Friday, July 7, 2017

Thankful Thursday July 6, 2017, Spring golf cart tour #5

Let them give thanks to the LORD 
for his unfailing love and his 
wonderful deeds for mankind
Psalm 107:8

Greetings Sweet Friends,

How are yall doing??  Hope you
are having a good week, ours has
been good and restful.

Since I am late I am just gonna
get on with it...........

More pics from Charleston today.
Hope you enjoy them!

I am thankful

for a really long phone call with my
sweet girl in Charleston, even tho
we have talked it has been awhile
since we had a marathon

#2 and #3
for a really great time with my nephew 
and his family, and they got to meet our
daughter in love and lil darling for the 
first time. I also got to see my step 
brother (my nephews dad) who we
haven't seen in a while. Also got to
enjoy their 3 lovely daughters, who
lil darling had a great time playing
with, so it was a really a very
blessed day. 

that hubby had the day off on Monday, 
and since we were tired from all the 
preparations and the fun day on Sunday, 
we did nothing at all on Monday but 
talk, eat leftovers, text, and have two
short phone calls, and email some pics
 to our niece, and think about working 
outside.....which never got passed the
 thinking stage.  lol
and we pretty much did the same thing
 on 4th of July..........accept played some
 wii table tennis and catch phrase, prayed,
got take out Mexican food and watched a
 movie. Have to say it was nice to have
 a few days that there was nothing that
just had to be done.......sort of like a
mini staycation.......

Same house, just different views.

that my nephew and his family are 
enjoying our churches mission house
 and we found out they don't even have
 to clean when they leave, as they have 
someone come in and do that..........
So that was an unexpected blessing
for them.

that I found out something from my
 brother that I didn't know... but was 
feeling confused and a little hurt over
as to why a certain situation happened
the way it did, so totally understand
why that was really a relief.

for 2 really good movies we watched
from the feeln chanel.  One was "An
American story" and the other was
"The Valley of Light".  Both movies
were great..............

for a sweet day with lil darling yesterday 
(Wed.).  Can't believe she is going to start
 preschool 5 days a week,  but fortunately
 they are half days,  so we will still get to
 see her on Wed. but just for not as long...
We will be picking her up from school.

for getting some more work done Wed.
evening in the back side yard, as we
 haven't done any for a few weeks,  but 
we made quite a dent in just less than a
 half hour.  That is about all we can stand 
with this heat!!  With all the rain the grape-
vine has been growing incredibly fast.

Just love all the trees and fences
they have as well.............
for all my favorite fruits like
bananas, strawberries and peaches
especially love them together in
a smoothie. Really like others
too, but those would be my all
time favorites.

for a new toothpaste my hygenist
 gave me as a sample.  It was
 "Sensodyne True Whitening" 
Toothpaste.  Can't believe how
 much whiter my teeth are in just
 a few days, and it helps my teeth
sensitivity as well. I had been
using Crest Whitening tooth-
paste, but sometimes the tooth
whitening toothpaste cause your
teeth to be even more sensitive,
no so with the new one, will
definitely be getting it when
my sample runs out.........

FYI - I get no kickbacks or
any kind of benefit for saying
this,  it is just a really good

that we finally got a picture hung
 that we bought back in January, I
 think it was.....just could not make
 up my mind where I wanted to put 
it and everytime I would start think-
ing about where to put it we would
be hosting some event or holiday,
and if you are like I am about 
moving things around you know
that just moving one picture can
be like a ripple affect....that makes
you have to move other things,
so then I would think.....
just better wait!!  lol
So is hung!!!

Decided to put it in the 
dining room and it is covering
up some holes and scratches
that I had no touch up paint
to cover, so makes that wall
look mucho better...........


Well, there you have it folks
another week at Cozy Place.

If you would like to see golf
cart tour #4,  just click here

Thanks for coming by.........
Hope you will stop and say hello!!

Have a Lovely weekend!

Love, Hugs, and
early July Blessings,


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Shabby Art Boutique

Walking on Sunshine Recipes

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Life and Linda

Starfish Cottage


Stone Gable 

The Dedicated House 

Oh My Heartsie Girl

Saavy Southern Style


  1. I am so glad Jesus interprets our prayers making them perfect to our Father GOD! I can't thank our Almighty GOD enough for allowing me to be His child! Jesus knows my gratitude and he can express it in words my lips now cannot speak!
    #1. What joy the LORD gives to us with family!
    #2 & #3. Yes in deed! I so enjoyed the girls as well! What neat games they had for just a pencil and paper!
    #4. Since retirement, I have pretty much enjoyed all my days (thanks to my Mint cleaner and my Rumba vacuum!) Robotics really makes it nice! Of course I still have to do the bedroom with my upright! But it doesn't take me but about 10 minutes!
    #5. The LORD is so Good!
    #6. Another blessing to you from our LORD!
    #7. I watch my usual western series. I'm surprised there are so many I haven't seen since I watch them all the time!
    #8. She will so enjoy it! She has such spunk and she will have a lot to contribute to her class!
    #9. If it wasn't for the grapevines, we would have a long time between the woods encroachment. I need to get Steve to weed whack by the corner up front before too much gets to growing back. It's on Linda's side, but she won't do anything about it.
    #10. I've gotten into the tomato, baby carrots, and avocado salads!
    #11. I need to get it for the whitening!
    #12. Great! I'll be sure to check it out when I see next week!
    Love you all, Susan

  2. Thanks Susan
    for coming by and for sharing your praises and comments.

    They were sweet girls weren't they and it was so nice that they and Broooklyn had so much
    fun together. Too bad they live so far away. Made me want more

    Love, Nellie


Special thanks to all who take the time to leave comments..........They are very encouraging and very appreciated. I enjoy every one of them so much!!
May the Lord Bless You!!

Scripture Sunday

  Have a Lovely Sunday. Hugs,  Nellie