Tuesday, November 13, 2018

Fall Birthday Table for Son and Daughter-in-love

  Happy Tuesday Sweet Friends,

      So, what cha' been up to so far 
this week?

After the whirlwind of last week,
we have been up to nothing but
resting....I was so exhausted on
Monday but hoping that today I
have some energy.

Thought I would share our birth-
day table for my Son and Daughter-
in-Love today.  Megan's birthday
isn't until the end of November,
but she and Scott will be away
on a birthday trip. so figured we 
would just do it early this year
since our Daughter was here to
share in the celebration as well.

I started out knowing I wanted to 
use this beautiful tablecloth my 
Daughter had given me, since she
wasn't here when I have used it 
before now.

and also use it with my white corelleware.
I have a solid white set and white that is
embossed as well (a 4 pc. place setting 
of the embossed),  so I used a pc. of the 
embossed at each place setting along with
 a solid white..... either a plate or bowl, 
hard to tell in the pictures, but it looks
nice.  In the above pic it was a solid
plate with an embossed bowl. 
If you click on any pic they will all
get larger for better viewing pleasure.

So then needed to come up with a 
centerpiece that would work.......
due to time constraints I decided
just to swap out the centerpiece 
from my coffee table with the 
one that was on the dining room
 table already.  Just added some
more embellishments to it like
the apples, nuts and potpourri.

We had gotten these fun and delicious
bread sticks at Traders Joe's when we
were in Charleston, so decided to just
use them as our bread along with some
Bruschetta sauce for dipping.

So just stuck them in glasses that 
matched our drinking glasses.
Always fun to do something different.

Added a few real white baby boo pumpkins 
with some candles as well.

Love these darling lil pumpkins
 that I won from Becky over at
Timewashed blog, as a give away
a few years ago.  

Since I had multicolored Fall napkins
decided to make it a multicolored

and couldn't decide if I should use
 blue or brown glasses, but there
 is quite a bit of blue in the table-
cloth as well,  so my hubby and 
daughter said they liked the
           blue the best.........so 
went with the blue......
either would have worked,
but since I used the blue tray
it worked well,  if I had used
a brown or wood tray the
brown would probably have
worked better.

An Overview

Thanks for stoppin' by......

Have a Lovely Week

Love, Hugs and
November Blessings,


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  1. Hi Nellie, what a gorgeous tablecloth and tablescape! I too have some white dishes and love how they go with everything. Wishing you and your family a Happy Thanksgiving.

  2. Hi Donna,
    So nice to hear from you hon. Hope this finds you doing well. I know you can never go wrong
    with white dishes they are so versatile. Thanks so much for coming by and for taking the
    time to leave a comment. Hope you have a Wonderful Thanksgiving
    Blessings Abundant,


Special thanks to all who take the time to leave comments..........They are very encouraging and very appreciated. I enjoy every one of them so much!!
May the Lord Bless You!!

Scripture Sunday

Happy March to You!! Hugs, Nellie