Friday, November 2, 2018

Thankful Thursday November 1, 2018, Fall golf cart tour of Charleston houses 2018 #1

Let the peace of Christ rule in 
your hearts, since as members of one
 body you were called to peace. 
And be thankful.
Colossians 3:15 NIV

Greetings Sweet Friends 
Welcome to November,

How are you today??
Doing well, I hope.

I am better, but still not totally well,
my back is somewhat better but not
quite there yet and I am at the cold/
this virus still seems to be hanging
on forever, but hopefully soon it will
 be gone for good!!  Looking forward
to that I must say!! lol

Pics today are from our Fall golf
cart tour of Charleston for 2018.

Thankful to have gotten our front
yard tidied up, as our bushes were
getting a bit wild out there, and
look so much better now.

Thankful for a really lovely time
over at our son's house on Sunday.
Megan made a lovely spaghetti
dinner that was really yummy,
and we got to catch up with 
what has been going on all of
our lives.

Thankful for the blessing of
hearing about a 25 yr. marriage
that the Lord saved, (someone
my daughter knows,) but love
hearing these great stories as
there are way too many that go
the other direction.

Thankful for another great Hall-
mark Movie called "My son,
the matchmaker",  once again,
it was based on a true story.

Thankful for our first Fallish
meal.....Beef Stew, hubby and
I made some on Monday. I always
use my Mom's recipe and it was 
so good..... as always.

Thankful for Alleve and Tylenol
which have helped me this week
to weather a virus and back issues,
and enabled me to get something

Thankful for seeing this wonder-

ful and inspiring group of High 
Schoolers singing in this video. 
 Check it out it is so beautiful.

Click Here to watch it.
Click here, if you don't have 

Thankful that after a nap on

Tuesday we got some more
 yard work done in the back
yard, this time.

Thankful to have also gotten
in a bike ride as we have only
exercised once since we got
home from our daughters.

Thankful to hear that a christian
mother of 5, who has been in jail
in Pakistan for 8-10 years on a
bogus charge and was about to be
 hanged to death, is going to be
 released because the United States
 has been involved.  They are 
suppose to release her soon, but
they are concerned about here
safety as there are riots taking
place because of her release,
So if you feel so led please
pray for her safety. Thank the
Lord and Pres. Trump and the
ACLJ for the release of another
 person who is innocent.


Thankful to hear my daughter
will be coming here next weekend.
She has a baby shower to attend 
for a long time friend., but we
will get to visit for a few days.
Always happy to hear

Thankful for a fun day out on
Thursday and getting started on
 our Christmas shopping.........
Like to get done before Thanks-
giving, and sometimes it happens
and sometimes it doesn't, so will
see how it goes this year!!

Well, here was a bit of our week
 at Cozy Place

Thanks for stopping over,
and hope you have a Terrific
Friday and weekend.

Love, Hugs, and
Early November blessings,


Sharing with:

Shabby Art Boutique

Life with Lorelai

Oh My Heartsie Girl


Stone Gable

A Stroll thru Life


  1. #1. I'm so thankful for Steve doing mine! What a blessing!
    #2. Amazing how time gets away from us!
    #3. Praise our LORD for His intervening!!
    #4. Did you ever get to watch "Stars in MY Crown?"
    #5. I've been into the chicken and rice. This morning I made it with broccoli.
    #6. I've been getting much better with starting to drink orange juice and V-8 juice every day!
    #7. I didn't get to see it. I'm not on Facebook and you have to log in :-(
    #8. I've been getting more sleep each night 7-8 hours and it's made a difference!
    #9. Mine is going down to the mailbox and back, ha!
    #10. I shall add her to my prayer list as of NOW!
    #11. Yea, it's always such blessing to see our loved ones!
    #12. Yes, you do a great job (and for me too, ha!)
    Love you all, Susan

  2. Hi Susan,

    No, we didn't see "stars in my crown" cause you never told me where you saw it?? lol

    I found that singing video you missed on God Tube....and if you go back to this post to #7, you will see where I added another link where you can see it. It is really beautiful....

    Well, have a great day.
    Love, Nellie


Special thanks to all who take the time to leave comments..........They are very encouraging and very appreciated. I enjoy every one of them so much!!
May the Lord Bless You!!

Scripture Sunday

Happy March to You!! Hugs, Nellie