Monday, July 24, 2017

Part 3 of creating a new look by changing colors and decluttering

Hello Sweet Friends,

So how are you today???
Doing well,  I hope!

Been a good week here so far,
Gorgeous day out, hot as blue blazes
but beautiful....did get to sit outside
earlier,  but can't take it for more
than 10-15 minutes, but need that
Vitamin D......  lol

  on with Part 3 of this series..........

Last week I left off with the restyled
CD tower, and actually took a few
more shots (but just used one) so you 
could see that the contents actually
 show up better than what the last pic
 looked like.....
(cause I was standing up and I was
 blocking the light) 

Pic from last week-  see my

pic from this week.

I don't think I have mentioned
that this room has a French
 theme going on, but maybe
you have guessed that already.

Before it had a French Garden would just call
 it a "French, shabby, farmhouse
once yall see the completed
room,  maybe yall can tell me
what you think it

After the CD tower, I finally coraled
 hubby and we were able to put the
 new futon cover on by ourselves
as unbeknowst to me it was a little 
bit too big....
 It took so long to put in on because 
I kept thinking we would need our
 son to help, since the futon mattress
 is so heavy and as it was hard to get
 the old cover on other times when I
washed it and put it back on, but I
 kept forgetting to ask Scott, when he
 was here, or when he was here, hubby
 was busy working and couldn't do it.

So finally.............but then I didn't
like it!! It didn't fit right and it was
wrinkly and we had to tuck it in
and try to make it fit right and so
I tried putting all the pillows on
and still just downright didn't like
 it at all. 

Now keep in mind I bought the
cover 4-5 yrs. ago, before grey
 became the more neutral color.  
As my intention all along was
 to make this a more neutral
 colored room.  

So now what?? 

 I remembered
that I had a quilt that I used on
the living room sofa that was
now being used on my love
seat in our bedroom. You can 
see a little of it in the above pic,
it is a pink, blue and green
country looking quilt, but the
other side is solid white with
blue trim. So  put it on and it
brightened things up quite a
 bit and it also hung over at the
bottom, which made it possible
 to hide our laptop under the
 futon. See below, took this
without the lights on, so it
didn't come out all that great,
but it gives you can idea of
how this side of the room
 looks anyway.

 So add 2 new coral
colored pillows that I found
at Ross as I had decided the
accent color was gonna be
coral, then added some off
white and royal blue check
pillows I already had.

 and I was in happy land, accept
I thought it needed one more
pillow in the center, so I was
 thrilled as I remembered the 
sweet pillow the kids had given
 me for Mother's day, as it had 
some of the same colors in it 
and pics of all my fav people
 on it.....
so it was perfect!!

This shows the new changes to the
wall behind the futon as well, but
that came a bit later in the process, 
actually at the end.....  thought I had 
pic of the before wall, but haven't 
found it yet........I just changed it
up a little bit.
Have to say I am loving the colors
in here..........

and here's a before shot (below) just 
so you can remember what it looked
like before.  Also if you missed
part 2 and would like to see it,
Just click here.

Well, maybe next week, will end
 this series...we'll

Thanks for coming by.....

Hope you have a really great rest
of the week.

Love Hugs and last of
July Blessings, 

Can't believe we are a week away
 from August...... Can YOU??

Sharing with:

A Stroll thru Life

Saavy Southern Style

Life with Lorelai

Oh My Heartsie Girl

Starfish Cottage

Life and Linda

Stone Gable


  1. Love what you did, Nellie, everything looks so fresh and clean, I begin my fall cleaning and poofing next week, trying to get an early start! I have so neglected my home this summer, because of all the canning and gardening! Thanks for visiting an for taking the time to comment! I am hoping to blog more frequently!

  2. It really looks great, Nellie! A room to spend a lot of time in with enjoyment! You did a beautiful job! Love you all, Susan


  3. Thanks Sue, glad you like it....we are sure enjoying it....
    Can't believe we are almost to Fall is just around the corner for sure.
    It is so hot right now hard to even think about Fall
    Thanks so much for stopping by and for your sweet commenbts.
    Glad to see you posting more and looking forward to seeing more posts.....
    Blessings Galore ,


  4. Thanks Susan,
    Yea, it is nice as we do spend quite a bit of time in here, a change is always nice.
    Thanks for coming by and for your encouraging comments.
    Love, Nellie

  5. Even little changes can have a big impact! What an inviting area you have created. :)

  6. Thanks Joy.....
    and so true about the lil changes especially if you are the one living with it daily.
    Just refreshing to have some changes at times.

    Hope you are doing well, and thanks for stopping by.


  7. What a pretty color combination! I love the coral with the blue. It looks very relaxing.
    Carol (“Mimi”) from Home with Mimi

  8. Morning Mimi,
    Thanks so much for your kind comments, I really liked the coral and blue too, it is a nice
    change, and I picked it due to colors that were in pictures.
    Thanks so much for dropping by hon, and hope you have a lovely week,


Special thanks to all who take the time to leave comments..........They are very encouraging and very appreciated. I enjoy every one of them so much!!
May the Lord Bless You!!

Scripture Sunday

  Have a Lovely Sunday. Hugs,  Nellie