Thursday, August 31, 2017

Part 2 of Play and Practicing with a Moroccan flair....

Happy Tuesday  Wednesday, 
Thursday Sweet Friends,

I am a bit late a you can see....
just been having to much fun
living life and know you all
know what that is like.

Can you believe this is the
last day of August....oh my,
but oh yeah, we have all of
Fall to look forward to......

Hope you are having fun
whatever you are doing too!

See ya tomorrow hopefully

More pics from last weeks
coming up!!

A shot from last week.
If you missed it you can just
click here to see it.

A few change ups......
the olive jar pitcher instead
of the pitcher with hydrangeas

A different silverware 
arrangement,  just seemed to
need something a bit less

With a Posterized affect.

with white appetizer/bread plates
instead of the Moroccan ones.

with Cutout affect

Then decided I needed to 
do a centerpiece for the table
so most of the pics are changed
up with just one or 2 items.

You can see our new picture that we
bought in Jan. but just hung in
It the one I told you I could not make
 up my mind where to put it.....well it
 ended up in the dining room.............

Playing Done.........

Thanks for stopping by......
Hope you had a lil eye candy fun.....

Have a lovely week.

Hugs and Blessings,

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  1. Reaches through screen and grabs a cookie. LOL! Beautiful settings! I hope you guys are great. And that Irma stays far away from you. All is well here. My Dad is doing fantastic. Everything is back to normal since July 24. His recovery was lightning fast.
    Have a blessed and fun Labor Day weekend!

  2. Morning Caroline.
    So happy to hear from you and know that you and your family are fine. You have been on my heart and in our prayers for those in Texas that we know and of course, for everyone out
    there....what a devastating situation. I couldn't remember exactly where in Texas you live
    if it was near Dallas or Houston. A friend of ours came very close to having her home flooded butby God's grace the water miraculously receded the next 2 days, and it was only about 5 feetfrom her front door at one point .PTL

    We have been with my daughter ad son-in-love from Sat - Thursday and have had a really good
    time as always so we are well rested and I am feeling considerably better. Thanks!

    So wonderful to hear your Dad is doing so well.....all those prayers work don't they, that
    was our experience as well......

    Yes, we are praying Irma dissapates, it is the last thing our country needs is another
    one where ever she goes................and hoping we can all pray away the other one down
    by the yucatan......

    You take care sweetie, and thanks for coming by....I haven't been on the computer much
    this week or I would have emailed to check on you, so just prayed instead...figured that
    was more useful inn the long Thanks for your sweet comments as always,

    Love, Hugs and Blessings to you and yours,

  3. Morning, Nellie.
    Blue is my favorite color! I love the runner that lets the glass in your table show! Your solid white accents with the dishes make it gorgeous! Enjoy your time, it's passing fast!
    Love you all, Susan

  4. Morning, Nellie.
    Blue is my favorite color! I love the runner that lets the glass in your table show! Your solid white accents with the dishes make it gorgeous! Enjoy your time, it's passing fast!
    Love you all, Susan

  5. Dearest Nellie, I am loving this blue and the Moroccan feel. Soothing yet exotic. I hope you are well my sweet. Love, Mimi xxx

  6. Hi Mimi,
    Sorry it has taken me so long to answer. We have been away in Charleston and didn't get back
    until Late Tues. nite, then had Brooklyn all day on Wed., and then we have been prepping
    for the Hurricane, so glad to be finished with that, now we are still awaiting Irma....
    she is suppose to arrive around 2a.m. She is coming up the West coast of Florida and we
    live on the east coast, and now it looks like she has downgraded to a Cat 3 but think she
    will be down to a Cat 1 or 2 by the time she is even with us, so hoping and praying we don't
    get too much wind. The storm covers the entire state of Florida....So far, we have gotten
    rain, and our trees are beginning to swish.....will sure be glad when it is over, but now
    we also have Hurricane Jose to be concerned with......course, at least we are prepared.
    I am feeling much better these days.....taking the Vit D daily but it has been overcast all
    week, so have gotten NO sun since I have been home.

    Thanks as always for stopping by hon and for your sweet comments.
    Love and Blessings,


Special thanks to all who take the time to leave comments..........They are very encouraging and very appreciated. I enjoy every one of them so much!!
May the Lord Bless You!!

Scripture Sunday

  Have a Lovely Sunday. Hugs,  Nellie