Friday, November 16, 2018

Thankful Thursday November 15, 2018, Fall homes tour #3 of Charleston

But let all who take refuge in you be glad; 
let them ever sing for joy. 
Spread your protection over them,
 that those who love your name 
may rejoice in you.
Psalm 5:11 NIV

Greetings Sweet Friends,

Hope this finds you well and
happy today.

Have to say we are....
Today is our 5th Saturday of the
week.  lol  We have a book on
retirement that our daughter gave 
us and it is called "Every day is
 Saturday", and I have to say it
really does seem like that!!  lol
But we are not complaining,
believe me!!  but we do have to
make a point of checking the
date on the calendar these days.

Gonna be a quiet day here today,
at least I think and hope so any-
way!!  lol   since the last 2 days
have been busy....
But ya never know.......

Pics today are still from our
Fall golf cart tour of Charleston.

So on with my Thankfuls.

Thankful for a really fun time
we all had this weekend with my 
daughter being here and our
celebration of Scott and Megans
birthday.  It was a fully packed,
not quite, 2 days and it went by 
very quickly but we thorougly
enjoyed every minute of it.

Thankful that she got home
safe and sound on Sunday
evening, after attending a
baby shower for one of her
best friends on Sunday.

Thankful that she and Jerry will be 
coming again for Christmas this year.

Thankful for some needed rain a few
days this week, as our yard is feeling
 the stress of not having much shade
 since our tree broke and they had to
 cut so much back.

Thankful to have seen a cute lil squirrel
 eating mushrooms that are growing in
 the yard. He looked like a buzz saw
he was eating so fast,  think he saw me
watching him and he must have been
 afraid I was gonna interrupt his
mushroom eating


Thankful for new bike tires on hubbies
 bike so we could ride our bikes again.


Thankful for our 2nd Fall meal.....
Southwestern White chili,  it is really 
easy and delicious.  It is a Kraft foods
 recipe, and here is the link in case you 
would like to try it...Click here. or go
 to and type in
Southwestern white chili.

Thankful for a phone call from a
 long time friend that we have
 known since right before we got
 married, so it has been a 48+ year 
friendship.  She and her husband
are such a sweet couple, and have
really been thru some very difficult
things, but next year they will
celebrate 50 Years of marriage.
You don't hear that often!!

Thankful for a nice day and evening 
on Thursday, walking in the mall, 
having our fav smoothie, picking up
 lil darling from school, and going
back out to do some Christmas
shopping and capping it off with
 dinner at Long Horns.

Thankful that lil darling got to meet 
the lil girl next door when she was
 out playing soccer in the front yard 
with her uncle. They invited her to 
play soccer with them. and she had
 so much fun and of course, didn't 
want to leave.
The lil girl is 5 years old too, which
is nice.

Thankful for the nice cool snap
we are having here in Florida
right now.  So delightful.
It actually went down to 44
during the night.  Love it...

Thankful for a young man that
was the greeter in "Ross" store
last night and also our server
at the restaurant: both very out-
going and friendly but just were
 above and beyond the normal,
that you couldn't help but notice.
You could tell they were fellows
who were trying to make a
 difference in their world with
their kindness, and it shined
like the night.
Love seeing that......just blesses
my heart, as we should all be
doing that in this difficult 
envirionment in which we
are living. I think it gives
people sure does
for me.  Cause that is 
surely not what I hear on
from the news media.

Well, that's our week at Cozy

Thanks for stopping by....

Hope you have a lovely weekend.

Love, Hugs, and
Chilly Blessings,


Sharing with:

Shabby Art Boutique

Life with Lorelai

Oh My Heartsie Girl

Starfish Cottage

The Dedicated House

Stone Gable


  1. Welcome to Retirement, ha! I have to mark off the day on my calendar at the end of every day, lol!
    #1. YES! I surely enjoyed being a part of it too!
    #2. I don't know how she can do so many things in a short amount of time!!!
    #3. Yea! It will be here before we know it! That's another thing I have realized about being retired...time passes even faster!!!
    #4. Yes, Steve got the front mowed this week after the rain.
    #5. He probably stashed some in his mouth pouches for later feeding!
    #6. Yea, enjoy your travels around the neighborhood!
    #7. Sounds delicious! Another thing I have realized since I've retired; finding quick-fix meals!
    #8. Praise the LORD and great for them!!!
    #9. I bet it's great to do in the the week during what used to be work hours!
    #10. Good for her! I'm sure she was really happy in playing with the little girl!
    #11. Yes! I have my long pants and socks on today!
    #12. Yes, there is a young man in Perkins that waits on us ladies on Wednesday who also has
    a great personality to please all of us! I'm so glad to see young people who enjoy their job to please others!
    Love you, Susan

  2. I enjoyed reading all the positive features of your days and life!


Special thanks to all who take the time to leave comments..........They are very encouraging and very appreciated. I enjoy every one of them so much!!
May the Lord Bless You!!

Scripture Sunday

Happy March to You!! Hugs, Nellie