Happy New Year
Sweet Friends,
Hope you new year is off to a roaring
start in a very good way!
rHave to say, I am raring to get started
on something after all the rest and
relaxation we have had.......which
is exactly what a vacation is suppose
to do.... refresh and re-enthus us!
I have some ideas already rattling
around in my head like: Giving my
living room and guest bath a bit of
a Wintery look, rearranging my
kitchen counters and making a
coffee bar (hubby will love that)
while highlighting the cobalt blue
in my kitchen since it is one of the
new popular colors for the year,
and cause I got some new kitchen
towels that look like grain sack
with that color on them. Painting
the drawer fronts on my oak bed-
room suit to make it match with
our new bed we got last year.
I bought a white bed on purpose,
just so I could do that to get rid
of some of that oak look in there.
Just got some paint samples for
that........so getting excited!!
I am looking forward to reading
and exercising more, and finding
more ways that I can help make
America great again.....
You will see one of them in my
Thankful Thursday post coming
up this week............
But before I can do most of the
above I have to get my Christmas
things down. So guess I will be
tackling some or all of that
this week.
Well, guess I had best let you
get on with the Top viewed
Posts.....since that was probably
why you stopped in.........lol
Best Household Tips #10
Things you might like to include when
styling a coffee table - Fall 2016

Thankful Thursday Feb. 18, 2016,
Tulips and Chocolate
Click Here to View
Thankful Thursday Oct. 20, 2016,
Pics of Fall's Past #8

Thankful Thursday July 14, 2016,
Dream Porch Tablescape
Click Here to View

Best Cleaning and Household Tips
I have learned over the years, Part 1,
and Gone Green in the Living Room
Click Here to View
Well, here are the Top 6 Posts.....
so stay tuned for the rest next
Thanks for stopping by today,
hope you enjoyed your visit.
Have a lovely week.....
Keep your light shining brightly!
Love, Hugs and
Blessings for a Great 2017,
Sharing with:
A Stroll thru Life with Marty
The Dedicated House with Kathyrn
Walking on Sunshine recipes with Lois and Friends
Life with Lorelai with Lorelai and Friends
Dwelling with Cindy
Life and Linda with Linda and Friends
Stone Gable with Yvonne and Friends
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Special thanks to all who take the time to leave comments..........They are very encouraging and very appreciated. I enjoy every one of them so much!!
May the Lord Bless You!!