Sunday, December 18, 2016

Sunday - Quotes to Ponder #4 - Faith does not eliminate questions...........

Happy Sunday Sweet Friends,

Hope this finds you having
a good day.......

Here is the quote for today.

"Faith does not
 eliminate questions.
 But faith knows 
where to take them."

By Elisabeth Elliott

The Psalms of David (in the Bible)
are full of David asking questions of 
God, so he definitely knew where to take
 his questions, and concerns and was
 able to pour out his heart to God in total
 honesty, no matter how bad it sounded.
 God already knows how we feel, cause
 He knows everything, so we aren't hiding
 anything from him, so we might as well
 just spill it he can do whatever
 work He needs to do in our hearts.

Happy Pondering.........

Love, Hugs and


  1. Romans 10:17, "Faith comes from hearing the Word, and the message is heard through the Word of Christ." GOD's Word is so important to our lives. I have found the application of His Word in my life to be more important than ever as I grow in His Spirit. I believe every question I have can be answered if I bring it to Him in prayer and search in His Word. The Bible is such a strong reference for how we are to live our lives through Christ Jesus' example for us. He experienced everything we will. He is Almighty GOD and knows everything. I can't praise Him enough for His leading, guiding, and directing me in this life's journey of coming closer to Him as I grow in my spiritual journey with Him! I love you all, Susan

  2. Morning Susan,
    Amen to your comments and yes he is a good good Father...........

    Thanks for dropping by,
    Love, Nellie


Special thanks to all who take the time to leave comments..........They are very encouraging and very appreciated. I enjoy every one of them so much!!
May the Lord Bless You!!

Thankful Thursday March 13, 2025, and Birthday Table

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