love to move this swing
 to the other end of our porch,  but my
 late Father-in- law made it for us and
 it would get wet all the time when it
 rains if I did,  so ......
 it will have to stay put due to
 sentimental value!

and the bear is for lil darling!

Just for your info:
The swing cushions are just too
 full bed pillows with pillow cases,
that I just fold and tuck under.  
I already had these and they blend
in with all the colors.  I love that I
can just pull them off and wash
 them whenever I want.

Here is the chair I moved from the other
 side,  the chair sits where the baker rack
 was.....and then added the large water
 bottle with a huge elephant ear. 
 I actually have a plant I am gonna put 
there but have to find a new pot for
 it first.............or it will leak all over.

Gotta have a fan out here.......

After putting on the tablecloth let's do
 a nice centerpiece. Learn how here.

Then add your floral to a tray with 
some candles or what ever makes
 you happy!

 Now, I am a gal who loves flowers...
real or faux, I just feel they make things
 look more homey and inviting. That goes
 for adding plants around in different
places as well

After the table if finished, start accessorizing
the rest of your porch with what ever strikes
 your fancy........

Enjoy your new revamped space!!

Wow,  I am tired.....
After all that work I am just 
 gonna sit down and put my feet up 
for  awhile.....

and read a lil bit................

and enjoy this refreshing
lime water..........

Only thing missing.....

Is ME.............

Oh, that's because I am
 taking pictures!!  lol
Silly Me!!

Bye Now!!


Thanks for stopping by........

Hugs and Sweet Summer


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  1. Just beautiful, Nellie! I can hardly wait to see it in person! I know Molly would have
    enjoyed just as much laying on your new cushions, ha! She will surely be missed! I, in my
    heart, dedicate it to her! Love you all, Susan.

  2. Thanks Susan,
    I am sure looking forward to enjoying it more in the Fall.
    We do get lil snippets of time out there now, thank goodness.
    I do miss Molly at times, but I surely don't miss all the
    hair and mess. lol

    Have a great evening,
    Love, Nellie

  3. I'm impressed! That is really an attractive and inviting porch! Your enjoyment of bringing all the details together is evident ♥

  4. Hi Rebecca,
    Thank you.........and I did really enjoy revamping it......it has just been so wonderful to have the full use of our porch again, without any limitations, other than the heat....lol
    lil darling and I got to spend some time out their this morning as it was cooler since we
    had rain last night, and it was just so enjoyable, and she enjoyed playing with the bear. lol
    Thanks for coming by hon, and for your kind comments.
    Blessings hon,

  5. Well you sure have a pretty place to put your feet up! You freshened everything up beautifully. Love the colors! Thanks for sharing with SYC.

  6. Morning Jann,
    Thanks so much for your sweet comments. Have to say I am really enjoying the colors too, the
    addition of the green especially, as last time I had some different shades of blues with a golden brown and white.........so this is a bit more cheery. lol
    Thanks for allowing me to share a SYC, and thanks for hosting as well.

  7. it looks lovely. I really like the blue/green covers


  8. Thanks Molly.......nice to meet your here in blogland.
    Thanks for coming by........


  9. Nellie, Your porch has come together wonderfully. Sylvia D.

  10. Thank You Sylvia..........
    Nice to meet you here in blogland,
    and hope you come again soon.

    Blessings, Nellie


Special thanks to all who take the time to leave comments..........They are very encouraging and very appreciated. I enjoy every one of them so much!!
May the Lord Bless You!!

Scripture Sunday

Happy March to You!! Hugs, Nellie