Thursday, March 1, 2018

Thankful Thursday March 1, 2018, Winter Family room #3 and kitchen table

 he refreshes my soul. He guides me along the 
right paths for his name’s sake. 
Psalm 23:3

Happy Thankful Day
Sweet Friends,

and Welcome to March...........

Can you believe it's here already??
Wow, 2018 has been a whirlwind
year so far, here at our house

I have been busy as a little beaver
spring cleaning and have loved
every minute of it, but have to say 
I am tired, but pretty much done,  
other than tackling my closet, but
 think I am gonna wait a week or
 so on that! Yep, I am taking a break
 next week to pamper myself a bit.
I think I deserve
I see sitting in the sun, drinking
some smoothies and maybe some
shopping and maybe putting up
a few Easter Decorations in my
near future!!  lol

Pictures today are the rest of the 
Winter family room and our Winter
look for the kitchen table.
If you missed Part 2 and would
like to see it,  click here

Well, on with my Thankfuls 
for the week.

Thankful for Rev. Billy Graham and
 what he has meant to me, and the people,
 Presidents and leaders of our country
 and around the world. He was such a man
 of integrity and I don't ever remember
 hearing a bad word about him. What an 
incredible spiritual leader he has been.
 If you haven't seen the movie
 "Billy, the early years" 
that is about his life, you should see
 it....we saw it a few years ago, and
 it was really good...........and think
you can find it on Netflix.

Thankful that Rev. Graham has been
given the honor due him by having
 him lie in state in the Rotunda in 
Washington D.C.
What a Great way to honor this 
Wonderful Man of God.

Thankful for ideas for a Winter/
Spring table for my sister-in-law 
Susans birthday. 

Thankful for a good time with
the family as we celebrated Susan's
birthday on Sunday.  Only thing
missing was Dee and Jerry.

Thankful for Red Velvet cake from 
Publix bakery. It really tastes like the 
one I make, (but haven't made in ages)
 which was my late Mother-in-laws
 recipe. The only thing they didn't add 
was walnuts to the cream cheese icing,
  so we just sprinkled some on, and that 
did the trick......most times when we
have gotton Red Velvet cake that I 
didn't make myself, the icing is not 
made with cream cheese and walnut
 frosting which pretty much ruins it,
for us anyways!!  lol


Thankful for pretty tableware to use
everyday, but especially for when
there are special ocassions.  I love
a pretty table, and think it makes
other feel special, at least it makes
me feel that way when someone
goes to all that trouble for me.

Thankful that even tho I had to stay
home on Sunday morning cause I
didn't actually get to sleep until an
hour before we get up and I was so
tired, once I got up I did get to see
a  really good sermon on Sunday 
about marriage. 

Here is the address in case you
would like to watch them.

Click here (this one by Pastor
Ed Young, Senior.
 or type it in yourself.

Thankful that our plumbing/septic
tank problems turned out not to
be our drain field. Just needed
pumping......Thank Heavens!

Thankful for the beautiful view
out our living room window.
Our neighbors have 4 huge
Azalea bushes in full bloom.
Red and Fuschia colored and
they are take your breath
 away beautiful.

Thankful that our daughter Dee
and her hubby will be coming in
 late Thurs. night to celebrate her
 Dad's birthday.

Thankful that I pretty much finished
 my Spring cleaning in the kitchen.....
and am ecstatic about that!!  Just a
few more things I will do when I get
the chance, but have turned my mind
to outside since it has been so nice.
 Have been washing windows and 
working on the lawn and trimming
back dead stuff on our shrubs and
plants, more to go,  but it is coming 
along nicely, and I am happy I am
ahead on my Spring cleaning for a blue moon!!

Thankful that we cleaned our sofa
today as it was looking a bit dingy,
but it looks great now.  We have
a hoover carpet and upholstery
cleaner and it has been worth
every penney we paid for it so
many years ago.....easy to use
as well............

Photocopy affect.

Well, Sweet Friends, 
 there you have it.

Thanks so much for coming by.

Enjoy your Friday and Weekend

Love, hugs and
First of March Blessings,

Sharing With:

Life with Lorelai

Oh My Heartsie Girl

The Dedicated House

A Stroll thru Life

Stone Gable

Saavy Southern Style

Life and Linda


  1. What a refreshing post Nellie! We can all think of things we want, but being thankful is what truly brings contentment.

    Finished with spring cleaning? OH my, I haven't even thought about it yet. I finished radiation today. I need some time to recover first.

    Blessings from Harvest Lane Cottage,
    Spring looks a whole lot better this year than EVER before!

  2. Hi Laura,
    Thank you for coming by and for your sweet comments.

    Oh My Heavens, yes, no Spring cleaning for you honey, you need to rest, rest and rest some
    more.......So sorry you had to go thru that, but glad to know you are finished. I am sure
    their must be rejoicing going on at your house......

    Actually I did Spring Cleaning early because I was having a Surprise 70th birthday party
    for my hubby and it was on Saturday.......after all the planning, doing and hiding stuff for
    the last 6 weeks or so, I am exhausted, so this week I plan to rest a whole
    and spend some time reflecting and enjoying the success of it all......and pampering myself]
    a wee

    Blessing Galore to you,

    I can imagine that not just Spring looks better than ever, probably life itself looks better
    than ever.............

  3. You are so right about that Nellie!
    God bless you!


Special thanks to all who take the time to leave comments..........They are very encouraging and very appreciated. I enjoy every one of them so much!!
May the Lord Bless You!!

Scripture Sunday

  Have a Lovely Sunday. Hugs,  Nellie