Thursday, March 15, 2018

Thankful Thursday March 15, 2018, Easters past #2

But may all who seek you rejoice and
 be glad in you; may those who long for
 your saving help always say, 
“The LORD is great!”
Psalm 40:16 NIV

Hello Sweet Friends,

Hope your week has been a good one.

Mine not so good physically, not
 horrible but not feeling up to par.....
started off with an earache on Monday
 morning then sinus issues and just 
feeling very overtired, but sinus meds
 and naps made things considerably
 better, thankfully!  But will sure be
 glad when is goes bye bye....

So that is why you haven't heard
from me this week until now.

Pictures today will be from Easters
past again...............
If you missed Part 1 and would
like to view it, Click Here

On with my Thankfuls

Thankful for Tylenol Sinus medication,
that helped make me feel better.

Thankful that we got to have lil darling
for a lil while on Saturday and then all
day Tuesday and Wednesday since she
was out of school for Spring Break.
We had a lot of fun....thanks to Tylenol


Thankful for Google search engine!
Lil darling and I were reading a book that
 had a peacock in it with all it's beautiful
 tail feathers fanned out, and I was asking her
seen one with it's feather closed and how it
drags on the ground in back of it.  She had not
ever seen that, so we did a google search and
found way more than that......did you know
there are peacocks in all different colors,
from all over the world.  Solid white, orange,
Purple, lime green, green and red, it was
amazing and beautiful to see all of them.

Thankful that my hydrangeas and
Bougainvilla are still alive and made
it through the few freezes that we
had.....wasn't sure if that was gonna
be the case, as they looked pretty

Thankful that hubby has continued
to get birthday cards and well wishes
from many who were not able to
attend his nice of them
to remember him.

Thankful that a long time friend of
ours who had prostrate cancer and
had surgery is doing really well.

Thankful to hear a good report back
about our youth pastor's mother-in-law
Her pathology report showed no 
evidence of cancer.............


Thankful for all the beautiful Spring
weather we have been having.  It has
been absolutely gorgeous out for most
of the last week..

Thankful for Burger King, Whoppers,
one of my fav hamburgers! 
Lunch for today!!  lol

Thankful for something fun coming
up soon,  will have to tell you about
it later..........

Thankful that hubby found a way for
us to watch Season 5 of Fixer Upper.
We have so missed it since Roku cut
off HGTV last year.  So that was a
very nice surprise!

Thankful that 2 other people from 
church we have been praying for
came thru their surgeries well today.


Thanks for hopping by.....

Hope you enjoyed your time here,
and have a hopping good Friday
and weekend with those you love.

Hugs, and middle of March
Blessings to you and yours,


Can you believe we are already
Mid March??  amazing!

Sharing with:

Life with Lorelai

Shabby Art Boutique

Oh My Heartsie Girl


The Dedicated House

Stone Gable

StarFish cottage

Saavy Southern Style


  1. #1. I'm so thankful you are feeling better! I remember when I was a child, I had earaches all the time! One time I had to go to the doctor everyday for a week and get 2 shots in the behind. I didn't mind the shots, but I hated to get them in the behind, lol! It was always the corpsmen (Naval Hospital) as nurses that gave them!!!
    #2. I didn't realize school was out until I went to Bible study on Wednesday and saw the school parking lot all empty.
    #3. Yes! Aren't they one of GOD's most beautiful birds!!! I found pictures I downloaded into my picture file! I can't believe how wide and high they can spread those beautiful tail feathers!
    #4. My bougainvillea didn't! Steve's going to cut it back. It always comes back out! My beautiful rose bush of different color roses didn't make it. I've had it for 25 years!
    #5. What a joy for him! It was a great time. I'm happy he is still enjoying getting cards!
    #6. I pray that is who you had ask me to pray for! Praise the LORD for answered prayers. I pray all is well too with AV.
    #7. Hallelujah to our Great Physician and GOD!
    #8. I love the bright skies of the spring equinox!
    #9. I just finished up (Thursday) my plate from Sonny's! I only ate 1/2 of it when we ladies went out Wednesday! So I had Thursday's lunch!
    #10. Can hardly wait!
    #11. I dislike when they change the schedules and programs on some stations. I love what GRIT station did. It has started showing all the old westerns from the 40's. 50's, 60's! As you know I'm a fan of cowboy movies! I really like Roy Rogers old western movies (40's)!
    #12. Thank our Almighty GOD for answering prayers!
    Love you all, Susan

  2. Hi Susan,
    Thanks for your well wishes, and am hoping the pollen has finally gone bye bye.
    Yea, shots were no fun, but would be even worse as a young girl to have to get them from
    male nurses.

    Sad about your pretty rose bush, those were the most beautiful roses I have ever seen,
    and love how the colors changed on them. That is really too bad.

    Thanks for coming by,
    take care,
    Love and Blessings,


Special thanks to all who take the time to leave comments..........They are very encouraging and very appreciated. I enjoy every one of them so much!!
May the Lord Bless You!!

Scripture Sunday

  Have a Lovely Sunday. Hugs,  Nellie