Thursday, February 23, 2017

Thankful Thursday Feb. 23, 2017, Lovely Camelias

The grass withers and the flowers fall,
 but the word of our God endures forever.”
Isaiah 40:8 NIV

Greetings Sweet Friends,

Hope this finds you well 

and happy.

We just got home Tuesday
evening from a trip to our
daughter and son-in-loves,
which you will read about
in this post.......
It is always wonderful to see
 those you love and to take a 
break from the normal every
day routine of life.....

Hope you enjoy all the 
beautiful camelia's as much
as we did.......
It was funny.... this Camelia
tree/bush had these buds since
 last September when they
 moved in and we saw them
when we were there in mid 
Oct. and none of us thought
 they would ever open, but 
much to our surprise they were
opening every day while we
 were there, and there are still 
more buds yet to open.  
So what a great 

Well...... on with it.....

I Am Thankful 

for a safe and uneventful trip
 to Charleston and back, and
that my hubby likes to drive,
and does all the driving, 
which is nice for me!!  lol

that our son got back safely
from the Netherlands last Friday
and had a much better trip home
than when he was going there.

for great, really perfect weather the
 whole time we were in Charleston.
We spent a lot of time sitting outside
 in their backyard since the weather 
was so lovely, as being outside is 
so enjoyable to all of us.

for a really great time with our
daughter Dee and her hubby Jerry.
We had breakfast and/or lunch in,
but only cooked dinner one night, 
we got take out and went out to
 dinner so a nice cooking vacation
 for us girls.

for fun rides on their newly acquired
 golf cart.  Most of the people in their
area ride around in golf carts, and it
is so much fun.....cause you get to
really enjoy seeing all these pretty
houses, but at a much slower pace
than if you are in are in your car.
Great view............and just fun to 
have the wind blowing in your
 face and hair.  lol
Hubby said, hmm, maybe when
I retire if we wind up selling my 
 car we might want to get a golf really would be a lot of
 fun....know our lil darling would
like it for sure and who knows
 maybe we could turn our 
neighborhood into a golf cart 
neighborhood.   lol

that they know their way around
 the area much better this time.
They are still making fun dis-
coveries all the time.  Dee and
I found a new neighborhood 
within their neighborhood that
they had never seen before and
of course, they are finding more
restaurants and stores that they
like as well.

Here are some white camelias in her
neighborhood, they had tons of buds
but not that many were open yet.

that Rosie, our first Fury grand-
daughter dog is back to normal.
Thank goodness .  She was sick 
with some type of stomach and 
intestinal issues and she got sick
right after having her toofers
 cleaned so they didn't know if it
 had anything to do with them
 putting her to sleep or not, but
she is lil 7-8 pd. chijuajua, so
they can dehydrate very quickly
and she was feeling pretty bad 
for a few days there.

for a fun trip to their Home Goods 
store, they had tons of really cute
 stuff, it was like Happy land.  lol
and another cute new store I have 
never heard of called "Palmetto
 Moon".  Reminds me a lil of
 "Altared State"
 that we used to go to in Asheville.
Accept they have lots of cute 
T-shirts.... rather than adorably
 cute clothes that are too young
for me!! lol
and they also have some cute
home things too, like Altared
State too. Also, we took a quick 
trip to a Whole foods market, 
which was way nicer than the
 one we have been to in the
 Orlando area (actually it was
quite a disappointment to us),
course, I think we have a new
one closer to us, just haven't
gone there now I have
the incentive after seeing the
one in Charleston.  Also, we
found another neat store that
had furniture but also lots of
other home decor things that
were very reasonable, always
fun finding new places

Pink ones  too, from the neighborhood.

for the stunningly gorgeous 
camelia tree in their backyard,
and all over the neighborhood
there, Dee and Jerry's are a deep
coral color, but there are white, 
red, pale pink or peach and some
 varigated ones that are red and 
white. All so beautiful...
hence the pictures.

for good conversations, playing
 cards and music, watching TV
and just time spent together.

for a refreshing break from our
regular routine and a nice change 
of scenery, which is always in-
spiring in a number of ways
when we come home.

that we got to see lil darling, 
Megan and Scott the next day
after we got home,  and got 
lil time to hear about Scott's
trip to Holland.  He got to see 
some hydroponic greenhouses 
which seems to be the way 
they do most of their growing
over there.

Well, This was our week at
Cozy Place......

Hope you loved the Camelia's,

we sure did.......
We are thinking about where we
might have a good spot for one.
Wanted to put one in years ago,
but they have to have a lot of
sun......and we were mostly 
shade at that time,  but then 
after hurricane Charlie hit
 about 11-12 yrs. ago we have
lots of sun now cause it took
down all the pine trees in our
yard and our neighborhood.
So the time just might be right!!

Have a lovely weekend with
those you hold dear.

Love, Hugs and
last of February Blessings,

Sharing with:

Walking on Sunshine with Lois and Friends

Life with Lorelai with Lorelai and Friends

Shabby Art Boutique with Kerryanne

Oh My Heatsie girl with Karren

Life and Linda with Linda and Friends

Dwellings with Cindy

Stone Gable with Yvonne and Friends

Saavy Southern Life with Kim


  1. #1. He males a great and safe chauffeur.
    #2. Did he take any pictures?
    #3. Was it cool?
    #4. That is good eating! With the costs today, I think eating out is about the same price as buying the food and cooking it! (Especially when you get the senior prices!)
    #5. Ha! It would work for me too with the acreage I have. I imagine they cost a lot as well as spending more on electric bills in the charging of its battery.
    #6. I would probably get lost, lol!
    #7. I hope it didn't cause a bacterial infection!
    #8. The fun of shopping!!!
    #9. I can hardly wait when Steve (next week) cuts back my bougainvillea and crept myrtle. When they bloom in summer they are so pretty.
    #10. What a wonderful time you had!!!
    #11. It's always so good to get back home. That's how I felt when 2 years ago my friends and I drove out through the mid-west. It was all beautiful, but good to get back home.
    #12. I know you were joyful to see them all. I can hardly wait to see you all on Saturday!
    I love you all, Susan

  2. Hi Susan,

    Hope this finds you in good spirits this morning, and glad you have something to look forward to today.

    Yes, he did take some pics, but they were hard to see on his phone, maybe today we will be
    able to see them on his computer, they were mostly work related tho, as he didn't get much
    time at all for sightseeing. Bummer......

    Yes, the weather was favorite!

    We never think of asking about Sr. prices, guess
    we should start doing it would definitely save some $$....

    Well, see you in a bit,
    Love, Nellie

  3. Beautiful pictures. My husband likes to do all the driving too when we travel and I'm all good with that too! Thanks for linking up to #HomeMattersParty

  4. Hi Emily,
    Thanks for coming by and for your kind comments.
    Also thanks for hosting at Home Matters Parties.
    Blessings, Nellie

  5. I'm a big fan of Camellia's. We have about a dozen large 30 year old bushes here on our property and they are so beautiful when all flowering at the same time. Thank you for sharing at Create, Bake, grow & Gather this week.

  6. Hi Kerryanne,
    Oh, I would love to see a picture of your camelia' they are gorgeous.
    Thanks for coming by and thanks for hosting Create, Bake, Grow and Gather, it is
    quite enjoyable.
    Blessings, Nellie

  7. Such beautiful flowers Nellie!
    Thanks so much for sharing at AMAZE ME MONDAY!
    Blessings to you sweetie,

  8. Hi Cindy,
    Just saw you left this comment and it is been over 2 weeks. Sorry about that. Somehow it sneaked by
    Thanks for coming by and for your sweet comments. Thanks for hosting Amaze Me Monday,
    always enjoy seeing everybody's posts.
    Have a great weekend,
    Blessings, Nellie


Special thanks to all who take the time to leave comments..........They are very encouraging and very appreciated. I enjoy every one of them so much!!
May the Lord Bless You!!

Thankful Thursday February 20, 2025, and pics of Spring Beginnings

  The grass withers and the flowers fall,      but the word of our God endures forever.” Isaiah 40:8 NIV Greetings Sweet Friends, Hope you a...