Thursday, August 29, 2019

Thankful Thursday August 29, 2018, pics from a summer past

Let the peace of Christ rule in your hearts, 
since as members of one body you were
 called to peace. And be thankful.
Colossians 3:15 NIV

Greetings Sweet Friends,

So what's on your mind today??

I can tell you what's on mine and that
 is a Cat 3 hurricane looking like it is
 coming our way, and hoping our con-
tractor can come and get this pile of
trash from where he demo'd our old
shed.  Prayers please....

I am also remembering 2004 when
we went thru 3 hurricanes, one every
 2 was rather harrowing I
have to say, but we also saw God's 
hand of protection all over us in all
3 storms, and we went thru another
one about 2-3 years ago and we
 faired well other than some broken
 limbs on our big tree that used to be
 out front, but since she was cut down
this year, she won't be a problem
this time but even still the thought
of going thru another one just brings
a feeling of dread as it is just not 
a fun time for
So, of course, we are praying the
 Lord would cause it to dissipate 
or send that baby out to sea........
and if you care to join us in those
prayers, we would be more than
delighted.  lol

On a brighter note we get to see
lil darling today after school, so
that makes my day, as it has been
a week since we have seen her.
Am hoping for a sleep over this
weekend, but haven't gotten the
okay yet.  So will see!

Decided to make todays pic from
Summers past ....
since we are about to enter Sept. and 
it will be all about Fall soon.

Thankful for a safe and uneventful
trip for our daughter to and from
charleston S.Carolina.

Thankful for a great time with she
and Bentley while she was here, and 
celebrating her 35th birthday.  This
was also Bentleys first time to visit
us.....and he is  hoot.  He is a very
sweet and curious golden doodle.
He looks like Fonzie Bear on the
muppets and is like curious
George.  lol

Thankful that the most of the family
could gather to celebrate her birthday
unfortunately, her hubby and brother
could not be here as they were both
away from home with their jobs.

#4 and 5
Thankful to see lil darling on Thursday
 after school and in the evening, and 
thankful she had a very good first
 week at school. 

Thankful for a  elderly gentleman
 that goes to our church but that I 
don't really know well...He lost his
 wife of 63 yrs about 6 weeks ago, 
and I recently made and sent a
 Sympathy card to him. 
He was so genuinely appreciative 
which was a blessing all by itself
but it was the neat things he said
 about how it spoke to him.
 I was so struck by made me
weep, because God really used it to 
give me a greater vision about the 
impact that they can have.

 Thankful we went to see a new movie
in the theatre that just came out called
It was a really great movie and has a
number of good messages in it.  We
would highly recommend it, but take
your hanky......for good tears!!

Thankful for a easy and yummy
dessert recipe that I just happened
on last Wednesday and decided to
make for my daughter as well as
banana pudding.  They are called
NO bake chocolate peanut butter
cakes. I asked her what she wanted
for dessert and she said either Peanut
butter pie or banana pudding with 
nutter butter cookies in it.  So once
I saw these I decided to make both.
Cause these really come very close
to peanut butter pie and were quite
Click here to see them and get the
or type it in for yourself.

Thankful for our bikes and bicycle
 rides we have been taking lately. 
A more fun way to get exercise
I have to say. 

Thankful for all the new cards and
 printables we added to our website
 this week. We are 70+ percent
there now.

Thankful that with hurricanes
at least you have plenty of time
to prepare.

Thankful for a sweet call from 
my cousin who lives in Va., 
concerned about us cause of 
the Hurricane. He is such a
sweetie.  Always nice to 
know someone cares.

Well, that's it for Cozy Place this week.

Have a Splendid weekend if you don't 
live in the path of Dorian.


Keep Your light shining brightly!

Love, Hugs and
End of August Blessings,


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Bloggers lifestyle

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Oh My Heartsie Girl

The Dedicated House

A Stroll thru Life

Tuesday, August 27, 2019

A Great Thought about something we all face at times.

Morning Sweet Friends,

Hope this finds you well and happily
looking forward to Fall.

I am so looking forward to it....
even tho it is a month and a half
away still, but I am looking for-
ward to decorating for Fall soon.
It will be Fall on the inside of our
house at

I happened to see this lil definition
(I guess I will call it) on face book 
this morning and it just so resonated
with me right now and just thought it 
was too good, not to share!

It is by someone named
Jamie Anderson.  There is a
professional snowboarder with
that name, but not sure it is the
same person.

It is about Grief.....She said

Grief, I've learned is really just love
you want to give but cannot.  All of
that unspent love gathers up in the
corners of your eyes, the lump in
your throat, and in that hollow part
of your chest.  Grief is just Love
with no place to go.

Isn't that beautiful and so true too!
I have had a lot of love gathering
up in the corners of my eyes lately,
and coming out at the oddest times,
but it's good it is coming out......

Have a Wonderfully Blessed
Evening and day tomorrow.

Love, Hugs and Blessings,

Sunday, August 25, 2019

Scripture Sunday

Sunday Greetings
Sweet Friends,

Here is the verses for the day!

Ascribe to the LORD the glory due his name; 
bring an offering and come before him.
Worship the LORD in the splendor of his

 Tremble before him, all the earth! 
The world is firmly established;
 it cannot be moved. 

 Let the heavens rejoice, 

let the earth be glad; 

let them say among the nations,

 “The LORD reigns!”

1 Chronicles 16:29-31

Have a Worshipful Sunday,


Friday, August 23, 2019

Thankful Thursday August 22, 2019, photoshopped coastal table pictures

In him our hearts rejoice,
 for we trust in his holy name.
Psalm 33:21 NIV

Greetings Sweet Friends,

So how ya doing and what cha'
been up to lately?

We have just been preparing for
our daughters visit, and making
desserts, and working on our
business and trying to stay
cool in these hots temps.  lol

Pictures today are from the coastal
 table I posted on Tuesday but with
Photoshop affects on them.  I like to
 play around with that, so since I had
 more pics than I needed as usual, 
 I decided to play some and hoped
 you would enjoy it too.

Well, on with my Thankfuls.......

Paint daubs affect

Thankful for an answer to prayers
for a young single Mom we know.
Someone she did work for was not
paying her and she desperately 
needed the money and she got 
check in the mail just hours after
 prayer for her, but it was only half
of what they owed her, but the
other half came a few days later.
So now she has everything that
was owed her.  God is good!

Thankful for a great opportunity
for a new position for our friend
who just got married. She is an
amazing teacher, and it will afford
her more time with her family,
and she want be having to work
other jobs or summer school and
it is a very large increase in pay.
It seems like a win win to us.
Update:  Upon more information
it did not look quite as good as
it seemed so since she was happy
where she was and decided to
turn it down, but they did work
out some helpful things for her
at her already existing school,
which would not have happened
had she not gotten this other offer.
So it turned out well in the end.

With Posterized affect

Thankful for my late Mom who
 just celebrated her 92nd birthday
with Jesus.  I love knowing she is
 happy there, as she didn't have a
very happy life on this earth.......
She passed into his arms when
 she was 78, so it has been 
14 years now.

#4 and 5
Thankful for an idea the Lord
gave us for something to do
with our business and hubby
tried it and it worked great.
So happy about the problem
that it solved

Thankful that we caught an
error and an was able to fix it....
as it could have caused a problem
later on for our shop.

With posterized affect

Thankful for the nice going away
social they had for our Pastor and
family who are leaving last Sunday
evening. There was a great turn
out, and they were really loved on
by everyone, and it was a very
enjoyable time for everyone.

Thankful that we got our family
room rearranged,  so that is done
for when I start my Fall decorating
in a few weeks.  Looking forward
to that!!

with cutout affect

Thankful for our home, We love it
and it is our favorite place to be.

Thankful my daughter had a nice
birthday and was especially blessed
 by all the cards she received.

With colored Pencil affect

Thankful for a series called
"Signed Sealed and Delivered"
We are watching it for a 2nd
time, as it is just a really great
series, since we finished off
"Heartland" unfortunately,
we love it too.

Thankful that my daughter
and Bentley (her doggie) made it
 here safe and sound, and that we
 get to celebrate her birthday with
her, even tho it is a 4 days later.
So good to see her as it has been
3+ months

Polar coordinates affect

#12 and 13
Thankful to see lil darling as it has
been 8 days. Know that doesn't sound
like a long time, but when you are 
used to seeing them all day one day
a week, and sometimes 2 or 3 times 
in a week,  that seems like a very
 long time, so I was really missing her,
 but we got to pick her up from school
 today, and it was so good  to see that
 lil smiling face. She is very excited 
about school and had a good week.
 Very Thankful and happy about that. 

Equalized affect, which is also on
the header picture.


Well, that's it for Cozy Place
this week..............

Have a great weekend,

Love, Hugs and
Back to School Blessings,


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A Stroll thru life

Tuesday, August 20, 2019

Simple Coastal Sunday Dinner Table

Hello Sweet Friends,

So how are you today??
Did your kiddos start school yet??

Lil darling started 1st grade today 
and she looked so adorable. Her
Mom put some pics on facebook
 so we got to see her sitting at her
 lil desk and one with her friend,
who got taller over the summer,
so lil darling isn't so much taller
than her anymore.

It has been awhile since I have had
time to post on a Tuesday.  Have had
 these pics awhile now,  just never could
 seem to get time to edit them, let alone
post them, so figured I had better get
 on the stick, cause we will be decorating
 for Fall soon!  lol

These are pictures from June.....
anyway, it was a simple Sunday
din din....and since I was about to 
make our living room have a coastal
look,  I had taken all the coastal decor
out of my bedroom but had not started
on the living room yet, so thought hey, 
I will just do a coastal table cause after
 all, it is summer, and I know I always
 think of anything beachy for summer.

So decided to just make a nice coastal
tray for a centerpc. (I know you have
seen one like it before but it was a bit
different.  This the the front side I guess
you would say

and this is the back or other side.

Like the look of the blue white 
and Sand color, and the charm
and casualness of the gingham
napkins.  I love gingham and
I have read it is making a come
back this year or next. So was
glad to hear that.

Also love love love this shade of blue ....
It is my fav color and just makes 
my heart sing.

Thought the starfish were a nice 
but simple touch.

Always like to add some candle 
of some kind..............
These cute lil lanterns did the
trick, along with the ones in
the basket.

and what is coastal without shells.

Have to say we have been enjoying
this coastal change up in our
living room and on our table.

See the bottle lying down that has
 sand in it, that scroll in the bottle was
 a wedding invitation for one of our 
nephews wedding, they got married in
 Key West some years back, and we
couldn't attend but loved that we 
could  keep the bottleand invitation
 as a keepsake.  Thought it was a
very clever and unique idea.

Thought this pic needed
 a lil Glamming!!  lol

Thanks for stopping by,
and hope you have a good rest 
of the week.

Love, Hugs and
Coastal Summer Blessings,

Sunday, August 18, 2019

Scripture Sunday

Sunday Afternoon
Greetings Sweet Friends,

Now here is a scripture that can really
help us in the climate in which we
are living.  Hearing too much about
the negativism of our day, look for
and think about the good things you 
are hearing, or the good things that
 are happening and do your best to 
forget the rest. We do need to know 
what is going on in our world, but 
we don't need to dwell on or 
saturate ourselves in it.......

Finally, brothers and sisters,
whatever is true,
 whatever is noble,
 whatever is right, 
whatever is pure,
 whatever is lovely,
 whatever is admirable—
if anything is excellent
 or praiseworthy—
think about such things.

Philippians 4:8 NIV

This verse is one of the reasons I do
 a Thankful Thursday post each week.
My attempt to keep my mind where it 
needs to be........and guess what it works
very well, and that is the reason the 
Lord tells us to do it....his plan to help
his people.

Have a Blessed week, and find
some praiseworthy things to
think about all week.


Scripture Sunday - There are 6 things the Lord hates

  According to God's word  God says we are to hate the things He hates  and love the things He loves. Romans 12:9, Proverbs 8:13, and ...