Wednesday, November 28, 2018

Our Thanksgiving Table 2018

Hello Sweet Friends,

Guessing that you are happily moving 
on into the Christmas festivities....

That is what is happening over here.
Fall has been gone since Saturday and
 we are still working on putting up our
 Christmas decorations, and of course,
shopping as well.

Taking a break today as we are home
schooling today with lil darling, and
watching over my sister-in-law Susan
as she had her eye surgery this morn.
She is very happy to have that over
with for sure.  Her vision is already
great and it has just been a few hrs.

Thought I would share our Thanks-
giving Table with you today. So
hope you enjoy it.

As usual I took too many pics, and did 
try to edit some but due to time con-
straints I just posted the rest of them.

This is mostly going to be a what
you see

I decided after I took all those pics to
use clear stemware, as it looked a bit
more elegant and also lightened up
the look of the table since I was 
using clear glass cylinders in the
centerpiece anyway.

See what I mean?

Thanks for dropping by


Happy Christmas Decorating
 to you!

Keep your light shining brightly!

Friday, November 23, 2018

Thankful Thursday November 22, 2018, Fall golf cart tour 2018 #4

For everything God created is good, 
and nothing is to be rejected
 if it is received with thanksgiving,
 because it is consecrated by the 
word of God and prayer.
1 Timothy 4:4-5 NIV

Happy Day after Thanksgiving
Sweet Friends,

I trust you all had a wonderful time 
with family/and or friends.

We had a good time over here, but
we celebrated on Wednesday with a
nice dinner, and for a short time on 
Thursday morning, then came home 
and went to bed, as you will read

Feeling better today, just tired but
think we are gonna rearrange the
family room furniture and maybe
put up our tree....will see how far

Pics today are of our Fall golf
cart tour of Charleston again.

So on with my post............
so we can start moving

Thankful that the Lord gave me an
 idea for something I needed an answer 
for.....our Sunday School class is having 
an After Christmas party in Jan. and
 they are doing a talent show in which
they would like everyone to participate.
and we had no clue what we could do.
I mean we do have talents but they 
just aren't the singing, dancing, jug-
gling or variety show type!!  So after
racking my brain and coming up
with Nada, I decided to ask the
Lord what could we do and as soon
 as I prayed something came to mind
immediately that I haven't thought of
 in years, a very unique Christmas
story all of our own that happened
when we were still newlyweds that
we can share. It will be like a 
God wink story.....

Thankful for cute jokes that make
 us laugh. I heard a few this week,  
but can only remember one and
will share it cause it is cute and

A lady was at the grocery store
in search of a Turkey,  and after
looking at Turkey after Turkey
 she asked one of the stock boys
 if the Turkeys got any larger, to
which he replied
 "No Mam, they are dead".  

Thankful for meeting a visitor at
church who gave me a business
card with her devotional blog on it.
I have only had time to read a few,
but so far, so good,  so I subscribed.

Thankful for a fun day with lil
darling on Tuesday this week,
with no schoolwork,  as she is
out of school this week.  So it
was like old times....

Thankful for the fun of  making
2 new cards this week.

Thankful that we get to celebrate 
Thanksgiving with Scott, Megan and 
Brooklyn on Wednesday, and they
are making breakfast for us on Thurs.
morning, since it is her families year,
for dinner....... just happy we get to
 celebrate with them.

Thankful we got all our Thanks-
giving food shopping out of the
way early.

Thankful that we found these
deep fried Butterball Turkey 
breasts at Sams.  They are already
 cooked and we just have to heat
 them. Works for me!!

Note: I wrote the above earlier in the
week, so actually they did not work
 for me or hubby, we really didn't
like them. Thought they were tough
 and hubby thought they tasted like
processed meat, but I am not a Turkey
lover to begin with, so it was dis-
appointing as we had heard
from a number of people how good
fried turkey is......but everything 
else was great!! but It will be back to 
my Party chicken dish next year!!  lol
Not complaining, just saying and
keeping it real...........

Thankful for a great make ahead
gravy recipe I found years ago.
That was always the most stress-
ful part of the Thanksgiving meal
 for me,  was making that gravy 
at the last minute,  so this recipe
 made a huge difference on
 Thanksgiving for many
 years now.

Thankful for Pecan Pie, one of
my all time favorites, I even
like to put some choc. chips on
top them microwave it so the
chocolate melts.  It is yum, yum
yummy like that!!

#11 and 12
Thankful for a good Thanks-
giving celebration with the family.
Thankful that it worked out better,
than if we had done it on Thursday
 as I woke up with a headache on 
Thanksgiving day, that just got
 worse as the day went on, so I
 wound up taking medication and
 going to bed for awhile, and was 
thankful that I woke up feeling 
some better but would not have felt
 like hosting anything for sure, and
 thankful we had all those leftovers 
from the night before.

Well, there you have it folks!!

Thanks for stopping by 


hope you have a great weekend.

No black Friday shopping here!!  lol

Belated Happy Thanksgiving,

Hugs, Nellie

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Saturday, November 17, 2018

Scripture Sunday

Happy Sunday Morning
Sweet Friends,

Here is the verse for today.

 I will listen to what God the LORD says;
he promises peace to his people,
 his faithful servants— but let them
 not turn to folly.

Psalm 85:8 NIV

Have a Peaceful Sunday,


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Starfish Cottage

The Dedicated House

Stone Gable

Oh My Heartsie Girl


Friday, November 16, 2018

Thankful Thursday November 15, 2018, Fall homes tour #3 of Charleston

But let all who take refuge in you be glad; 
let them ever sing for joy. 
Spread your protection over them,
 that those who love your name 
may rejoice in you.
Psalm 5:11 NIV

Greetings Sweet Friends,

Hope this finds you well and
happy today.

Have to say we are....
Today is our 5th Saturday of the
week.  lol  We have a book on
retirement that our daughter gave 
us and it is called "Every day is
 Saturday", and I have to say it
really does seem like that!!  lol
But we are not complaining,
believe me!!  but we do have to
make a point of checking the
date on the calendar these days.

Gonna be a quiet day here today,
at least I think and hope so any-
way!!  lol   since the last 2 days
have been busy....
But ya never know.......

Pics today are still from our
Fall golf cart tour of Charleston.

So on with my Thankfuls.

Thankful for a really fun time
we all had this weekend with my 
daughter being here and our
celebration of Scott and Megans
birthday.  It was a fully packed,
not quite, 2 days and it went by 
very quickly but we thorougly
enjoyed every minute of it.

Thankful that she got home
safe and sound on Sunday
evening, after attending a
baby shower for one of her
best friends on Sunday.

Thankful that she and Jerry will be 
coming again for Christmas this year.

Thankful for some needed rain a few
days this week, as our yard is feeling
 the stress of not having much shade
 since our tree broke and they had to
 cut so much back.

Thankful to have seen a cute lil squirrel
 eating mushrooms that are growing in
 the yard. He looked like a buzz saw
he was eating so fast,  think he saw me
watching him and he must have been
 afraid I was gonna interrupt his
mushroom eating


Thankful for new bike tires on hubbies
 bike so we could ride our bikes again.


Thankful for our 2nd Fall meal.....
Southwestern White chili,  it is really 
easy and delicious.  It is a Kraft foods
 recipe, and here is the link in case you 
would like to try it...Click here. or go
 to and type in
Southwestern white chili.

Thankful for a phone call from a
 long time friend that we have
 known since right before we got
 married, so it has been a 48+ year 
friendship.  She and her husband
are such a sweet couple, and have
really been thru some very difficult
things, but next year they will
celebrate 50 Years of marriage.
You don't hear that often!!

Thankful for a nice day and evening 
on Thursday, walking in the mall, 
having our fav smoothie, picking up
 lil darling from school, and going
back out to do some Christmas
shopping and capping it off with
 dinner at Long Horns.

Thankful that lil darling got to meet 
the lil girl next door when she was
 out playing soccer in the front yard 
with her uncle. They invited her to 
play soccer with them. and she had
 so much fun and of course, didn't 
want to leave.
The lil girl is 5 years old too, which
is nice.

Thankful for the nice cool snap
we are having here in Florida
right now.  So delightful.
It actually went down to 44
during the night.  Love it...

Thankful for a young man that
was the greeter in "Ross" store
last night and also our server
at the restaurant: both very out-
going and friendly but just were
 above and beyond the normal,
that you couldn't help but notice.
You could tell they were fellows
who were trying to make a
 difference in their world with
their kindness, and it shined
like the night.
Love seeing that......just blesses
my heart, as we should all be
doing that in this difficult 
envirionment in which we
are living. I think it gives
people sure does
for me.  Cause that is 
surely not what I hear on
from the news media.

Well, that's our week at Cozy

Thanks for stopping by....

Hope you have a lovely weekend.

Love, Hugs, and
Chilly Blessings,


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Life with Lorelai

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Stone Gable

Tuesday, November 13, 2018

Fall Birthday Table for Son and Daughter-in-love

  Happy Tuesday Sweet Friends,

      So, what cha' been up to so far 
this week?

After the whirlwind of last week,
we have been up to nothing but
resting....I was so exhausted on
Monday but hoping that today I
have some energy.

Thought I would share our birth-
day table for my Son and Daughter-
in-Love today.  Megan's birthday
isn't until the end of November,
but she and Scott will be away
on a birthday trip. so figured we 
would just do it early this year
since our Daughter was here to
share in the celebration as well.

I started out knowing I wanted to 
use this beautiful tablecloth my 
Daughter had given me, since she
wasn't here when I have used it 
before now.

and also use it with my white corelleware.
I have a solid white set and white that is
embossed as well (a 4 pc. place setting 
of the embossed),  so I used a pc. of the 
embossed at each place setting along with
 a solid white..... either a plate or bowl, 
hard to tell in the pictures, but it looks
nice.  In the above pic it was a solid
plate with an embossed bowl. 
If you click on any pic they will all
get larger for better viewing pleasure.

So then needed to come up with a 
centerpiece that would work.......
due to time constraints I decided
just to swap out the centerpiece 
from my coffee table with the 
one that was on the dining room
 table already.  Just added some
more embellishments to it like
the apples, nuts and potpourri.

We had gotten these fun and delicious
bread sticks at Traders Joe's when we
were in Charleston, so decided to just
use them as our bread along with some
Bruschetta sauce for dipping.

So just stuck them in glasses that 
matched our drinking glasses.
Always fun to do something different.

Added a few real white baby boo pumpkins 
with some candles as well.

Love these darling lil pumpkins
 that I won from Becky over at
Timewashed blog, as a give away
a few years ago.  

Since I had multicolored Fall napkins
decided to make it a multicolored

and couldn't decide if I should use
 blue or brown glasses, but there
 is quite a bit of blue in the table-
cloth as well,  so my hubby and 
daughter said they liked the
           blue the 
went with the blue......
either would have worked,
but since I used the blue tray
it worked well,  if I had used
a brown or wood tray the
brown would probably have
worked better.

An Overview

Thanks for stoppin' by......

Have a Lovely Week

Love, Hugs and
November Blessings,


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Scripture Sunday - There are 6 things the Lord hates

  According to God's word  God says we are to hate the things He hates  and love the things He loves. Romans 12:9, Proverbs 8:13, and ...