Friday, March 13, 2020

Thankful Thursday March 12, 2020, Photoshop playing with Spring table pics

The LORD is my strength and my defense ; 
he has become my salvation.
 He is my God, and I will praise him, 
my father’s God, and I will exalt him.
Exodus 15:2 NIV

Greetings Sweet Friends,

Hope you are having a good and 
productive day.

Ours has been,  we got up and
went to work in the yard.  I did
window washing, while hubby
dug out our old boxwood plants.
The windows look great and I am
happy to see those boxwood gone!
So now we definitely have to find
a replacement shrub for them.
We are thinking Dwarf Azaleas
right now but gotta do some re-
search on that still.............
Was very happy with what we
got done, but of course, there is
lots more to do till we finish but
we are making progress which
is always a good things.

Pics today are results of my
playing with photoshop affects
cause I took too many pics of
our 1st Spring table.  lol
I think they are fun and thought
you might as well....

You can see the affects much
better if you click on any pic
and it will make them all

With a Cutout Affect

Thankful for a fun night out shopping
for hubby and my sister-in-law for
their birthdays.  I had to return the
things I got for Susan from the week
before, as they did not fit right and
 then get her some thing else. She
was very pleased with the new
clothing and it looked and fit
very nicely. Then enjoyed dinner
at Cheddars......

Thankful for a lovely time with the
 family celebrating hubby and lil 
darlings birthdays. The weather was
so nice out we got to sit out in the 
yard some while lil darling enjoyed 
swinging. Dinner was really good
too, if I do say so
Beef Brisket,Mashed Potatoes and
a yummy Tropical Salad (click
 Key Lime Pie for dessert.

With Colored Pencil affect

Thankful that our contractor finally
showed up again and worked on our
shed and is pretty much finished other 
than just a few small odds and ends, 
which hopefully he will do next week-
end, so he can get his money. It was
a whole year on Feb. 23rd.- we knew
he worked a full time job and it would
take a while but never dreamed it
would take this long. So very excited
 about getting this project over with
 to say the least, but thankful we at 
least have been able to put some large
things in there since December.
 It was also a nice unexpected birthday 
present for hubby to have him show
 up on Saturday and

Thankful for my sweet hubby and
 what a godly man he is....He also
 loves and supports his family and
 others, is very wise, brilliant and
handy as well.......and the list
could go on, for sure.

Poster Edges affect

Thankful the we had a long time
friend of 48 years visit us on
Tuesday and Wednesday.  He is
single now, when we knew him
he was married with 2 daughters.
They are now grown daughters
with almost grown children.
We really had a fun time catching
up and hearing about some of the
changes in his life in the last yr.
or so, that are very good.

Thankful that our single parent
friend is getting to go on a trip to 
Israel with our church.  She really 
needs this trip as she is just sort of 
burned out as she has been raising 
not just her own children over the
 years, but many children since she
was just a teenager. She is just such 
a loving and giving young woman.
She has always wanted to go to the
 Holy Land.  So praying she has a 
 Wonderful time of Refreshment,
 and that the Lord meets her there
 in a very special way, and revives
 her body. mind and spirit.

Note:  The trip was cancelled due
to a 2 wk quarantine to get into
Israel due to the Coronavirus.
They are rescheduling for Oct.
I think it is.  She was bummed
but of course, knows it is for the
best. So decided to go visit some
relatives and the beach.

Soft Omni Affect

Thankful for more yard work
that we got done, and some
new pretty copper solar lights
we put in.

Thankful that my friend who
hurt her leg (with the hairline
fracture) last week, went to an
orthopedic Dr. and they took
her out of that full leg support
thing and gave her a flexible
support which has made things
 a bit easier for her to not to
put weight on that leg, where
before she couldn't help not
doing that. They also have
her exercising it a lil bit too.
Just an up and down move-
ment which was surprising.

Distorted Pinch affect

Thankful that I got my new
glasses today. I really like
both of them, and they was
not much to adjust to which
is nice.  I got some plastic
frames this time with out the
lil nose thingies and so far
I like them a lot, they are
quite different for me, as I 
am not used to having that
 thick a frame around my
glasses.  I also got a pair of 
wire frames as well, they are
pretty close to what I had
before, cause I still like

Thankful that everything is 
finally finished at my daughter
and son-in-loves beach cottage
as it's been a long haul and a
bit stressful at times, with having
to stay on top of getting their
workmen to get things done in
the time frame they promised,
as they have been quite a bit
behind schedule and they have 
their first rental guests of the
year coming in on March 16th.
So they will be headed back
to their normal home today.
They are having pictures taken
of the outside on Friday so will
be able to share those with you

Posterized affect

#11 and 12
Thankful for a fun night out.
We had to exchange a shirt and 
shorts that hubby got for his
 birthday.  They were the right 
size, but didn't fit like it.....
fortunately we were able to get 
the same shorts in the same color
 and the same shirt but in a different
color, but they both look nice
We also had fun going to Home
 Depot to look at shrubs and 
plants.  We need to pull up some
 old boxwood plants that we have
 had for ages, cause they are not
looking real great, so trying to 
figure out what to replace them
with.  We saw some Croton 
plants and thought they would
be nice and colorful for a nice
change, but think they will 
grow too big for that area as
the windows are low and we
don't want anything covering
them.  So gotta do some re-
search and 
talk to our Son
and see what he thinks (since
he is in that job field).  Hope
we can use them cause they
would really look nice with
the color brick on our home. 
Thankful for dinner out at our
fav Mexican restaurant.  I had
Taco Salad and it was perfect.
So yummy!

Lens Flair affect

Well, that's it for Cozy Place
this week.

Glad you came to visit.

Have a Super Duper Weekend,

Love, Hugs and
Mid March Blessings,


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Bloggers Pit Stop

Shabby Art Boutique

Oh My Heartsie Girl

The Dedicated House


  1. #1. Yes I have surely been enjoying my new clothes!!! Thank you again!
    #2. It is always such a blessing to us all!!!
    #3. Yea, almost there! I know you will party when it's over, ha!
    #4. He truly is a blessing from our LORD and you are too!
    #5. It is so good to see friends from years ago!
    #6. I surely enjoyed it when I went in 1998! 22 years ago, wow!
    #7. My neighbor put in some by the culdesac, but the LED lamp on the electrical pole is so bright it doesn't let their light show up much!
    #8. I'm praying for her healing!
    #9. I know you are enjoying them!
    #10. I'm sure they are glad the task is finished!
    #11 & #12. Great time of fun and enjoyment!
    Love you, Susan

  2. you have such a wonderful list to be thankful for simply loved reading this i cabn only imagine your bubbly and god fearing personality come see us

  3. Beautiful items on your list to be thankful for today. I am so happy your friend from Church will be able to go on the trip. Sounds like a gret way for her to refresh her soul. Happy Weekend.


Special thanks to all who take the time to leave comments..........They are very encouraging and very appreciated. I enjoy every one of them so much!!
May the Lord Bless You!!

Thankful Thursday March 13, 2025, and Birthday Table

  “You are worthy, our Lord and God    to receive glory and honor and power,  for you created all things,   and by your will they were creat...