Friday, November 9, 2018

Thankful Thursday November 8, 2018, Fall Charleston home tour #2 for 2018

Devote yourselves to prayer,
 being watchful and thankful.
Colossians 1:2 NIV

Greetings Sweet Friends,

Hope your week has been good.....

Ours has been good and busy....
it always is this time of year for our
 family, as we have birthdays and our
Anniversary, and of course, one of our
favorite holidays, Thanksgiving, and
we had a lil extra this time which you
will read

My list is a lil short this week, as
my daughter will be here any minute
and I haven't had time to finish this
post, but this will today
are from our tour of Charleston in
the Fall of 2018 #2.

So on with it............

Thankful for the Lords kindness
 and protection over our home and
 car, as a tree top did not hit either
of these. We had a bad rain/wind 
storm last Friday night and unbe-
knowst to us, the whole top of our
 huge Sweet Gum tree broke off.
 We didn't discover it until hubby
 went to check the mail the next
 day and noticed a branch that was
too low, and looked up and realized
their was a huge branch hanging
over him that was being held up
by trees on the other side of the
driveway right over him and our
car. So guess we never heard any
 noise the night before because
 it never hit the ground.  This is
just one of many times the Lord
has spared us from trees falling
but doing no damage to our
home or vehicles.

Thankful that we were able to
get our tree man out here right
away on Saturday, as there were
only 2 thin branches that were
holding the other end of the
branch where it broke, and if
we would have had any rain
or wind and they gave way it
could have wound up on the

Thankful for the men who were
so nice to come right out and take
 care of it, as it was in a rather
 precarious position, and it was
 way less $$  than we would have
 thought, and some of the work is
 stuff we were gonna have done
 anyway. So it was a blessing in
 disquise.  Our trees looks pretty
pitiful right now, but it will 
grow back,  just gonna take 
some time.

Thankful that we did not get
the trees across the driveway
cut back sooner, as we were
going to in September but we
could never get on the same
page as to what we wanted
to do there, cause if they had
been cut they would not have
caught that tree top. Now I
know why we couldn't get
on the same page!!  lol

Thankful for a nice lunch out
on Sunday with a long time
 friend, that we see every week
 now at church but haven't had
 time to really catch up with
 what is going on in our lives.
So it was nice to spend some
time together.

Thankful for seeing a Hawk
or Osprey in my backyard
on Monday morning, sitting
on the ground feasting on
worms for a few mins.  He 
was mostly white with his 
wings just tipped in brown,
a very beautiful bird. Was
just about to get my camera
when he flew into the woods.
Tried to look online to see 
what he was and think he
 might have been what they
 call a Florida Osprey, but
 none of the pictures of
them were as beautiful as
this one was. Was glad
he left quickly tho, cause
was concerned about our
lil brown

Thankful that my daughter
is coming this weekend, we
will get to see her from Friday
afternoon, until Sunday morn
as she has a baby shower to
attend for one of her besties
and afterwards will head for
home, but we will certainly
enjoy the time we have.

Thankful for my son and
what a sweet and talented
guy he is and that he just
had a birthday this week.
We will be celebrating
this weekend.

Thankful for my sweet,
loving and talented hubby 
of 48 years. Wed. was our 
Anniversary but we celebrated
onThurs., after lil darling went
home.  Had a nice evening out
shopping and dinner at Carrabas.
Yum Yum!!

Thankful that my daughter
made it here safe and sound.

So see ya on Sunday.

Love, Hugs,
and Blessings,


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Shabby Art Boutique

Life with Lorelai

Starfish Cottage

The Dedicated House


  1. #1. Praise the LORD for His protection of us in so many different ways!
    #2. It's so great to have people we can rely on. That's how it is with me and Steve! He is such a GOD send to me for my yard needs!
    #3. Ditto with Steve's prices too!
    #4. Isn't it great to see GOD's working in our lives with all matters of things!!!
    #5. Our friends in the LORD are such a blessing from Him!
    #6. It's so amazing to watch GOD's animal kingdom and how He supplies all there needs as well!
    #7. It was a joy to see her again, as so the other family as well!
    #8. He, as so Dee and their spouses, are a true blessing from the LORD to you and all of us!
    #9. 48 years, woo hoo, great for you! The LORD bless you for 48 more as well as all throughout eternity with our LORD
    #10. Praise the LORD for His traveling mercies to us all!
    I surely enjoyed myself with the family! Love you all, Susan

  2. HI Susan,
    Yes I agree..... God is good to us over and over again in all sorts of ways.

    Have a good weekend,
    Love ya, Nellie


Special thanks to all who take the time to leave comments..........They are very encouraging and very appreciated. I enjoy every one of them so much!!
May the Lord Bless You!!

Scripture Sunday

Happy March to You!! Hugs, Nellie