Friday, July 14, 2017

Thankful Thursday July 14, 2017, Spring golf cart tour #6

And whatever you do, whether in word or deed,
 do it all in the name of the Lord Jesus,
 giving thanks to God the Father through him.
Colossians 3:17 NIV

Greetings Sweet Friends,

Hope your week has been a good one!
Ours has been good......busy to start,
 but now fun and relaxing!

Pics today are from my Charleston
S.C., golfcart tour back in the
Spring..........hope you enjoy them.

Since I am on time for a change and
will be busy later, gonna just get this

I am thankful

that the people who make Simply
Lemonaid came out with a new 
drink called Simply Peach...and if 
you love peaches, the way I do, you
 will really love is delish, and
if your fav fruit isn't peaches you
might just become a fan of them
if you try it.  lol

Disclaimer:  I get no side benefits
or $$ for this endorsement....just
happened to really love it.

for a fun movie from the feeln chanel
 called "Emma's Wish". Very heart-
warming and quite entertaining for 
our Friday night.

#3 and 4
that our daughter is coming from S.C.
 to visit for a few days.....very excited! 

She made it here safely on
Wed. afternoon.

that her room is all fresh and ready
for her arrival.....

that a long time friend of ours
will be able to come dinner too, 
as our whole family gets together.
 Our friend hasn't seen DeeAnna, 
Scott or Megan in a very long time, 
and also has only seen pics of 
lil darling......

for a delicious batch of
Ghiradelli chocolate brownies.
 They are so yummy.....think we 
might make brownie sundaes on
Wed. night for dessert.

that it rained in the early after-
noon on Tuesday and had time
 to dry out some since we needed
 to mow the grass, and it makes
 mowing so much easier as it
 doesn't throw up all the dust and 
dirt when the grass is damp.
 like it does when it is so dry.
Thank goodness.......... 

for a really fun time with the
family and our friend on Wed.
nite. Dee got in late afternoon
and we had an easy dinner of
pizza and salad,  yakked a lot
and played wii and had yummy
brownies sundaes, and a choc. 
heath bar crunch cake.
Great time for Everyone!

for our mailman.....he makes
our life easier by delivering
mail right to the mailbox in
front of our house and some
times even brings things up
to the door.  It would be a 
real nuisance to have to run
to the post office daily.....
So thankful for this service.

Coming up on the house below 

that I had the forethought to make 
another pan of lasagna to freeze 
for when Dee came, back when I 
made it for Father's all 
I have to do is thaw it and pop it in 
the oven and make a veggie....easy
 peasy........Din Din for tonight!

that I just got a call today about
another problem that should be
solved concerning the sale of 
 my late Mothers house.  PTL


Well, there you have it folks........

Just in case you missed golf cart 
tour #5 and would like to see it...
just click here.

Hope you have a really great 
weekend being with those you love.

Love, Hugs and
Mid July Blessings,


Sharing with:

Shabby Art Boutique

Walking on Sunshine Recipes

Life with Lorelai

The Craftberry Bush

Starfish Cottage


Stone Gable

The Dedicated House

A Stroll thru Life

Saavy Southern Style


  1. Hi, Nellie!
    #1. I liked the blueberry one also! I love the Crystal Lite tea that is raspberry flavored as well! (Disclaimer too!)
    #2. I'm into watching the old 1970/1980 games shows! I don't remember some of them as a teenager! Tattle Tales, Blockbusters (nothing to do with the movies), Sale of the century...
    #3 & #4. It was so good to see her again! I surely enjoyed our time!
    #5. I know she enjoyed all the changes!
    #6. What a joy to spend time with her!
    #7. It was so tasty and with the ice cream too!
    #8. I pray the LORD's protection over us concerning the sinkholes. When it's been so dry and we receive much needed rain, it has caused sinkholes in some areas. I'm praying for those who have recently lost their homes!
    #9. And...much fun with Sweetie Pie!
    #10. I really enjoy my mailman too. When I see him delivering, He always waves and says hello!
    #11. Quick meals are great! (Even though you spent time before in making it!)
    #12. Praise the LORD!!! I have been praying every day for the LORD's leading for all concerned! Praise His Holy Name!
    Love you all, Susan

  2. Hi Susan,

    Yes, I love the blueberry and the raspberry lemonaide too.

    Haven't heard about any sinkholes.....course, haven't watched the local news in awhile.

    Thanks for praying and thanks for coming by and adding your comments......

    Love ya, Nellie

  3. Sinkholes are terrifying! Last week someone in downtown St. Louis, pleased with his excellent parking spot, went into a gym for his daily workout, and came out to see his car had been swallowed up! And that horrible situation in Florida where those poor people have watched their houses sink into the ground. Scary stuff. Enjoyed this post!

  4. Hi Pattie,
    Yes, they are very scary. Years back that happened to someone in our town. it swollowed up part of their back yard and pool,
    course, they had to move out of the house too......cause it was very unsafe...........
    I saw that about the car but didn't get to read it, can't believe it was in St. Louis.
    Yea, I have always wondered if insurance covers that?? You would certainly hope so...........

    Thanks for coming by and glad you enjoyed the post, encouraging to hear.
    Hope you are doing well hon,
    Blessings, Nellie


Special thanks to all who take the time to leave comments..........They are very encouraging and very appreciated. I enjoy every one of them so much!!
May the Lord Bless You!!

Scripture Sunday

  Have a Lovely Sunday. Hugs,  Nellie