Friday, January 10, 2020

Thankful Thursday January 9, 2020, scenes from Winters Decor past...

You are my strength, I sing praise to you; 
you, God, are my fortress, my God on 
whom I can rely.
Psalm 59:17 NIV

Greetings Sweet Friends,

Hope you had a good week.

Our was good for the most part
 but concerning since it had to
do with 2 of my favorite people.
Which you will read about.

Pictures today are from our
Winter decor in the past.....

So on with my Thankfuls


Thankful for my Son-in-love
who just had a birthday and is
a great fellow and fits into the
family well.  He has the birth
date of my late Mother-n-law
and the name of my late
Brother.  So we always think
of them too... on his birthday.

Thankful to read on the Pres.
Prayer team this morning that
Pres. Trump wants to put prayer
back in our schools.
Awesome and Wise!

Thankful for our first frost here
 in Florida, it looks so pretty...
that's Florida snow for

Thankful for a few Wintery days 
so we can wear some of our
Winter clothing for a change.

Thankful and excited for some-
thing we have coming up soon.
I will tell you about it when it
actually happens.

Thankful we got the Christmas
tree down and packed away and
most of the outside things as well.

Thankful for some beautiful
Wintry all white cloud covered
skies earlier in the week. 
Love God's creativity in how
he paints us a beautiful back
drop every single day all day long.
 It's like a blog background that 
continually changes.

Thankful that my friend who has 
the cancer and had the surgery
a week ago Tuesday and who was
having trouble with her digestive 
system waking up due to the
 anesthetic is finally progressing
after 8 days in the hospital. I
thought she would be going home
tonight but she now has to pass
the test of keeping her food down
as she had issues with that over
last weekend.  So they are making
sure which I am happy about, but
know she wants to go home, as
she has been through a lot this
week to say the least. So hoping
tomorrow is the day!

Note: She finally went home
tonight which is Thursday. Her
 10th day.  Who hoo! So happy
 for her, and she has not complained 
even once.  She sent me a pic on
Wed. and she looks great, you
would never know all she has
been thru to look at her.

Thankful that her daughter who
lives in Calif. knows an oncology
Dr. very well, and she is going to
be going there in less than 2 wks.
to have some procedure done.
Don't know all the details yet but
they feel this is gonna be the best
route for her.  So praying it is....

Note: found out it is called
Car - T-cell immuno procedure.
Gonna look it up...too tired to
do it tonight.

Thankful that none of our troops
were injured or killed during the
Iranian attacks on our bases in
Iraq, and pray it stays that way.

Thankful for God's perfect timing.  
We were just about to get on the
 Interstate to leave town for a few
 days when we got a call from our
 Daughter-in-love saying lil darling 
had a really bad infection. She has 
some viral thing none of us had 
ever heard of, it is called
 "Molluscum Contagioso"
It started as a sort of rash that looks 
like warts and they weren't itchy
 or bothersome at all,  but they can
 last a long time and they are 
contagious with skin to skin
 contact, and they usually just go
 away at some point but if they
 get a blister on them and burst
open it can spread...well
evidently that is what happened
but it didn't just spread it turned
into an infected spot that kept
growing bigger every day and
they did everything they told
them to do, and they gave her
antiobiotics but nothing worked
so the area was so large and
infected that they decided to
do surgery on it to clean it out
because they said it could turn
into something like Mrsa.
So she just got out of surgery
a few minutes ago, but don't
know any details yet. So thank
ful we got the news before we
left and could be here for her
and her Mom, as my son was
out of town working.

So Thankful the surgery is over 
and lil darling came thru it well. 
They feel they got all the infection
 but they left the wound open so it
 could drain in case there was any-
more infection. She's not totally out
 of the woods yet as she is still is 
at risk for other infections, but we
 feel with all the sweet prayers that
 have gone up in her behalf things
 will be fine. We were over there all
 day yesterday and she had a very 
good day, amazing really since she
 just had the surgery, I thought she 
might be groggy and sleepy since 
they put her out, but she was up all 
day playing. They froze off the rest
 of the warty looking bumps, so hope-
fully once this wound heals this
 virus will be gone for good!! 

Bye bye, so long, farewell....

Well, that it's for Cozy Place 
this week.....been quite a week.

Thanks for stopping in.....

Have a great weekend,

Love, Hugs and
January Blessings,


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  1. #1. Yes! I sent Dee a text to wish him a Happy Birthday for me!
    #2. Praise the LORD for His servant Trump!
    #3. WOW! I didn't have any! In fact Steve just came and mowed my front yard!
    #4. It has definitely been a rainy and colder winter this year.
    #5. Great! I can hardly wait!
    #6. I can't believe how fast this Christmas has come and gone!!!
    #7. The joy of His beauty is all around us!
    #8. The LORD blesses us in the comfort of our homes! She is in my prayers.
    #9. I am praying for her complete recovery. One day at a time.
    #10. I am thanking our LORD for His protection over them and for His directing of our leaders.
    #11. Prayers have been lifted up to our Great Physician GOD for her healing!
    #12. I'm praying now that this virus has happened, her body will build up immunity so she won't get it anymore!
    Love you all, Susan

  2. Your winter/Christmas decor is very pretty. Happy Weekend.

  3. I am thankful to have begun work today, thankful for the energy I have and the sunshine - thanks for joining us in Bloggers Pit Stop - Pit Stop Crew


Special thanks to all who take the time to leave comments..........They are very encouraging and very appreciated. I enjoy every one of them so much!!
May the Lord Bless You!!

Scripture Sunday

  Hope you Sunday is blessed in everyway!! Hugs, Nellie