Friday, July 21, 2017

Thankful Thursday July 20, 2017, Golf cart tour #7

 But you, Lord,
 are a compassionate and gracious God, 
slow to anger, abounding in love 
and faithfulness.
Psalm 86:15

Greetings Sweet Friends,

Hope you day is going well......

Mine is going, sort of dismal today,
as it has been overcast here all day 
but the sun just finally came out. 😊

We had a deluge of rain last night
with some marble size hail,  was
hoping it didn't get any bigger as
it was hitting our front windows,
and thankfully it didn't!  

Took a break and it has only been
 a few hours but now our skies are 
all looking bad and no sun again. 
 Think we are gonna have another
 deluge like last night or at least it 
looks like it.  So much for mowing
the grass probably.........which
was the plan........not too sad
about that

Pictures today are from the same
Spring golfcart tour of Charleston.
seems like I have an endless supply
of pics, didn't realize I had taken
quite this

Anyway gonna get on with the
post since I am so late!

I am thankful

for a really fun visit with our
daughter. We just so enjoy being
together......we visited, ate, and
did at home facials and pedicures 
on Friday, as she had bought some
cosmetic products at a place called
Lush,when she spent the day with
 a friend on Thursday. They have
a product called Dream Cream.
We both really love it.

for a nice dinner at a great Mexican 
restaurant with the family on Friday
night. Our first time to go there and it
 was really good food, and a nice but
 quick time together, as Scott had to
 get home to pack for a trip the next
 day.  Hubby and I are happy to know
about this new to us, restaurant as we
both love Mexican food........

Think this is the same house just
 different areas of it.....

for some awesome deals at Bath
 and Body on Friday evening after
our Mexican dinner. We have a new
store in our area and we hadn't been
there yet, so we all decided to go
check it out and they had a lot of
things 75% off,  and my daughters
 birthday is coming up next month, 
so wgot quite a haul......I have to we were both
 happy campers!

for my new Peach Bellini candle we
 got at Bath and Body at half price. 
 Put it in my newly redone office 
and it smells heavenly in here.

that Dee got here on Wed. afternoon
uneventfully other than a missed
turn, which added 30 mins. to her
trip, but she was safe....then back
 home to  S.C. safely on Saturday.

that Scott got to his destination up
 North for work on Sat., and back
 home safely on Tuesday evening.

for a rump roast with potatoes, carrots,
 and Pearl onions (that came in a jar)
 that I made for din din on Tuesday and
 had for din din Wed. nite.  It was
 yummy and really hit the
I never knew you could buy
pearl onions in a jar,  had never seen 
them before, just happened on them, 
and thought they might be good, and
 they were. Guess what brand they
are??  Aunt Nellie'
I buy their beets too, and they are

These huge Oaks just fascinate me!

for an opportunity to encourage
and pray for a distraught and dis-
couraged single Mom with 3 
children, 2 of which are 17 and 20, 
and are really taking a toll on her, 
and also starting to rub off on her 
younger child.  I have known her
 children for years and they are really
 good kids, but they are spreading their
wings as they all do....those teenage
years can really be fun....not!

for the sandhill cranes and Ibis
and my neighbors pretty white
 chickens I have been seeing in
 my yard and neighborhood this 
week. They are all fun to watch!

that my next door neighbors dogs
that sneeked out did not get our
other neighbors chickens as they
were.........chasing them!!  made
quite a commotion too!!  lol

that one of our students from our
Sunday school class is doing fairly
well after a bad accident this morning.
She had the baby with her,  but God
watched over them,  baby is fine,
Mom at home but having pain and 
stiffness in her ribs, but thankful
 from the looks of the car she 
survived at all.  Thankful for
God's protection over them both.

for all the wonderful array of food 
choices that we have and for places 
to purchase them or we can even grow
 some of them ourselves if we want.
God has given us such a large variety
 of fruits and Veggies, and has provided
 animals to give us milk, eggs and meats
 and many other things I probably haven't
 even thought of.....
We are so blessed as a nation as many
 countries do not have access to what
 we do.


Well, there you have it.....another
 week at Cozy Place......

Thanks for dropping by.....
hope you have had some things
to be thankful for this week too.

Would love for you to share 
with us.

Have a Really Lovely Weekend,

Love, Hugs, and
Cooler weather Blessings,


Sharing with:

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  1. #1. Such memory makers with family are so blessed!
    #2. Is the food "hot" with peppers?
    #3. Great gifts. (Just don't get into them for yourself, ha, ha!)
    #4. I can smell it now! It reminds me of the Crystal Lite Peach Tea (no claimers!)
    #5. Praise the LORD for traveling mercies!
    #6. Thank the LORD also for his traveling mercies!
    #7. Thanks for info on the pearl onions! I love them too! I have been getting Libby's whole beets. I'll have to try Aunt Nellie's! Beets are good for lowering blood pressure!
    #8. I shall add her and her family to my daily prayer list!
    #9. I get the Sandhill cranes all the time, but not the Ibis. I love those little white birds! There are hawks that nest on the back property. The babies are so cute!
    #10. OH MY! That would be "heart failure" to me! I know how upset I got when Xena used to
    push under the fence and get out until I started going out with her each time! She then would stay in the yard!
    #11. On my LORD! Praise Him for our protection and that of our family and friends. It really "hits home" when things occur to us or those we know! I'll also add her to my prayer list to get well soon.
    #12. GOD is so good all the time! I praise Him everyday for His provisions, protection, leading, health, and His Love and Salvation!
    Love you all, Susan

  2. Hi Susan,
    No, the mexican food or salsa was not hot. I got chicken fajitas and Dee got steak and
    they were both delicious. Don't think anyones food was hot from peppers or spices. Yea,
    most of it is for Dee, but I did get a couple of things to put up as a gift, and bought
    the candle and some lemoncello spray that was only enjoying the candle and
    the lemon spray.

    Turns out the gal that was in the accident has a broken rib, but that is amazing compared
    to what it could have been as she was hit in the drivers side door and her rib was broken
    from the door hitting her. Her car was the Lords hand was really on her,
    and the baby was and is still fine. God is good...

    Well, thanks for coming by and hope you have a good day,
    Love, Nellie

  3. It looks like that was a great tour.... so many beautiful houses! :)

  4. Hi Gentle Joy........
    Actually it is a really fun tour, with just me and my daughter and I so enjoy all the
    different and varied styles of homes they have in Charleston..........

    Thanks for coming by and takisng the time to leave a comment.



Special thanks to all who take the time to leave comments..........They are very encouraging and very appreciated. I enjoy every one of them so much!!
May the Lord Bless You!!

Scripture Sunday

  Have a Lovely Sunday. Hugs,  Nellie