Thursday, January 19, 2017

Thankful Thursday - Jan. 19, 2017, and our Winter Mantle

Great is the LORD, and most worthy of praise
Psalm 48:1  NIV

Greetings Sweet Friends,

Hope you are all having a good 
and safe week.

Been a good week here so far........
Just been doing all sorts of stuff today,
cleaning, washing, did a couple of
floral arrangements as I am trying 
to finish up my decorating, and 
finally clear off my dining room

Added some pictures of our Winter
Mantle so yall could  see some more
of what I have been up to, the last
few weeks. Just in case you don't 
know you can click on any picture
to enlarge it for better viewing

Will just let the post speak for

I am thankful

hubby had a 3 days weekend, 
and we got a number of things
 accomplished that needed to
 be done, as well as have a fun

to hear that the new campus
of our church started this Sun.
and that it started with 45 
people from our campus, but
they had 41 new people. That
is really good for their first hope they
continue to add to that weekly.

for how much more friendly
 people at our church were this
 passed Sunday. Even tho I would
say our church is a friendly church
and it really is....but since I am at
 the visitor welcome area, I greet 
people as they are leaving our Sun-
day Worship service each week.
 There are many people who just 
walk past and don't even acknow-
ledge a Good Morning, they just 
keep walking...I don't know may-
be they are just deep in thought or
something, but this Sunday was
 quite different for some reason. 
 I would say that 90% of the people
 acknowledged my Good Morning
 and many people actually stopped
 and shook my hand or stopped for
 a hug, and it was the bulk of the 
people. I know I didn't do anything 
different, so I felt like it was move 
of God on the hearts of his people,
 and I loved it.....

for a lady at the grocery store
that the Lord pointed out needed
a good word.  I saw her several
times and thought she looked so
pretty in this beautiful striped
jacket she had on, and the 2nd
time I saw her I started to just 
walk on but it was like the thought
 came to me to tell her how pretty 
she looks in that I did
and she seemed so delighted.
Love, Love, Loving these 
great opportunities............

for the enjoyment of having
white Tulips and white hyacinths
from the grocery store, they are
both so pretty and fun to watch
  Tulips have mind of their own
 and well, hyacinths sorta do
They both just make me smile....


that Dee and Jerry made it back
from Ft. Lauderdale safe and 
sound on Sunday evening, and
had a great time with his family.

for what I think was the Lord's
leading in the selection of a lady 
attorney to help us navigate a
 situation with my Mom's home,
who passed away 11 1/2 yrs. ago.

for my new Winter Cottage
magazine hubby bought me
on Tuesday at Sam's.  Always
love getting those....and am
looking forward to throwing
my feet up and having a cup
of coffee or Tea and perusing
that baby tonight or tomorrow.

for an sweet and encouraging 
compliment to Hubby and I,
 from our Pastor.

for having lil darling pretend
reading to me on Wednesday.
She would make up  the story
as she went, and then do what
I think her preschool teacher
must do....she would turn the
 book around so I could see the 
pictures and then ask a question. 
 So Adorable!
Think she might grow up to
be a teacher one

for a  quick visit from our neigh-
bor yesterday who always brings
 us soup and goodies. She was so 
excited that she came to tell us
 that they got a brand new van.....
Love that she wanted to share
that with us, and we are so happy
 for them, cause over the years we
 have known them, they have had 
soooo many car problems. So
hoping this will be such a 
blessing to them.

for a longggg chat with my sweet
girl today.  It was like we spent
the day together....we got a lot
done while we talked with our
hands free headsets, and makes
working so much more fun.  lol
That lil hands free head set is one
of the best gifts I have ever gotten.


Thanks for dropping by, always
happy to have you.
Hope you have a Wonderful  
rest of the week and Weekend.

Keep your light shining brightly....

Love, Hugs, and
Cozy Winter Blessings,

Sharing With:

Walking on Sunshine Recipes with Lois and Friends

Life with Lorelai with Lorelai and Friends

The Craftberry Bush with Lucy and Friends

Dwellings with Cindy

Life and Linda with Linda and Friends

Stone Gable with Yvonne and Friends

A Stroll thru Life with Marty

Saavy Southern Life with Marty


  1. #1. When I worked, I always looked forward to the "long weekends!"
    #2. I meant to check with Sylvia to see if she and hubby Brad attended. I told her about it and she knew where it was!
    #3. I make sure I stop, unless you are talking with someone or I'm parked on the other side of the church and go out the other door. However, lately I've had to park in the back!
    #4. The Love of the LORD moving in your heart!
    #5. Flowers are so beautiful! I can hardly wait until mine bloom each Spring. They don't last very long, but I enjoy them when they bloom!
    #6. Good for them! I know they enjoyed themselves as well as the family!
    #7. The LORD is so good in His leading our lives! I claim Him everyday!
    #8. Pleasures in this life are also His blessing to us!
    #9. Bless him. I pray every day for him and his family.
    #10. Brings back memories!
    #11. That reminds me of Alice. She's always bringing things to me!
    #12. Melitta (my hair dresser) has one. When it rings, she says, "speak" and the line opens while she continues washing or blow drying my hair.
    Have a great weekend! Love you all, Susan

  2. Nellie, I love your winter mantle! I've been trying to do winter decorations too as I'm not ready for Valentines just yet. Thanks of sharing!:)

  3. Thanks Cassidy, yea, it doesn't seem to much like Winter here with our
    high 70's and 80 degree temps, so we have to fake least
    till we get a cool or cold spell once in awhile. lol

    Can't believe we only have 10 more days of January.....2017 is off to
    a roaring
    Thanks for coming by hon,

    Take care,
    Blessings, Nellie

  4. Hi Susan,

    Thanks for coming by and for all your comments. That is neat that Melita has one that you
    can just speak too, course, she is working so she really needs one like that. I just have
    to click mine and it works great. I pretty much only use it for Jim and DeeAnna anyway.
    Got one for Jimmy for Christmas and he really loves his too, so if we are talking while he
    is driving or he runs in Sams I can just tell him what to get, and he doesn't have to hold
    the phone.....and you know how he loves gadgets
    Course, this is one lil gadget I really love too.

    Have a good day tomorrow.
    Love, Nellie


Special thanks to all who take the time to leave comments..........They are very encouraging and very appreciated. I enjoy every one of them so much!!
May the Lord Bless You!!

Scripture Sunday

  Have a Lovely Sunday. Hugs,  Nellie