Friday, August 12, 2016

Thankful Thursday August 11, 2016, another coastal Tablescape....from the past

let all who take refuge in you be glad;
 let them ever sing for joy.
 Spread your protection over them,
 that those who love your name
 may rejoice in you.
Psalm 5:11

Greetings Sweet Friends,

Hope this finds you well and 
and enjoying summer.

We are well and happy
 and at least,
 trying to enjoy summer!
 ( if I am inside with the A/C running
I am very happy) lol ... I expect it
 might be the same for many of you
 too!!   Am I right??

Can't believe we are almost half
 way thru August already. Want
be long we will be thinking about
Thanksgiving and Christmas!  lol
But for right now I am trying to
figure out what to do for Dee's
birthday which is coming up
next week.  Once they find out
when they are moving that will
make it a bit easier possibly.

Since we are still experiencing
Summer thought I would add pics 
of another coastal tablescape from
 a few years back. Hope you enjoy it.

Well,  on with Thankful

I am thankful

that my our son-in-love got the news
on Friday that he got the job in
 Charleston, so he and Dee will definitely
 be moving to Charleston, S C. , they
 just don't know when it will happen, 
 but should hopefully find out Thursday.

that we got to go to Scott and Megans
house for dinner on Friday evening.
Dinner was great, but unfortunately,
we had all had a very busy week and 
were all so tired, so that sort of put a
 bit of a damper on things, but definitely
 better than not getting together at all, 
but guess getting together on Sunday's
 are our best bet!!

that Dee and Jerry already have a
contract for their present home and
even have a back up one as well.......
we didn't think they
would have any trouble selling......
 but the timing was phenomenal,
 less than 2 days............

that God knows what is going on
in our world, even tho it might not
look like it.....nothing takes him by
surprise, like it does us, and that is
comforting to know.........


to hear that a friend of my Sil Susan's
is in remission.  Actually he is her
 friends son-in-law, but we have been
 praying for him and it is truly a miracle
 as he had stage 4 cancer in his brain
 and chest.  God is good..........

for a new discovery......
eye relief drops.
They work wonders for itchy eyes,
as they have an antihistamine in 
them.  My eyes have been driving
me crazy with itching lately until I
found and used these eye drops and
 that was almost a week ago and I
have had no intense itching until
I mowed the lawn last evening.
So thankful for these drops.

for a meatball sub from subway,
had forgotten how good they are
as it has been a really long time
since I had was

 for all the sweet folks who visit
my blog all the time.  You are a
blessing to me.

for the lil snippets of time that
we do get to spend on the porch.
Usually early in the morning or
after it rains and cools off a bit.
  We are waiting patiently for Fall 
so we can have some dinners
 out there..................

Colored pencil affect

that there was a spider under my shoe
 and not in
I have garden mules (shoes) that I leave
 on the porch for when I go outside, and 
have a very bad habit (I know now) of 
just putting them on and going about my 
business. This morning I put one on and
 underneath was a huge fat spider (who
was pregnant with a gagillion children)
 I found out after I smashed her!!
Every seen smash the spider
and think that takes care of that then all
of a sudden lil tiny things (baby spiders)
run everywhere,  it is shocking.......
I have no doubt if she were inside my
shoes I most likely would have gotten
bitten. Needless to say I will be
checking the inside of my mules
 from now

that I got to sit in the sun for a short
while, cause about 10-15 mins. is 
all I can stand!!  lol
and for the adorable lil dragon fly
 that was flitting about nearby,  I think
they are so cute and they remind me
of tiny helicopters..........

that the Lord is giving me a good 
want to attitude about exercise and
 eating this week, definitely an 
answer to my prayers.  
3 pds am quite happy
 about that........course, more to
go..........but a nice start!


Thanks for dropping by........

Hope you have had a good 
week of Thankfuls as well.....

Keep your light shining brightly!!

Hugs and  Continued 
Sweet Summer Blessings,


Sharing with:

Shabby Art Boutique with Kerryanne

Walking on Sunshine Recipes with Lois and Friends

Life with Lorelai with Lorelai and Friends

The Craftberry Bush with Lucy and Friends

Designthusiasm with Lory and Friends

Stone Gable with Yvonne and Friends

Dwellings with Cindy

A Stroll thru Life with Marty

The Dedicated House with Kathyrn

Art and Sand with Carol and Friends


  1. Nellie, what a wonderful list of blessings! God is so good to us, He cares about every detail of our lives. Your list makes me stop and count my blessing! Happy weekend, Pam @ Everyday Living

  2. Hi Pam,
    NIce to have you visit..........and thank you for your sweet and encouraging comments.
    and yes, I love that he cares about every detail of our lives......and I am sure you
    do too.
    Have a lovely weekend,

  3. #1. Praise the LORD. GOD is so good all the time!
    #2. Just being in one another's company is joy in itself!
    #3. GOD's leading is awesome! When we do things in His timing, He gets "the job" done for us!
    #4. AMEN! "All things work to the good for those who love the LORD!"
    #5. I can't stop my tears of joy to our Awesome, Almighty, Creator, Savior, Holy Father GOD! For this is truly His miracle and answer to prayers for Tony, family, and friends!
    #6. Those lawn mowers can surely stir up the pollen and allergens! I usually get the itchy eyes in spring and again in November.
    #7. Hmmm, hmm, good! I usually get Publix's Ultimate sub without the oil, vinegar, mayo.
    #8. I love your posts!
    #9. Sounds cool, ha!
    #10. I had that happen one time in my bathroom! It was a huge spider! It's amazing how you don't see the tiny spots until they begin to run! I hate killing them, but they are in the wrong place! If they were outside, I wouldn't bothered them!
    #11. John (Revelation) describes helicopters as locust. I had a big red and orange locust on my gate when I went to open it. It was a good 4 inches long! I like the dragonflies big eyes! They look like they have a lot of spots in their eyes!
    #12. I've been eating better! I've been keeping my weight within a 5 pound margin. Thank the LORD!
    I love you all, Susan

  4. Lovely tablescape. Thank you for sharing with us at #HomeMattersParty. We would love to see you again next week.

  5. Hi Susan,
    Missed seeing you this morning, guess you went out the other
    Thanks for your visit and all your comments....warm sweet and
    Hope you are having a good weekend, ours was a lil busier than usual but fun,

    Love ya, Nellie

    Wasn't that great that Pastor Brad had all our law enforcement people come up and
    prayed and claimed that psalm for them. WE were very delighted to see that........


  6. Thanks Sara for coming by and your kind comment.
    Blessings, Nellie

    See ya next week...........and thanks for hosting hon.

  7. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  8. Hi Nellie! I'm so happy to see all is well on your end. Everything is terrific here too. My little dog Lizzie and cat Gigie are doing wonderful. I love them so much. We're all so blessed. And life is very good. All the best to you and your whole family!
    big hugs and lots of love♥,

  9. HI Caroline,
    So nice to hear from you hon. Glad everything is great with you too.
    Glad your babies are both doing well. and yes, we are all really blessed
    and life is good, even on our worst days it doesn't compare with what most
    of the world has to contend with............

    Thanks for coming by and for your sweet comments,
    it is always a blessing to hear from you hon.
    and Love and Blessings to you and yours as well.

  10. Beautiful coastal tablescape Nelly. I love your vignette in the crate box.
    Wonderful shells and dishes.
    I'm pinning.


  11. Hi Fabby,
    Thanks for coming by and for your sweet comments and pinning.
    Hope you are doing well hon,
    Blessings, Nellie

  12. What a beautiful beachy table setting.

    Thanks for sharing with SYC.

  13. Thank You Carol......

    and thanks for hosting SYC and allowing us all to share there.

    Sweet of you to come by,
    Blessings, Nellie


Special thanks to all who take the time to leave comments..........They are very encouraging and very appreciated. I enjoy every one of them so much!!
May the Lord Bless You!!

Scripture Sunday

Happy March to You!! Hugs, Nellie