Friday, February 10, 2017

Thankful Thursday February 9, 2017, with Pink and Red Flowers

 In God we make our boast all day long, 
and we will praise your name forever.
Psalm 44:8

Greetings Sweet Friends,

Hope it has been a good week

 at your house where ever 
you live............

Been a good week here but can't 
believe it is Friday already.....
My how these weeks just click
off so
Anyone else feel that way??

Since Valentine's Day is just
around the corner thought I 
would send yall some pretty
pink and red flowers to cheer
up your Winter days......

I am thankful

that we finally had a phone
consultation with an attorney
last Friday and it was free.
We finally got some answers
we needed, altho, we didn't
really like the options, but
such is life, at least we now

for being able to go out to
lunch with our former Pastor
and his wife, that are down
here for the Winter. We had
wanted to get them over this
past week for dinner, but 
couldn't since hubby was
sick, and thankfully they had
 no plans for lunch after church 
so we got them all to our-
They are in their 80's and
they are just such great folks,
and we always enjoy our
time with them so much.

for a fun time just hubby 
and I watching the Super
Bowl game.....there was
a time I could have cared
less and might sit with him
and just read a magazine,
but have learned over the
years that I need to try to 
enjoy some of the things he
 enjoys too. Cause I sure like
 it when he does that for 
and you know what I have
to say I actually really enjoy
it myself now..........

for another problem related
to my late Mother's home
that seems to be quickly

for Sparkling grape juice, the red
 or white grape, and now they have
 a blueberry one. It is all delicious!
We usually save it for celebrations 
but lately we have been drinking
it quite a
Good it is non-alcoholic,,,
cause think we are hooked.  lol

that hubby is feeling much better
but notice he was more tired at the
 end of the day than usual, but
now (Friday) he seems to be 
over that too.

for being greeted by the lovely
 fragrance of a wallflower plug in
 from bath and body every time I 
walk into our guest bath. Got 6 of
 them for Christmas, all different 
fragrances, and just put a new
 one in recently and it is called 
" Champagne Toast".  Smells
good enough to eat.........

that all my white azaleas are
 blooming after all, so the cold didn't
hinder them at all, and now some 
gardenias and lantana too.  So it
 looks like Spring around here in 
some ways or at least the promise

for getting to watch a beautiful
red cardinal take a bath in our
birdbath this week.  They are
such beautiful birds........

for being able to steal a few
minutes out in the sun on this
Sunny beautiful blue sky day.
We have had quite a few of
those lately....but just haven't
gotten out there.  So today
(Thurs.) was the day!!  lol

for a yummy pot of beef stew
cooking as I write....can hardly
wait for din din......I absolutely
love me some beef stew!!  lol

Note: Dinner was great!!

that the paper mill sent me a
picture of my Mom's house
after they did the clean up.
So it looks good.....and clean
with the yard all mowed too!
  So we shouldn't have to worry
about the yard for awhile.

Happy you could stop by for a visit
and hope it made you think of some
things you are Thankful for too.

Would love if you shared

a few too.............

Have a Glorious Weekend,

Sharing with:

LIfe with Lorelai wth Lorelai and Friends

The Craftberry Bush with Lucy and Friends

Oh My Heartsie Girl with Karen

Dwellings with Cindy

Life and Linda with Linda and Friends

A Stroll thru Life with Marty


  1. Hi, Nellie.
    Yes, I feel like the days are like "shooting stars!" They are moving so fast. Talking about "shooting stars," a comet is suppose to pass tonight, I think there is suppose to be a lunar eclipse (somewhere in the world too!)
    #1. I have been praying for the LORD's will. Our GOD always has a plan for us in all things.
    #2. I was so blessed to see them in our Life group Sunday morning!
    #3. That's how it was when I used to watch the game with dad. I always cheered the opposite team he was for, ha! Over the years, we each won out equally, ha!
    #4. Praise the LORD for an answered prayer!
    $5. I accidentally got Crystal Lite's "Green tea with peach and mango!" I usually get the peach tea flavor! After a couple of glasses, my taste buds now like it.
    #6. I have been praying for him! I noticed now that I'm "old." I am more tired toward the end of the day. If I'm busy all day, it wipes me out!
    #7. That's how your cookie candle smells to me, ha! I have had some plug-in fragrances, but can only put them in the kitchen, I don't want the animals getting a hold of any that are in the low wall areas.
    #8. I surely miss all the azaleas I had. I don't know why George, some years ago, cut them all down instead of just cutting them back. I guess he misunderstood. We had some really large bushes! I do look forward to when my Amarillo bulbs bloom (usually in March).
    #9. I think we have an early spring this year! Not only is my orange tree blooming, but I'm seeing the birds in my yard that are not usually here now. Of course the Sandhill Cranes are in number. I hear them come flying in every morning with their honking/clattering noise, ha! Once settled, they walk around the yard foraging for bugs in the ground.
    #10. Xena has loved being outside too! I went to call her in and she was rolling around in the warm grass! She likes laying in the sun for a time and them is ready to come back in.
    #11. I got me some of those frozen meatballs and made a BBQ recipe with onions. It is really good! I have been eating off of it all day!
    #12. That's great. I'm so glad the LORD looks out for us and meets our needs! He is the Great Provider! I love you all, Susan

  2. Dear Nelli...Thank you for sending those beautiful flowers for V- day to everyone. Also thank you for stopping by to leave a comment for my 200th post. Happy V-day to you and family. Love Sujatha:)

  3. Hi Sujatha,
    So nice to hear from you, and glad you liked the flowers.
    and your welcome about the comment.
    Hope you and your family have a lovely Valentines day as well.

    Have a good and relaxing weekend,

    Thanks so much for stopping by.....

  4. Morning Susan,

    Yea, they got here earlier this year....and they look great as usual. It was great to see
    and spend some time with them, they will be hear till the end of March I think.

    Jimmy and I cheer for the same team, but this time for the ones less likely to

    Yes, one would wonder why someone would cut down flowering bushes like that, maybe he didn'tknow what they were or maybe it made it harder to mow the yard, so he just got them out the way! lol Too bad tho, cause when they are blooming they are gorgeous. Our neighbors have hot pink and fuchsia azaleas and love to see them out the window. So pretty.....

    Well, thanks for coming by and have a good weekend,
    Love, Nellie

  5. Lovely flowers you posted and it sounds like things are getting resolved. Wishing you a beautiful week.

  6. Morning Carol,
    Nice to have you come by......and happy you enjoyed the flowers.
    Yes, lil by lil things are getting solved....but think we have
    a long road ahead, but the Lord knows.......

    Thanks for your sweet comments.

    Hope you have a lovely Valentines day week!
    Blessings, Nellie

  7. Beautiful flowers and I'm happy to hear that your hub's is feeling better!

  8. Thanks Christine and thanks for stopping by hon.
    Blessings, Nellie


Special thanks to all who take the time to leave comments..........They are very encouraging and very appreciated. I enjoy every one of them so much!!
May the Lord Bless You!!

Thankful Thursday February 20, 2025, and pics of Spring Beginnings

  The grass withers and the flowers fall,      but the word of our God endures forever.” Isaiah 40:8 NIV Greetings Sweet Friends, Hope you a...