Tuesday, November 6, 2018

Fall vignettes in the kitchen 2018

Happy Election Day
 Sweet Friends,

Hope you will be getting out to vote
or  have done it already, as it is too
important for us to lose our vote. We 
voted by mail 2 weeks or so ago.  
This is our chance to be heard, and
we need to take it.....

I want to share a prayer that I read this
morning on the Presidential Prayer Team,
as it speaks to Election Day and I think
it is really good for us to remember!

Heavenly Father, thank you for your continued
 grace and mercy and for blessing the United
 States of America, As many across the country
 head to the polls, we ask for Your wisdom 
and guidance as the nation votes. 
We pray that Your will is accomplished
 through our actions and for the results of the 
election to be according to Your plan. 
Although we may try to control our lives.
   we know that you are ultimately in control.
 Remind us that no matter the outcome, 
Your plans for the nation far exceed our  
  understanding.  Heal any divisions or broken
  relationships that we may have endured 
 because of political views and help unify
 the hearts and minds behind the newly 
elected leaders. Guide them in the service
 of their country and that each decision that
 they make would be honoring to you. 


Pictures today are vignettes in our
 kitchen for the Fall.

Our new chairs I told you about
a month or so ago. I consider
them a gift from my late
Mother, and think about her
everytime I walk in here.
Love that!

This was a before shot.....we had these 
pretty oak chairs for close to 20 years.
Love the change it brought to our 
kitchen........I love that they brightened 
up our kitchen so much.

Here is our coffee area

My coffee cup faux carousel

Counter facing out toward our 
family room

You can see my printable board from
here too,  and that door leads into
our master bedroom.
You can also see a tiny bit of the
edge of our kitchen sink and the
pics below are just on the other
side of the sink.

I found these lovely butter cream 
yellow carnations this year at our
local Publix grocery store, have
 never seen any this color of yellow
carnations before, and just loved 
them so much for Fall, and an
extra bonus is that Carnations
 last a long time too, which is
 nice,  think it was almost 3

Sorry for the glare on the dish!
If you click on the pic you can see
it if you look just right.
It is Psalm 31:21

"Praise be to the LORD,
 for he showed me the wonders of his love"


Thanks for visiting Today
Hope you enjoyed your visit.

Now I have to get busy getting
ready for my Sweet Daughters
visit on Friday....since we have
Lil darling tomorrow and we
will celebrate our
 48th Wedding Anniversary
on Thursday, but it is really

If you would like to hear our
story of how we met,
Just click here.

and if you want to hear the
rest of the story
Click Here.

Have a great week!

Love, Hugs, and
Special November Blessings,



  1. Yes, I read the prayer they had and it really made me feel good, knowing nothing happens by accident, but by the very will of GOD! Praise our Almighty GOD! Love you, Susan


  2. Yes, the truth of God's word i a comforting reminder. Sometimes we may not always understand
    why things happen as they do, but God's ways are not our ways.


Special thanks to all who take the time to leave comments..........They are very encouraging and very appreciated. I enjoy every one of them so much!!
May the Lord Bless You!!

Scripture Sunday

Happy March to You!! Hugs, Nellie