Saturday, December 16, 2017

Thankful Thursday - December 14, 2017, Christmas 2017

Suddenly a great company of the 
heavenly host appeared with the angel, 
praising God and saying, 
“Glory to God in the highest heaven, 
and on earth peace to those on whom
 his favor rests.” 
Luke 2: 13-14 NIV

Greetings Sweet Friends,

Hope this has been a good week 

for you.

It really hasn't been one of my best 
weeks, but I have had

Woke up Thursday morning with
my throat burning so bad I was
sure I had strep,  but surprisingly
I didn' will read the rest
of the story below.

Tired and just want to get this
posted before I turn in.........

Thankful I was able to keep our 
invitation for breakfast with 4
long time friends on Saturday,
as by Friday afternoon I was
feeling bad again.....

Thankful for a really great time
with these 4 friends. Fellowship
was sweet, food was delish, table 
was gorgeous, as was all the pretty
 Christmas decorations...the 
hostess is a very sweet and very
 talented gal, and her home is truly
 warm and inviting and a visual
 delight, and she definitely knows
how to make others feel special.
 Love her and always love time 
spent with her anywhere, but it
is an extra special treat going
 to her home.
So thanks Carol if you happen
to be


So thankful for all my hubbies
help this week, he has helped
to get lots of things knocked
off my list and it is only Tues.
So thanks honey!


So thankful that their were
not any really bad injuries to
 innocent bystanders during 
the New York attack
on Monday.............

Once Again....
So thankful for Policemen, 
first responders and FBI agents.


Thankful for journaling....I don't
do it as much as I used to, but had
an opportunity to look back at some
of my writings yesterday and they
are always inciteful to me.

Thankful for some empty white
boxes I found that I bought last
year to wrap for a table center-
piece. Underneath our tree it
is bare as we haven't had time
to wrap any gifts yet, so when
I found the white boxes I knew
exactly what to do with them.
Put some pretty bows on and
under the tree they went!  It
really looks beautiful............

Thankful that I got a lot of 
cookies baked today even tho
I was feeling terrible.

Thankful for CVS minute clinics.
I decided I should go cause my
throat was burning so badly and
I have almost lost my voice, so
was concerned I might have strep
 throat or maybe an ear infection 
as I was running a slight fever.

#10 and 11
Thankful it was not strep or an
 ear infection, but a sinus infection
 instead, so had to get antiobiotics
 which I really do not like to take, but
gotta have them, and so thankful that
they are available to take when you
really need them.

Thankful that we are pretty much
ready for our Christmas party tonight
 other than getting dressed and I can 
even get a lil nap in........which is 
much needed.  Opened the windows
and aired the house out and sprayed
the house with lysol,  so hopefully
there want be any germs for anyone
to pick up............

Well, there you have it.....
another week at Cozy Place ........

Have a lovely weekend.

Love and Special
 Christmas Blessings,


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Shabby Art Boutique

Life with Lorelai


Starfish Cottage

The Dedicated House

Stone Gable

Oh My Heartsie Girl

Saavy Southern Style


  1. #1. How wonderful! I will meet Alice for lunch this Tuesday!
    #2. I can hardly wait to see Alice! It's been months since I have seen her!
    #3. Yes, Jim, you are a great loving husband to Nellie! Praise You, LORD!
    #4. Yes, I'm praying the LORD's protection from our country's enemies; domestic and afar.
    #5. I pray the LORD's protection over them everyday!
    #6. Yes, I have my writings in a notebook I call, "The Insignificant Writings of an Unimportant Person." It is definitely inciteful when I go back every so often.
    #7. Great idea, especially if your tree is up before thanksgiving!
    #8. Hopefully it was a blessing to be busy baking delicious delicacies and not having your
    mind on feeling as poorly as you were with such a bad sinus infection! That had to be hard to do!
    #9. Just reading that made me think how bad it felt for you!
    #10 & #11. Wow! That is usually how mine starts. That part in my nose that goes to my throat gets dried out, then irritated, then infected. I haven't had it in a long time. Heating the house doesn't help matters any.
    #12. I have been praying all along that all went well for your Christmas Party!
    Love you all, Susan

  2. I hope you felt better in time for your party! And that you all had a great time. Okay this is the home stretch now! Have fun with this hectic week! Merry Christmas!


Special thanks to all who take the time to leave comments..........They are very encouraging and very appreciated. I enjoy every one of them so much!!
May the Lord Bless You!!

Thankful Thursday March 13, 2025, and Birthday Table

  “You are worthy, our Lord and God    to receive glory and honor and power,  for you created all things,   and by your will they were creat...