Tuesday, December 20, 2016

Need a Simple and Inexpensive Centerpiece???

Hello Sweet Friends,

Hope this finds you still enjoying
 the Christmas season and not too
frantic and/ or harried!

I am making beef stew today (Mon.)
 to freeze for Christmas eve. That is
 our traditional fare Christmas eve
 night. Also finally decided on what 
we are having for Christmas dinner, 
and reworking this centerpiece you
 will see in this post, so I can use it 
again, yet it will still look quite 
different. Also had a chat with my
 daughter while cleaning up the 
kitchen, just love my blue tooth
 hands free head set......cause I can
 just be working and talking away.
it's really a great lil invention, 
for sure!!

This was our table for our early 
Christmas dinner with my daughter
 and hubby and our whole family
 last Friday. Got to thinking maybe
 someone out their might be racking
 their brain as to what to do for a 
centerpiece, so thought I would
 share this table idea.....
This was easy, quick and no $'s spent,
 except for candy canes.
Remember that if you need a closer
look to just click on any picture
and it will expand them all.

I decided to use our Christmas dishes
that used to belong to my late Mother-in
-law, because a sweet friend from church
gave me some matching mugs and I
 thought it would be nice to use the
 Spode dinnerware and fun to incorporate
the new mugs into my centerpiece.

                      The dishes have trees with packages
                       under them so thought it would be fitting 
                       to use a package centerpiece. So I chose 
                       colors of wrapping paper that worked 
                       well with the dishes. These dishes have
                       some rather different Christmas colors
                       in them, like brown, yellow, lavender, 
                       blue and rusty red rather than Christmas
                       red. That is the reason you see brown
                       ribbon on the boxes and the green 
                       napkins tied up with brown ribbons.

I simply wrapped up some empty
 boxes with Christmas wrap. I wanted
 to make the center one 3 boxes tall, 
but it made it too high....which would
 impede dinner time conversation, so 
I decided to go with a bow, Christmas
 pick and candle on top instead............

You can use real Christmas packages 
if you want as long as they go with 
your color theme for your table.

I really wanted to put some lil trees in
 the mugs, and tried some boxwood from 
my yard but just didn't like how it looked,
  so decided to use candy canes instead,
and then filled empty spaces on the table
 in with gold mercury glass votives.

Wish I had taken one picture with the
 lights out, cause it really looked elegant
 with all the gold votives.

I added green bows to the 2 end presents 
to compliment the dishes as well.

Here is lil darlings place......had these lil
 plastic Christmas packages from a few 
years ago, so thought they would be good
 for her to have some to play with..........
as it does keep her busy for a lil bit.

The dishes came with the pretty
 glasses to match.

I also have these 5 lovely antique
green goblets , and I like to mix 
things up a bit sometimes so the
 table is not overwhelmed with too 
much of the same things, and they
add an extra splash of color, and
I love to use them at least a few
times a year.  They are great for
St. Patricks day too........lol

These goblets belonged to a real
 sweet neighbor lady we were friends
 with about 40 yrs. ago, and I bought
 them at an estate sale after she passed
 awayfor just $1. each.........I have
 always cherished them because of her 
and think they are just so beautiful. 
 She told me that she got them at a
 hotel in New Orleans when she was
 a young woman.
Someone else in blogland has them 
but hers are a bit taller than mine.
Think hers might be iced tea goblets
and that mine might be water goblets.

Always like to add a pc. of candy
for after dinner.  Andes mints
go perfectly with these dishes.

Just in case anyone might be
 interested I have surprisingly
 seen this same pattern in paper 
goods at Bed Bath and Beyond.

Thought someone might like the
 look, without all the work.......lol

Thanks for visiting and hope you 
enjoyed yourself.

Have a wonderful rest of the week,
Christmas will be here before we 
know it.

Love, Hugs and
Merry Christmas Blessings,


Sharing with:

                          The Dedicated House with Kathyrn 
                                                A Stoll thru Life with Marty 

                                             Saavy Southern Style with Kim

                                        Shabby Art Boutique with Kerryanne


  1. Your table was definitely beautiful and I got to see it in person! Ha! Love you all, Susan

  2. How pretty!! Everything looks so festive and warm and cozy! I am sure you are a very gracious, hospitable hostess who makes all of your guests feel so at home and welcome! God bless you this Christmas, sweet friend. :)

  3. Merry Christmas Cheryl,
    So nice to hear from you. How are you liking your new homestead?? Are you all settled in
    now? Hope so............
    Thank you so much for your generous and encouraging comments, you are such a sweetie.
    The Lords blessings to you and yours as well, Hope yall have a very Sweet Christmas.

  4. Such a great idea for a centerpiece, Nellie! Love the pretty Christmas dishes, too!

    Warm hugs,

  5. Hi Carol........
    So nice to hear from you hon............hope this finds you well and enjoying the blessings
    of the Christmas Season.........
    Thanks for coming by to see me and for your sweet comments.

    Hope you and hubby have a lovely Christmas and that you get to see your kiddos!


  6. Dear Nellie, this is so simple and elegant. I hope that you have many memory making opportunities this Christmas and that you and your family remain safe, warm, and happy. I'm looking forward to 2017, and can't wait to read your gratitude posts when I return from holidays. Much love, Mimi xxx

  7. Thanks Mimi,
    It is so good to hear from you hon, hope you and your family are having a great time on your
    cruise......course, maybe you haven't left yet and are about to leave. lol
    Which ever, hope yall have a wonderful Christmas....

    Thanks for your sweet well wishes for us Mimi, and for the encouragement about my Thankful
    Posts........you are such a sweetie.

    We are looking forward to 2017 as well.....as we feel very hopeful about our new President,
    he might be a lil rough around the edges but think he is at least headed in the right direction and he has tons of people praying for him to do well..........

    Blessings for a Very Merry Christmas hon,and
    Look forward to hearing from you when you return......

  8. Merry Christmas, Nellie!
    Sounds/looks like you have your Christmas celebrations under control...
    Your table setting is very special, incorporating those dishes, etc. And the centerpiece idea is a great one!

  9. Merry Christmas Rebecca,

    Yea, I am getting there, pretty much just cooking and setting the table is left....yaaaahh!
    It will just be us Sunday morning, then off to church and the 3 of us, (my SIL Susan) will
    have breakfast together, then Scott and his family will be over around 4 in the afternoon.
    So looking forward to the next days ahead.

    Thanks for all youe kind comments and encouragement now and over the years since we have
    met in the blogosphere. Thanks for being an inspiration to me and others over these past
    years.......Hope you and your hubby have a wonderful Christmas and hope you get to see
    your kiddles and grandkiddles Christmas or at least some time during the season.

    Again Merry Christmas........we can never say it too much, can we?? lol

    Love and Blessings,

  10. Ver cute idea! Thanks for sharing at DI & DI! Happy New Year!

  11. Thanks Lori and thanks for hosting Dishing and Digging it.
    Happy New Year to you as well.
    Blessings, Nellie


Special thanks to all who take the time to leave comments..........They are very encouraging and very appreciated. I enjoy every one of them so much!!
May the Lord Bless You!!

Thankful Thursday March 13, 2025, and Birthday Table

  “You are worthy, our Lord and God    to receive glory and honor and power,  for you created all things,   and by your will they were creat...